Learning to Grow – The Education of the Heart Read Online M.A. Innes

Categories Genre: Erotic, M-M Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 81
Estimated words: 78043 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 390(@200wpm)___ 312(@250wpm)___ 260(@300wpm)

“No.” Dean frowned at the door, shaking his head. “There was a conversation but I’m still not sure what the point was or if we were talking about imaginary friends, books, or a movie I can’t remember watching.”

Since it could’ve easily been any of those, I shrugged. “He’ll be fine once he gets a distraction.”

Dean turned and gave me a very Daddy glare. “He’ll be fine once he gets to class and starts learning.”

Someone was feeling very dominant.

“Sure. That’s what I said.” Smiling at him made it even better and he gave me another Daddy look. “How has your morning been?”

I wasn’t sure I’d like doing online classes as much as he did, but I wasn’t surprised when he brightened and jumped to the new topic. “Productive. I got Joel breakfast after you left and then he got a shower with minimal bumps and bruises as I worked on that paper I was telling you about.”

Well, he’d tried telling me about it, but it didn’t matter if it was biology or chemistry, learning Greek would’ve been easier. Luckily for both of us, he really just wanted someone to smile and nod as he paced around talking about food science shit that didn’t make any sense.

Other than taste buds were weird and chemicals were cool…and sometimes deadly.

Yep, I was a genius.

“That’s great.” I couldn’t help thinking about Joel, though. “Joel came out and showed you his new bumps, didn’t he?”

Rolling his eyes, Dean couldn’t seem to decide if he wanted to smile or be exasperated. “Yes. Butt naked, too.”

“With anyone else I’d have said he was trying to tease you into having some fun but that probably hadn’t occurred to him.” Joel just saw things in his own way.

Dean’s head cocked and he looked too thoughtful for my question. “No, not exactly.”

So Joel had been interesting?

“What did he do?” When my question had Dean letting out a breath, I chuckled and headed into the kitchen. “I need more caffeine for this.”

Classes should never start at eight in the morning…even the professor couldn’t function that early. He always spent the first five minutes of class sounding like Joel talking about motherfucking aliens.

“You need lunch soon too.” Dean’s brain switched gears as soon as the words came out of his mouth. “Did you eat breakfast?”

Dean’s question was a good one…but I wasn’t going to answer it.

“Have you eaten lunch yet?” It might be early for him depending on how much he had for breakfast. “I could make us some salad and reheat that pasta you made last night.”

“I’m going to take that to mean you either ate nothing or the last Pop Tart.” Grumbling to himself, Dean walked over and plopped down at the table. “If you bribe me with coffee, I won’t lecture you.”

Tell a guy he was a Daddy and suddenly he had to take care of everyone.

“Deal.” It was a fair trade. “So…Joel?”

Dean must’ve been replaying the conversation in his head because he had a thoughtful look as I moved around the kitchen and made another pot of coffee. By the time our slightly antique machine was starting to sputter, he’d finished processing whatever he’d been obsessing over.

“Okay, it started as some kind of question about orgasms that quickly led to him explaining that imaginary friends aren’t cheating and that led to him telling me that he didn’t think giving me a blow job would be cheating on you but we needed to double-check.” Dean’s confused-looking frown didn’t match the mostly logical explanation…so I knew he hadn’t gotten to the good part yet.

“Evidently his mother told him that it was a conversation we needed to have and she was disappointed in us for not talking about it yet.” Dean started nodding as my eyes got wider. “Yeah, I think that was the same face I made, but Joel didn’t seem to notice, so I don’t think I have anything I need to apologize for.”

“You don’t have to apologize for acting shocked when his family does something weird.” We’d end up doing that in nearly every conversation. “Let me get this straight. His mother told him that we needed to talk about how we’re organizing the who can do shit with who side of all this?”

“Yes.” Dean nodded and seemed confident about that part even if he was confused by the rest. “I was slightly distracted, but I’m pretty sure we agreed to talk about it with you later, and I think I might’ve agreed to tell his mother he’d been good once we’d actually had the conversation.”

Oh, double whammy of weird.

“I’m going to have to help with that conversation, aren’t I?” I wasn’t sure how I felt about it but whatever was showing on my face made Dean nearly giggle. “Great.”

Shrugging as he grinned, Dean finally snapped out of his funk. “I think we can do it over the phone, though. So at least it’s not going to be in person?”


