Posing for Their Pleasure – Kindred Tales Read Online Evangeline Anderson

Categories Genre: Alien, Alpha Male, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 90
Estimated words: 86074 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 430(@200wpm)___ 344(@250wpm)___ 287(@300wpm)

Lili shot a terrified look at the door and saw that, sure enough, the privacy bolt had been flipped to locked. So she really was trapped in here with him!

At that point, she just started screaming non-stop—she couldn’t help herself! She wasn’t thinking about trying to get help—she was just freaking terrified of the crazy asshole attacking her!

“No, no—let me go!” she shrieked as he shoved her against the sink and started trying to lift her skirt. She wanted to kick him again, but he was too close and his disgusting dick was rubbing against her thigh!

“Shut up and hold still, bitch!” her attacker snarled. “Just spread your legs and it’ll all be over in a minute…unless I want to go for round two.” He leered at her, his hot breath panting in her face. It smelled like cheap beer and raw onions. Lili’s stomach turned and she was afraid she might throw up.

“Leave me alone!” she cried, wriggling to get out from under his heavy weight, pressing her against the sink. The cold porcelain was digging into her lower back, making her feel trapped and helpless…

Suddenly something heavy thudded against the bathroom door. With the second thud, the lock rattled and then snapped and the door burst open.

Standing in the doorway were Light and Dark—both of them looked absolutely enraged.



Light was in the lead, his eyes narrowed in anger.

“Get your hands off our female!” he roared in a voice that seemed to shake the whole room.

But it wasn’t the Light Twin who was the real menace, Lili thought as she watched them with wide eyes. Dark stepped forward, elbowing his brother out of the way. The huge Kindred’s eyes were blazing red and a deep, menacing growl was coming from his throat.

My God—he looks like an animal that’s about to attack! Lili thought, her heart leaping into her throat.

Dark didn’t say anything, he simply strode forward and grabbed her attacker by the throat and lifted him high into the air.

“Hey…let me…down!” her attacker gasped, his face turning purple almost immediately.

Then Light was at Lili’s side.

“Did he hurt you? What did he do, Lilibet?” he asked anxiously. “Did he violate you?”

“He…he was trying.” Lili was torn between the urge to throw up and the urge to burst into tears. She took a gasping breath, trying to get hold of herself.

“But did he succeed?” Light asked her. “I need to know. My brother is feeling The Fury right now—he’s going to crush that bastard’s windpipe any second!”

“He didn’t—no, he didn’t.” Lili let out a little sob. “He would have in another minute though!”

“Thank you—that’s what I needed to know.”

Light strode over to his brother and tugged at Dark’s arm. It was the mechanical one, Lili saw and she remembered how Light had said his twin could punch a hole through a steel wall with it. From the color of her attacker’s face as he dangled two feet off the ground, it was clear Dark’s lethal hand was choking him to death.

“Brother—Brother, don’t kill him!” Light urged, tugging at his twin’s arm again. “Remember what Commander Sylvan said—we can’t kill any humans!”

For a moment, it seemed that Dark was going to ignore him. Then he seemed to make an effort to speak.

“He was attacking our female—trying to fucking rape her! Look—he has his dick out! Why can’t I kill him?” He nodded at the now extremely limp member that was still dangling from the attacker’s pants.

“I agree—he deserves death. But he didn’t succeed in violating Lilibet and the human authorities prefer to punish perpetrators themselves,” Light said earnestly. “Also, Commander Sylvan forbid us from causing problems down here!”

“I’m not causing a problem—I’m fucking solving one!” Dark growled. “He has to be punished. Let me at least rip off one of his arms or break both his legs.”

“If you rip off his arms he’ll bleed out,” Light pointed out.

“Fine—I’ll punish him in a way that doesn’t kill him or cause bleeding. Hold him, Brother—I have an idea.”

Dark put the attacker down and Light grabbed his arms and held them behind his back.

“What…what are you gonna do to me?” the attacker gasped, wobbling between them. “Didn’t do…anything wrong. Have to…teach these bitches…a lesson.”

“I’ll teach you a lesson, you gath’brux!” Dark snarled and then added something else in the same, guttural language which must be the Dark Kindred native tongue.

Lili didn’t know what the words meant, but they hurt her ears just the same. She watched numbly, clutching her wrist to her chest, her heart still pounding.

“Hurry!” Light urged his brother. “If you’re going to do something, make it quick. We need to get out of here before the human authorities arrive!”

“Pull down his fucking pants and kick his legs apart—I’m going to be sure he can never hurt a female again,” Dark growled.

“Hey, what?” the attacker gasped, going pale as the Light Twin yanked down his trousers and underwear, leaving everything on display. He tried to close his legs but Light jerked his arms back viciously and growled,


