It’s Complicated – A Reservations Story Read Online Kindle Alexander

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Drama, Erotic, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 134
Estimated words: 123877 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 619(@200wpm)___ 496(@250wpm)___ 413(@300wpm)

Beckett reached for him, pulling him against that hard chest. “I can’t get enough of you, Julian. I want to feel your beautiful body against mine.”

Beckett lowered his head and caught his mouth in a sultry kiss. Their lips collided hot and heavy as he let himself get lost in the Marlboro Man’s arms. Beckett made him dizzy with need in the way he kissed. The soft but demanding nips and devilish probing tongue had Julian moaning for more. He slid his fingers through Beckett’s hair, deepening the kiss as he ground against that large frame.

Julian had always been the one to seduce his clients. He’d never been seduced, but that was quickly changing with every flick of Beckett’s tongue. The emotions connecting him to Beckett startled him.

Being with Beckett was way too easy. It felt natural. He didn’t have to pretend. The chemistry drawing him to his cowboy soared off the charts. Strong hands cupped his ass as Beckett rocked against him. Their hard cocks pressed together with each thrust of his hips. He could come from the friction alone, it felt so damn good.

Breaking from the kiss, Julian sucked his way down Beckett’s neck, enjoying the taste of his salty skin on the tip of his tongue. When he got to Beckett’s nipple, he slowly slid his tongue over the flattened disk, then sucked it into his mouth, using the tip of his tongue to toy with the hard nub before taking it between his teeth. Beckett groaned. Strong fingers slid up Julian’s neck and into his hair. Beckett tugged his head up and kissed him, rough and demanding, leaving Julian breathless when he pulled away.

“Take me to your bedroom.” Julian didn’t hesitate to take Beckett’s outstretched hand and lead him to his room. Julian quickly kicked off his shoes and wiggled out of his pants then turned, reaching for Beckett to help with his.

“I could stare at you all day,” Julian said and stepped back after he finished ridding Beckett of his clothes to take in the entire tableau. Julian hadn’t exaggerated one little bit when he’d confessed that truth. Not even close. He tucked his bottom lip between his lips as he absorbed the image of the muscled beauty. Beckett stood naked. His cock, hard and thick with arousal, jutted rigidly from his body.

Julian’s own cock jerked with excitement as he watched Beckett stroke that gorgeous cock a few times as lust filled the cowboy’s gaze.

Beckett finally chuckled. “Is that so?” His Marlboro Man didn’t seem a bit shy as he worked his fist up and down his shaft. “I could get off watching you watch me. You’re so fucking beautiful, Julian. I couldn’t wait to get started.”

The sultry timbre of Beckett’s voice had his dick not only taking notice but leaking like a fucking broken faucet. Damn, he was caught in Beckett’s spell. The sight of that beautiful man pleasuring himself had his mouth watering for a taste of his own. He’d never witnessed something so mesmerizing as watching Beckett St. Clair taking himself in hand. The man was beyond gorgeous; his muscular body looked as if Michelangelo himself had chiseled it. Strong muscles and deep valleys invited him to explore all that flesh with his tongue… Julian swallowed the groan rising up his throat.

“Let me help you out,” Julian purred. He took a step forward, dropping to his knees in front of Beckett. His fingers curled around Beckett’s hard cock and stroked. He used his other hand to cup one of Beckett’s firm ass cheeks and draw him closer.

He kissed his way down Beckett’s lower stomach and hip bone then buried his nose in Beckett’s thatch of short hair. Julian breathed him in while tightening his fist to work the thick shaft in his palm. God, he loved the musky scent of this man.

He pulled back enough to lift his head, meeting Beckett’s gaze as he opened his mouth and took Beckett inside, circling that sensitive tip with his tongue. Beckett’s legs shook as his sweet essence burst across Julian’s palate, making his own dick weep with delight.

He swallowed Beckett down to his root then drew back and did it again and again. Strong fingers tightened in his hair, gently tugging his head back and his face up.

“You’re amazing, but you have to stop, Julian. I’ll come. It’s honestly too much right now. I want you in me when I come, Julian.” Beckett’s eyes locked on his, their dark depths penetrating straight through to Julian’s soul. “Please don’t make us wait any longer.”

He kept his gaze locked with Beckett’s as he leaned in and kissed the tip of that enticing cock one last time before standing.

“Isn’t having patience a virtue or something like that?” Julian teased. But he didn’t want to delay a second longer, and he wouldn’t keep Beckett waiting either.


