Kincaid – Cerberus MC Read Online Marie James

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 90
Estimated words: 83970 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 420(@200wpm)___ 336(@250wpm)___ 280(@300wpm)

My attention has effectively been brought back to his beautiful mouth. He moves my hand and places it on the back of his neck, leaning in to kiss my forehead.

“I want you,” I whisper into his neck.

He groans, and the sound reverberates in his chest. I smirk against his neck, kissing the warm skin softly.

“I’m leaving tomorrow, Emmalyn.”

“I know,” I respond.

“I’ll never be able to leave if I know how you feel on the inside.” His voice is pained, as if the idea of turning me down is pure torture.

“Perfect,” I say and try to shift my weight to climb on top of him. He grips my hips and prevents me from moving.

“I have to go, Em. I don’t want to leave, but I have to.”

I nod in understanding. I know he has to go do whatever it is that he and his team do, but it does help some knowing that he doesn’t want to leave me any more than I want to watch him go.

He shifts his weight, so I’m on my back, and he’s hovering over me but still on the side of my body. He pecks at my lips softly. “Let me take care of you,” he says quietly.

I nod my head not knowing if he means at this moment or for the rest of my life, but I agree, answering yes to both possible questions.

He leans in and kisses me in earnest this time. The arousal that has been humming underneath my skin since I tugged on his t-shirt in the bathroom blazes to life the second his mouth touches my fevered skin. I begin to move my hands from around his neck down his body, but he pulls away.

“I won’t be able to handle this if you have your hands on me, Em.” He gently pulls them from his chest and situates them on the pillow above my head. “Keep them here for tonight okay?”

His hands move from mine and slowly sweep down my arms. My eyes grow heavy as his hands near my breasts, my back arching into his touch. I moan when his thumbs taunt the tips of my hardened nipples. One quick caress and his hands are gone, moving lower, inching the t-shirt up my body.

I close my eyes and just drink in the feel of his hands on my body. The tremble I felt in my body earlier returns when I feel the cool air of the room hit the apex of my thighs as he uncovers me slowly.

“Jesus, Emmalyn. You’re beautiful,” Diego gasps.

I bite my lip to keep the moans in my throat. The shake of my body grows to the point that he places a large hand on my stomach, applying gentle pressure to my body. “Shhh. I’ll stop if you don’t want this.”

“Don’t,” I whisper as he brings his mouth near mine. “Please, don’t stop.”

He hums against my neck as his hands work the t-shirt up, fully exposing my aching breasts. Hot, wet kisses burn a path over my skin until his cheeks collapse in suction on one of my nipples.

“Diego!” The flick of his tongue against the tip is pure bliss.

“I’m going to worship every inch of this beautiful body of yours, Em,” he vows licking and kissing his way down my stomach. I’m molten in his hands; heated metal he can manipulate and mold any way he sees fit.

“Please,” I beg when I feel the heat of his breath on my slick, needy folds.

I quiver uncontrollably when his fingers trace the outside of my entrance, purposefully avoiding where I need him.

“Watch me, Emmalyn.” His voice is the roughest I’ve ever heard. I raise my head off of the pillow and look down my body at him settled between my legs.

He locks his eyes on mine, and his thick tongue reaches out running from my entrance to my pulsing clit. I keep my eyes on him, entranced even though the heaven he’s assaulting my body with makes me want to throw my head back and scream. His eyes flutter as he swallows my taste on a moan before diving back in and locking his mouth over my highly sensitive flesh.

I whimper and shift my hips; the sensation is magnificent and almost too much at the same time. Diego spreads my thighs open wider holding me in place on the bed as his mouth skillfully assaults my body. I come embarrassingly fast with a roar, finally breaking his stare as I squeeze my eyes closed. The pulsing in my body radiates from the connection of his mouth until I can feel it tingle in my fingers and toes.

“Holy shit,” I mutter as my body finally begins to calm. I’m replete and exhausted almost instantly.

“Em,” Diego whispers.

I smile but keep my eyes closed. “So good,” I praise.

I hear him chuckle and feel his warmth reposition on the bed as the t-shirt I’m wearing covers my body again. I open my eyes a tiny fraction and look at him, unable to keep the grin off of my face.


