Ox – The Ahole Club Read Online Blue Saffire

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Erotic, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 101
Estimated words: 97426 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 487(@200wpm)___ 390(@250wpm)___ 325(@300wpm)

“You have a family. Not just AJ and Lex. You have me, Leo, Scarlett, Skittles, and the crew. I don’t abandon the people I love, so your ass is stuck with me.

“My words are never just words. Unless you do some shit to make me not fuck with you, which will have to be some crazy shit, I’m here. You can let that fear go, man.”

“Yeah, I’m ready to.”

“Good, ’cause if you two don’t shut the fuck up while I’m trying to sleep, I’m putting everyone but my nephew out.” I smile and laugh. “Your ass is laughing, I’m not.”

“I know. Happy birthday, bro.”

“Thanks. The best gift you can give me is to fix your shit.”

He taps my temple. I nod and tug him into a hug. As we embrace, Alexis’s words play in my head on repeat.

You know what? You’re not hearing a word I’m saying. You’re too in your feelings to hear anything past your own hurt. Nothing I say will make this right because all you see is what I’ve done to you, not why or the true intention.

It’s true. I’m hearing shit she didn’t even say because of my demons. It’s time I heal and man up. Then I can listen and see the truth.

Chapter 31

The Family


I wake to boisterous voices and laughter. Rubbing a hand over my face and taking a deep inhale, I then look down to find AJ gone. I jump up to go out to find him and make sure he’s okay.

When I get out into the common area, I find him in Pit’s arms, looking around at everyone else. He spots me and jumps down to run over to me.

My heart swells. This is why I wanted to go get my son. I wanted to wake and be a part of his life. My thoughts immediately go to Alexis.

However, I refuse to lift my head and look for her. Tak pulls my attention, so I don’t have to. He flails an arm toward me.

“Would you go put some clothes on,” he says as he holds his other hand in front of Jazzy’s face. “There are women here who don’t need to see all of that.”

I look down at my bare chest and sweats and roll my eyes. Pit laughs.

“Not our fault Nicky blessed his boys,” he taunts, bringing a smile to my face.

“The last name isn’t Knight for nothing,” I say and lift a brow as I shrug.

“Serving maracas with this sausage over here,” Leo croons.

I release a genuine, deep belly laugh. Leo is the last one I expected that from. When Alexis enters the room with Kid, I get why.

I frown. I didn’t know she was coming back. AJ gets my attention as he puts his hand in my face.

“Seriously, you don’t feel that shit?” Kelex says.

I look down at AJ’s hand as he peels something away from my face. Skittles bursts into laughter as if she’s been holding it in all this time.

“Clearly, he hasn’t been to a bathroom or near a mirror yet,” she says through her laughter.

I go over to the nearest mirror with AJ still in my arms. I have dried glue all over my face, looking like a cracked and peeling mask of skin. I shrug my shoulders. At least I still have eyebrows and hair.

AJ peels another piece away before he looks at it, then back at me and starts to cry. I chuckle and put him down. He runs to his mom. She picks him up and the little stinker looks back at me warily.

“So it begins?” I say to the others. “Y’all sure you want this with me? I’m petty and I don’t discriminate. Anyone can and will get it.”

“Don’t talk that shit to me. I live for this,” Deacon says. “My focus was the birthday boy, but it can easily be you.”

“You don’t discriminate?” Skittles says and lifts a brow. “Is that a threat?”

“Sounds like he’s looking for some smoke, Ven,” Alexis snickers.

I look at her and glare. “I wouldn’t get involved if I were you. You should mind your business at all costs,” I sneer.

“Wait, isn’t she the wife?” Luke says, trying and failing to whisper.

“Hush,” Syd chides.

“What? He looks like he might take a shit in her bed. I thought she was his wife.”

“I am his wife, but he just might shit on my pillow at this point. Petty, mean ass,” Alexis says as she glares at me.

“You kept his kid from him. I can’t blame him,” Deacon says. Noni pinches him. “What? I’m only stating the facts.”

“We’re not doing this shit all day. Not today,” Pit says as he stands. “Everyone, meet Lex. Skittles’s cousin and Ox’s wife. She’s AJ’s mom.

“Kid and Lex are best friends. Someone has been threatening Lex to keep her out of Vander. Until I know who that is, they are staying here. We all caught up?”


