Learning to Grow – The Education of the Heart Read Online M.A. Innes

Categories Genre: Erotic, M-M Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 81
Estimated words: 78043 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 390(@200wpm)___ 312(@250wpm)___ 260(@300wpm)

“You…you need cuddles because you worked hard to…to give me attention.” Joel managed to get a sentence out but it was getting more difficult by the second. “Lots of…yeah…”

He was fading fast but he was happy and thinking about us. “Yes, lots of attention for our boy.”

He’d done most of the work, though.

“I…” His voice trailed off as he yawned and his head came down to rest on Tate’s shoulder, barely moaning as Tate eased the tail out of him. “Yeah.”

There was a full thought somewhere but it hadn’t escaped his head. That was okay, though, because he had us, so we kissed his head and slowly worked our way to Tate’s room. Joel opened his eyes a few times on our short walk, but he didn’t seem like he was awake even though his legs were moving. “I might…I might need a nap.”

Oh yeah.

“That sounds like a great plan.” Tate kissed his cheek and smiled as he finally set the tail on the nightstand and Joel on the bed. “You just relax and we’ll get you cleaned up.”

Joel took that to mean it was okay to melt back into the bed, and in seconds, he was one step closer to oblivion. “Okay. I’m…I’m your good boy.”

“Yes, you are.” I gave his head one soft stroke before heading out to the bathroom. Tate was gently working the cage off and I wanted to make sure we could get Joel cleaned up. He had to be dirty somewhere even if I wasn’t sure if he’d gotten cum on his cage.

But dirty cage or not, cleaning him up would feel good and he’d like the attention…if he was awake.

I debated back and forth about it as I walked back into the bedroom, but he was down for the count and making the breathy almost-snores that he did when he was utterly exhausted. “And he’s out.”

I held up the warm washcloth, wondering what Tate thought we should do.

Nodding, he gestured to come closer to where he was sitting on the bed. “He’s sweaty but I think it was a dry orgasm? Or something close to that.”

Shrugging, I came over and tenderly washed his cock and between his legs. When I got as much lube and sweat off him as I could, I kissed his head and smiled as he automatically rolled into the center of the bed.

There was no way he was awake, but his body knew what to do.

“Well, I think we can say that he enjoyed his tail.” Tate was back to looking pleased with himself and utterly content even if we hadn’t been the ones to orgasm. “And I think I see tail shopping in our future.”

I had to laugh. “Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. You were right too. This is definitely a tail fetish not a pup kink or anything like that.”

Nodding, he chuckled. “I know we were good either way, but I kind of like it as a tail fetish. It means we can get creative with Christmas and birthday presents. He’d look really cute with a monster tail.”

“That’s not the word I’d use to describe Joel with a monster tail, but yes, I think he’d have fun with that.” And there was a really good chance he’d tell everyone he knew how adorable he was with a monster tail.

“So I know that Joel is exhausted and happy with his tail.” Tate gave me a curious look as he grabbed my hand and pulled me closer between his legs. “But what about his Daddy? Are you exhausted and happy?”

I was definitely sliding toward exhausted but the rest was more confusing. “Exhausted and really glad he liked his tail?”

Tate nodded as he slowly stroked my sides and inched my sweats lower. Joel’s bath had left me just as wet as he’d been so a change of clothes had been necessary, and it looked like Tate was planning on taking advantage of that. “I think that’s a good start. What else?”

His fingers barely caressed my skin as he pulled them lower, but when I paused to watch the slow strip tease he was doing, he stopped. “What else?”

Damn it.

Games sucked sometimes.

“Um, I…I thought he was cute and funny when he ran around. Very Joel, you know?” When my answer got my pants moving south another inch, I knew I’d been right about the game.

“Yeah, it was very Joel.” Tate leaned in and kissed the strip of skin that was now showing just above my pants. “Tell me something about the rest of the day. I want to hear my boy talking.”

I could feel my face heating up but he was right, I was his just as much as Joel was his. It might’ve been in very different ways, but he was our Dom.

“He’s not pushing me into something long term.” That popped out slightly randomly but Tate smiled and gave me another kiss, tugging my pants down until my dick was barely covered. “I…I wanted to make sure Joel isn’t pushing you into something. I know you tease me about being the softie, but you’re just as bad.”


