Learning to Run – The Education of the Heart Read Online M.A. Innes

Categories Genre: GLBT Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 78
Estimated words: 74916 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 375(@200wpm)___ 300(@250wpm)___ 250(@300wpm)

He was definitely up to something…but what?

Chapter 22


Brady was really good at getting what he wanted…but I wasn’t sure what that was.

Looking at Cash and Bates, they weren’t sure what he wanted either, but the way Jude frowned said he knew and he didn’t like it.

That just made me and Bates more curious and Cash sighed.

Family was hard.

“You’re right. You have a wonderful family that’s supported your relationship with your Daddy and has done their best over the years to support you personally.” Bates was the best at handling Brady and didn’t even smile when Brady huffed.

So, Bates had managed to very sweetly put Brady in his place, wherever that was…but did we have any idea what Brady wanted to begin with?

“What do you need help with?” Cash seemed to think that was the safest part to respond to and I couldn’t decide if he was a genius or very naïve.

Brady looked over at Jude who was shaking his head. “But, Daddy…”

“You even said it wasn’t polite, Bambi.” Jude’s answer was just as cryptic as everything else had been and was not satisfying my curiosity in the least.

Leaning over toward Bates, I tried to whisper but I wasn’t sure it worked. “What do we do?”

Jude and Cash both rolled their eyes, which was kind of cute actually, but Bates shrugged. “Ask him what he really wants to talk about is the only answer I think.”

“It’s going to be weird.” I had to make sure Bates knew that.

“I know, but it might be fun.” He was an eternal optimist. “Might as well ask and see what happens.”

Cash had his it’s not a good idea expression on, but he didn’t tell us to stop.

“Alright, but you do it. I’m nervous.” And Doms were for handling stressful stuff.

“The internet said this is my job, huh?” Bates laughed quietly and kissed my head as I nodded. “Alright, pup.”

Hmm, did he think this was about my pup side?

Bates had been really careful not to say anything about being our Dom or that part of our relationship at all. It’d been like we were just three boring people who happened to have fallen into a relationship.

“Thank you, Sir.” Well, if he thought it was kink-related, I told myself I should make sure Brady knew I was okay talking about it.

I just hoped he’d aim it at me, not Cash.

“Good boy.” Kissing my cheek, Bates ran his hand over my back as I straightened.

Everyone at the table was looking at us, but they were all wearing different expressions. It was kind of fun. Cash was skeptical and brooding. Jude was looking at us like we were insane for indulging Brady, and Brady was excited that he was getting his way.

“What did you want to talk about, Brady?” Bates didn’t draw it out or tease Brady, so I thought that meant he wanted to get it over with.

Or he wanted to fuck with Jude.

It could’ve gone either way, honestly.

“I would like to discuss Cash’s role in your relationship.” Brady sat up very primly and just kept going as my and Cash’s eyes got wide. “I understand Gareth is a pup and that’s why he needs two partners. He’s very excitable and pups take a lot of work. I know that even if I’ve never seen his pup side.”

Brady waited like I was supposed to say something, but he was right, he hadn’t seen my pup side, so I just nodded.

Bates was trying not to smile, though, so I knew he’d found something manipulative Brady had said cute. “I can understand your logic.”

When that was all Bates said, Brady sighed and Jude was now trying not to smile.

They were all so weird.

“I’m missing bits of the rest of the logic, though.” Brady looked like he couldn’t have that and just kept going. “Why does Cash need two boyfriends? Why do you?”

Oh, he’d given Bates a way in.

Bates smiled wider, ready and willing to throw himself in front of the Brady train to save our Cash. “I fell in love with them and I love the way they see the world and how close they are together. They just needed someone to step in and show them they were more than roommates. We wouldn’t work if it were just any two of us.”

Nodding, Brady looked like he approved of the response, but it took him a few seconds to realize he hadn’t gotten the answer he’d really wanted. Jude knew it too because he sighed and started to fuss at Brady. “Bambi—”

Okay, well, it might not have been much of a fuss but Cash couldn’t handle it any more than Brady could because he broke really fast. “It’s okay. Brady can ask about me.”

Bates and I looked so surprised, Jude laughed. “It’s okay to tell Bambi no. He’s not going to die if he hears the word, no matter what he thinks.”


