Posing for Their Pleasure – Kindred Tales Read Online Evangeline Anderson

Categories Genre: Alien, Alpha Male, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 90
Estimated words: 86074 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 430(@200wpm)___ 344(@250wpm)___ 287(@300wpm)

“Or else give our female something to cover herself,” Light put in quickly. “The females of her people are modest about showing their private parts,” he added.

“Private parts?” the guard buzzed, looking confused.

“Her nipples and pussy—the delicate, female parts of her body,” Dark growled.

“Don’t you have some kind of modesty shields or something? Maybe something I could wear over my dress?” Lili asked, sounding desperate.

“Oh—modesty shields. I do believe we have something of that kind.” The head guard nodded. “A moment, please.”

He murmured into the ear of one of the other guards who quickly rushed off. When he returned, he was holding what appeared to be three red flowers cupped carefully in his eight-fingered, stick-like hands.

“Here.” The head guard took the flowers and handed them carefully to Lili, who cupped them in her palms. “These will cover your sensitive female parts.”

Lili didn’t look happy about the situation, but her distress seemed to be at least somewhat lessened, Dark thought.

“Fine,” she said. “But how do I wear them?”

“Just put them over the parts you wish to hide,” the head guard buzzed. “They will adhere to your flesh.”

“Wait—adhere to my flesh?” Lili had been in the act of raising the red flowers to her face, as though to sniff them, but now she pulled back abruptly. “I don’t know if I like the sound of that!”

Dark didn’t like it either.

“How safe are these?” he demanded.

The head guard shrugged his narrow shoulders.

“All female guests who ask for modesty are offered them, and none have ever complained before.”

“Well…” Lili nibbled her lower lip—a habit she seemed to have when she was uncertain.

“I don’t know about those things, Lili,” Dark growled. “Are you sure you want to put them on?”

“They do seem strange,” Light agreed.

“Wear them or don’t but you must make up your mind soon,” the head guard told them. “f’loon will be making their appearance at any moment.”

This seemed to decide Lili—it was clear she really didn’t want to meet someone she idolized completely naked. Or she might as well be naked now that all her clothing was see through, Dark thought.

“All right,” she said at last. “But is there someplace private I can put them on?”

“We have a cloak room to one side where guests and visitors may leave their heavy outer mantles during the cold seasons.” The head guard pointed to a small door set into the round, silver wall.

“All right—thank you.” Lili headed for the door but Dark and Light were right behind her.

“Guys, it’s all right,” she said, turning to face them. “I’m sure I can manage on my own.”

Light frowned.

“Don’t sacrifice your safety for modesty, Lilibet.”

“Light’s right,” Dark growled. “We don’t know who or what else is in there and besides, Light and I have already seen your beautiful breasts and tight nipples.”

“Dark!” Light gave him a nudge that let him know he’d said too much.

Dark frowned.

“What? It’s true—when the ship got tilted, remember?”

“I’m not likely to forget,” Light said dryly. “But neither is Lilibet and I’m sure it’s an embarrassing memory for her.”

“Why?” Dark was mystified. “She saw us completely naked—why is it embarrassing for us to see her breasts?”

“It just is,” Lili answered for him. She looked at the head guard, who was waiting impatiently. “Is anyone else in there?”

“Negative,” the head guard buzzed. “During the warm seasons, the room is not utilized. It is empty.”

“Good—then I’m going to go in by myself,” Lili emphasized, frowning up at them. “You boys guard the door. I’ll be out in a minute.”

“As you wish.” Light nodded.

Dark wasn’t nearly as content to wait outside. He wanted to protest, but it was clear he was going to be overruled.

“All right,” he growled at last. “But let us know if you need us or you have a problem.”

“I promise I will,” Lili said. Then she stepped through the door and closed it behind her, leaving him and Light to wait.

“I don’t like this,” Dark muttered. “I don’t think those things are safe!”

“The head guard said they give them out to female guests all the time,” Light pointed out.

“Yeah, but what kind of females? Stick-insects like the Chulaz?” Dark demanded. “Look at their skin—it’s as tough as bark! And you know how soft and sensitive Lili is. Every part of her sweet, curvy body is⁠—”

At that moment both of them heard a scream from the other side of the door.

“Oh my God, what in the world? Get off me! Get out of me!”



Lili stepped into the empty cloak room, which was lined with small metal lockers, not unlike something you might see in a modern museum back on Earth, she thought. There were hooks on the walls to hang things on and also benches to sit on.

She settled herself on one of the long wooden benches in front of a row of lockers and took a closer look at the three red flowers the head guard had given her.


