Make a Wish (Spark House #3) Read Online Helena Hunting

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Spark House Series by Helena Hunting

Total pages in book: 122
Estimated words: 115288 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 576(@200wpm)___ 461(@250wpm)___ 384(@300wpm)

“I know, but I still would have liked to have been there for this. You girls have worked so hard to get Spark House where it is. Now, tell me how things are going with you and Gavin. I know you were worried about his mother-in-law the last time we talked. Has that gotten any better?”

I purse my lips and tip my chin up, trying to keep my emotions in check.

“Uh-oh. What happened, honey?”

“I broke it off, but not because I wanted to.” I fill her in on all the details, from the weekend getaway that started out okay but quickly went downhill, to Peyton’s fall and Gavin’s overreaction, and me not being able to handle being second to a ghost. “Did I do the right thing?”

She nods slowly, her smile sad. “I think you already know the answer to that. But if it helps, I can confirm what you already know.”

“It really hurts, Gran. I don’t know what to do or how to make this better.”

“That’s the hardest part, isn’t it? Knowing that you can’t make it better, no matter how much you want to. I felt that way after we lost your mom and dad. And then again after I lost your granddad. My heart was so broken. When I met Luciano, I tried so hard not to like him, and falling in love with him was bittersweet. I’d spent years loving your grandad. It was hard to give myself permission to love again. I wonder if it’s the same for Gavin.”

“What do I do? What can I do?” This is what I need: direction, guidance, a hand to hold, and Gran’s wisdom.

“Be strong, be patient, be empathetic, but don’t allow him to keep stepping on your feelings in a bid to protect his. All you can do is hope that he’s going to be able to let go of the past so he can live in the present. He needs time to sort that out. And you need time to get over the hurt of it all.”

“It’s not just Gavin I miss, it’s Peyton too,” I admit.

“Mmm.” She adjusts the brim of her hat, her smile soft and knowing. “She’s a special little girl, and you have so much in common. I have a feeling she’ll be a great ally for you in the coming days.”

“I hope you’re right about that.”

“Neither of you were in a place to be each other’s person back when you were Peyton’s nanny. Things certainly are different now. I think he’s too smart to waste this second chance.” Gran was the only one who knew why I struggled after they moved and how responsible I felt.

I ask the question I’m afraid of. “What if they’re not different? What if our history won’t let us create a future together?”

“You are wise beyond your years, Harley. And the two of you have shared a bond for a long time. I’m a firm believer in fate and destiny. If your grandfather hadn’t delivered those flowers all those years ago, I would have ended up with the wrong man, and if I hadn’t gone on a trip to Europe with my girlfriends, I wouldn’t have met Luciano. Gavin came back into your life exactly when he was supposed to. He needs to come to that realization on his own. And he will. Have faith in the power of true love, my dear. It conquers all.”

* * *

It’s ironic that I’m thankful for the distraction of the first Spark House franchise opening. We were smart enough not to have any events scheduled around the grand opening weekend, so we weren’t managing an event at the same time. Two days after the blowout with Gavin, we’re scheduled to fly out to California. Before I get on the plane I message to see how he and Peyton are doing.

Gavin: We’re managing.

That’s the response I get.

I realize I’m the one who broke things off, so in a way it’s up to me to try to keep the lines of communication open, especially with what I know of Gavin’s challenging past.

Harley: I’m in California for the next few days for the Spark House franchise grand opening, but if you want to talk when I get back, I’m here.

He replies with:

Gavin: That sounds like a hope carrot being dangled. Good luck. I’m sure it will be amazing. Peyton misses you and so do I.

Harley: I miss you both too.

I don’t know if this means we’ll be able to get past all of this or not, but at least it seems as if he’s willing to talk things through.

We fly out to California that afternoon so we can be part of the grand opening ceremony. It’s an incredible event and despite my struggle with all the change, I can appreciate what this is going to do for Spark House. On the flip side, I find myself missing Gavin more than I thought possible. I don’t know how we’re going to get past this, unless he’s willing to open up to me about Marcie and his loss. But all I can do is hope that when I get home, we’ll be able to figure things out.


