Pleasing Platinum – The Draak Legacy Read Online Xavier Neal

Categories Genre: Erotic, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 91
Estimated words: 89222 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 446(@200wpm)___ 357(@250wpm)___ 297(@300wpm)

The majority of the group promptly exits afterward yet my unbonded mate, my brother, and my cousin all linger behind. I begin to rise to my feet in preparation of my eventual departure when a familiar wave of lecherous longing licks its way up the base of my balls straight for my no longer sleeping shaft. Stomping down the ignited groan is simple until I meet the eyes of the being purposely stroking her mark.

Purposely pinning me in my seat by the devilish smirk she’s displaying.


Oh, I fucking plan to as soon as I can get out of this seat.

Cameron stands and maneuvers herself around to lean her ass against the edge of the table while facing the family.

Our family.

Fuck, I love that we’re just hours from that nomenclature change.

“And now I remember why I never volunteer for these meetings,” Ehette grouses while loosening his tie. “They’re so fucking boring.” He cringes at his word choice and shoots Cameron a pleading look. “Can I…curse in front of you at all, or is there some rule against using such language in front of HR prohibiting it?”

“It’s language in general despite the audience,” she nonchalantly informs, “however, since this is no longer a company conversation, you are welcomed to express yourself as you see fit.” The shrug that bounces her shoulders is mirth-filled. “I swear like a fucking lumberjack off the clock.”

“She swore so hard at losing Monopoly the other night that Dae left the room to wash out her unborn kid’s ears with soap and water,” A.D. lightly laughs. “Tiny Toes on the other hand was so impressed that she got a little turned on.” He hits her with an amused smirk. “So, thank you for that.”

“Happy to be of service.”

“No,” possessiveness unconsciously shakes my voice. “You do not serve him.”

My younger brother’s grin grows dastardly. “It’s starting to feel like my birthday each time he loses his shit. Like even when he does it just a little it gives me that feeling of finding a phynoz egg—you know before they were endangered creatures.”

“Continue to test my patience with this conversation and we’ll see if you don’t need a protection ward to save you from extinction,” I casually warn.

“Threatening bodily harm on company property is a definite no no in the handbook,” Ehette playfully pokes the situation.

“How about before I give into the temptation to find a physical copy to beat you both to death with it, you simply thank me for the increase in funding you will be receiving and remove yourselves from my presence so I can conclude what remains of my schedule and get home to the busy evening I have planned.”

Cami steals another swipe of her mark as though in silent agreement.

“Wait,” A.D.’s head skeptically tilts to the side, “we’re both getting our requests granted?”

I prepare to speak when she strokes again making it impossible to do anything other than simply nod.

“Really?” His disbelief deepens. “On the first try?”

“Your presentation was well-put together.”

His hazel stare narrows in playful suspicion, “Okay, shapeshifter, what are you doing here, and what have you done with my dragonhole brother who once told me the pitch I delivered sounded like a dragonling’s first oral history report given on the second day of school?”

Cami instantly shoots me a chastising glare.

“What?!” I innocently croak. “It did!”

Laughter briefly fills the room prior to an unexpected nagging feeling coming from what I can only assume is the love of my life.

The decision to respond to this emotion is done with minor hesitation, yet I already know that I should give into it.

I know that there is a benefit to fulfilling her unspoken request.

“You have recently proven that you have even more potential than I’ve always believed you’ve had. You’ve not only raised your personal standards, which I never imagined you doing, you’ve risen to them and strived to surpass them. You are an asset to this company as well as this family. And if Dad were alive to see the being you’ve become, he would be even prouder than I am.”

The look of gratitude that spreads throughout his gaze is somehow both heavy and weightless. Gold specks can briefly be seen, informing me of his ancient side’s appreciation, and that sight has my own inner dragon bowing his head in approval. Not one for sentimental moments with anyone other than his mate pushes A.D. to teasingly suggest, “How about we move this ‘A.D. is the most amazing Draak’ conversation to a bar where there’s booze?”

“Is that the conversation we were having?” Ehette joins in on the playful disposition.

“I think that’s the conversation he was hearing,” Cami adds after a snicker.

“Miss Pennington and I have a few matters left to discuss,” I state at the same time I prepare to stand only to be pushed back into my seat by another stroke.


