Pepper the Biker & the Vanishing Body Read Online Donna Fletcher

Categories Genre: Alpha Male Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 103
Estimated words: 97032 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 485(@200wpm)___ 388(@250wpm)___ 323(@300wpm)

We both glanced at the man whose wrinkles spoke of age but nowhere near the over ninety years some claimed him to be. He was short and slim and had a full head of white hair he kept neatly trimmed and he had no stoop to his shoulders.

“Mr. Gibbons,” I said when Amy and I reached him. “This is Amy, my friend, and I’m⁠—”

“Mo’s owner, Pepper Madison,” he said before I could finish. “I must commend you on how well you trained Mo. He is an exceptional dog.”

“I can’t take full credit for that. He was partially trained when I got him, and I continued the training with him.”

“You did well, and I bet he trained easily,” Charlie said, giving Mo a rub behind his ear, a spot he favored.

I had to chuckle. “Too easily and he went right on training himself. He can unlock all my doors, and he taught himself to turn on the television so he can watch his favorite animal channel.”

“My Goldie could turn on the television, though it was more like she turned it off after I fell asleep for the night.” He got teary-eyed. “I miss her so much. Mo helps me with that. I enjoy coming here and spending time with him.” He took a handkerchief from his back pocket and patted his moist eyes. “Allergies. Your mom mentioned that you wanted to talk about the Willow family. I don’t know how much I can tell you though I know the grounds well. My father was the last Gibbons groundskeeper to live and work there. My mom, dad, and I were sad when we had to leave. She loved the place and the memories I have of it were happy ones. I hated to see it fall into disrepair like it did and my family worried about its future when the town claimed it for unpaid taxes. Your Aunt Effie is a hero to me, establishing the Willow Lake Historical Society and campaigning for contributions to buy and restore the Willow Mansion. She tirelessly pursued its restoration and brought the mansion back to its glory days. And your mother tells me that you and your friends will carry on her work. I think that is wonderful and I believe your aunt would be proud of you.”

“Thank you and I would be grateful if you could tell me if you recall your parents or any of your relatives who worked at the mansion hearing anything about a dowry or treasure.”

“I recall hearing a tale about Verbena’s dowry. Some say it was a treasure trove of gems. The death of his daughter devastated Ignatius Willow and his wife as well from what I was told. It was believed that after Verbena died and Ignatius had her tomb sealed shut, that he had her dowry buried with her. When the ruby was discovered, my father told me a different story, one not many knew. Verbena understood she was dying even though her father and mother refused to acknowledge it. She requested one thing be buried with her and one thing only and since the servants saw her wear a diamond and pearl necklace when she practiced her posture lessons, it was assumed that it was the necklace she requested. The remainder of the dowry was never seen again until the ruby was discovered and along with it the possibility the dowry still existed.”

“So, there is a good chance that the necklace is buried with Verbena and the dowry is somewhere in the Willow Mansion,” I said.

“That is what I would assume from hearing the stories passed down to my father and mother,” Charlie said.

“By any chance would you know if there is a secret passageway out of the mausoleum?” I asked.

“There most definitely is, but Ignatius never revealed it,” Charlie confirmed.

That got me wishing I could get into the mausoleum. “Do you know much about the mansion itself?”

“Only what my parents told me from stories handed down through generations.” He smiled. “I do remember your aunt. She was beautiful and you look just like her.”

“Thank you, Charlie,” I said, having received that compliment often. “Would you like to visit the Willow Mansion one day?”

His smile grew. “I would love to. Your aunt hired my dad to oversee the restoration work on the grounds and gardens. Has it still been kept up?”

“That’s a good question,” I said, “And one you can answer when I take you to visit the mansion.”

“Any time,” Charlie said, and I let him know I’d be in touch.

“I want to go when you take Charlie there. He could be a big help when it comes to the accuracy of the grounds’ upkeep. After looking over the society’s financial records, they have no money to hire a groundskeeper or do much.”

“You should sit on the board not me with that wise financial mind of yours.”


