Playing With Her Priests Read online S.E. Law

Categories Genre: Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 77
Estimated words: 73425 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 367(@200wpm)___ 294(@250wpm)___ 245(@300wpm)

Then again, Bible Study hasn’t always been a thing for me. When I was younger, I was a member of our church’s youth group. We talked about the Bible for sure, but it always felt way too clique-y for me. I had a hard time making friends with anyone, and honestly, I think more kids were there to get away from their parents than learn.

However, after joining the Village Church, I saw a little pouch with flyers on the bulletin board. The flyers were for the Women’s Bible Study Group and detailed how to join. At first, I took one purely out of curiosity. I hadn’t really planned on going because honestly, wouldn’t it just be old ladies sitting in a circle?

So it sat in my bag, forgotten for a while. But one day, Jessie found it when she was searching for something or other in my bag. I know, we’re way too close. She came out, waving the flyer back and forth and questioning why I hadn’t told her about it.

I shrugged because I really hadn’t planned on going, but then Jessie dragged my reluctant butt all the way over to a meeting, and I’m so glad she did because it’s actually a weekly women’s bible study, and meeting up with these girls is one of the most fun parts of my week now.

What makes the whole thing so great is that the women are genuinely religious, yet also social too. We do get some scripture in because every meeting is centered around a particular verse, but since it’s a bunch of college age girls like me, there’s also a lot of chit chat, gossip, and, my favorite part, snacking.

Typically, I’m super excited to come to a meeting, and I’m still feeling pretty good about going tonight, but this Thursday is a little less happy for me.

It has nothing to do with Bible Study though. My downcast mood is because I haven’t heard from Pastor Jordan or Pastor Jason since Sunday. I thought they might email or call me, but there hasn’t been a peep. What should I do? Should I reach out to them? I have no idea.

Oh god, maybe the whole thing was a huge mistake. Doubts overcome me. Did I misinterpret a passing interest for something more serious? I can’t blame them if they don’t want a relationship because really, who does this? Who engages in a ménage with a young church girl? Maybe they want to save their reputations, not to mention their jobs.

But still, it would have been nice to get a phone call.

“Oh well,” I grump. After all, there isn’t much I can do about the scenario. All I can do it keep living my life. As a result, it’s been radio silence for practically five days.

Still, it’s hard not to wonder about Pastors Jason and Jordan. I mean, they are hot. Their incredible bodies have been on loop in my mind, not to mention those flashing blue eyes and deep voices. If she knew, Jessie would probably say it isn’t healthy to be so obsessed, but I can’t help it.

Hopefully, this bible study is the perfect distraction. I’ll gab with the girls, eat a couple of yummy snacks, and get back to my old self, if only for the next three hours.

I’m in a pair of joggers and a t-shirt for this study. It’s a casual get together because one of the girls, Andi, hosts it in her apartment. The setting adds to that relaxed vibe that I love so much since she’s got pictures of her family up plus a bunch of needlepoint cushions lying around. I also picked up some pretzels to share. Sharona, one of the other ladies, always has some kind of dip, so I’m excited to try some pretzels with whatever concoctions are up her sleeve.

I’m humming away, locking my door with anticipation buzzing in my head. I have my food contribution for the night in a plastic bag, ready for the short walk over to Andi’s place. Usually, Jessie goes too, but she had to go the Museum of Modern Art tonight for a class. I can’t remember the exact exhibit she has to see, but it sounded cool.

Jessie was a basket of apologies, saying sorry at least five times. I wasn’t mad, though. She’s allowed to do her own thing and whatnot. Plus, I’m keeping a few of my own very big secrets, so there’s that. And I guess it’s kind of a good thing because flying solo will force me to socialize a little bit more. Maybe I’ll be able to make another friend. Who knows?

I arrive at Andi’s apartment and get buzzed in. I haul myself up a couple of flights. New York walkups are their own type of beast and it’s kind of insane how many people are willing to walk up multiple stories every day hauling their garbage, laundry and groceries.


