Pepper the Biker & the Vanishing Body Read Online Donna Fletcher

Categories Genre: Alpha Male Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 103
Estimated words: 97032 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 485(@200wpm)___ 388(@250wpm)___ 323(@300wpm)

“I will, Dad, I promise, and I’ll see you tonight.”


“The lecture at the community college.” I heard him groan and couldn’t help but tease him. “Beware of the fountain, Dad.” I hung up laughing, hearing him swear while telling me not to tell my mom.

I took the skeleton key with me to my office, now in the attic, Mo and Roxie following me. There was a window seat that the sun blazed down on that she loved but could only get to when I was working. She cuddled herself in a ball on the cushioned seat while I went to my desk at one end of the large attic. The other end of the attic I turned into a comfy zone with an overstuffed, forest green, velvet sofa that I loved to sink into. A purple velvet chair that embraced you like loving arms sat across from it, as did a gold and dark green print rocker that easily put me to sleep not long after sitting in it. Beneath the trio was spread a worn Persian rug my aunt had brought back in the days of her travels. Side tables, lamps for soft lighting, throws, plants, bookcases, and a round coffee table I bought secondhand and painted gold finished the area. But it was the large window I had installed that made me feel that I was in a treehouse sitting high among the many trees.

When I no longer needed to sit at my desk to work, I retreated to my comfy zone. I felt that I got my best writing done there. But for now, work called, and I stationed myself at my desk that had a view of the whole attic and out the other matching, large window, balancing the look of the attic.

The skeleton key weighed heavily in my hand or maybe it was the pressure I felt knowing my aunt expected me to know when to use it. She had entrusted it to me just as she did this cabin and the acres of land around it, including the lodge. She believed in me, and I didn’t want to let her down.

I briefly gave thought to keeping the key on me but that wouldn’t be practical or wise since I worried that I might lose it. I placed it for safe keeping in one of my desk drawers.

I got to work going through my emails first and was delighted to find a few resumes from people interested in the virtual assistant job. I perused them quickly and set a few aside that looked promising.

An email popped up from Amy just before my cell rang.

“Did you get it?” she asked.

“It just came in.”

“I did some digging on Professor Anderson, curious over the man who tried to kiss your mom, and I discovered this article dated five years ago.”

I opened it and my eyes popped wide staring at a picture of two men with the title of the article, in Hobbyist Magazine, blazing above the photo… The Real Indiana Jones, Professors Pierce Anderson and Evan Swatcher Treasure Hunters.


“Ihad no idea Pierce’s hobby was treasure hunting,” my mom said when I arrived at the Willow Lake Senior Center with Amy and showed her the article on my phone.

“He never mentioned it when you worked with him on the book and the Willow family treasure was discussed?” I asked, then wondered if he purposely avoided telling her.

“He never said a word about it.” My mom tapped my cell screen. “That article is five years old, maybe he no longer goes treasure hunting.”

“Or maybe he agreed to keep the part about the possible treasure out of the book because he wanted to find it himself,” I suggested.

“If that were so, wouldn’t his desire to search for it have surfaced by now?” my mom argued.

She got me on that one.

My mom rummaged through her large purse. “I am going to call Edna and see if she knows anything about how that unsubstantiated information got in the book. You should go speak with Charlie before he leaves. It’s a larger crowd than usual today and he’s not partial to large crowds, so he may leave soon.” She pointed out a man who was showering Mo with hugs and rubs and slipping him a treat from his pocket when he didn’t think anyone was looking.

“Thanks, Mom,” I said, and Amy joined me as I headed for Charlie and Mo.

“No wonder Mo loves coming here. I watched several of the seniors give him a treat,” Amy said. “Though I must admit Mo gives much in return. He seems to know the people who need to feel his head on their leg or leaning against it. It always brings a smile to their faces.”

“Mo does sense when someone is in need and he’s generous in offering them comfort like he’s doing now with Charlie.”


