It’s Complicated – A Reservations Story Read Online Kindle Alexander

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Drama, Erotic, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 134
Estimated words: 123877 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 619(@200wpm)___ 496(@250wpm)___ 413(@300wpm)

Yeah, Julian was into him. No question.

“Pfft,” Julian added and flipped his hand in the air, waving it dismissively before turning and drawing Beckett from the ocean, back up the beach. “Let’s go home, Romeo. My feet hurt.”

Julian turned in the direction of his complex, patting his leg for Woofer to follow. Beckett’s grin held as he watched that perfect bubble butt sway as he took purposeful strides through the sand.

“You mean home for you to have your way with me?” Beckett called out once he reached for his shoes and Woofer’s leash laying in the sand.

Julian glanced back with his chin tilted over his shoulder, those piercing eyes caught Beckett in a wicked promise of what was to come. “Fuck yeah. And it’ll be the best you ever had…” He gave a confident wink to the truth of his words and turned away.

Oh hell, Beckett’s heart steadily drummed in his chest as he fished his phone from his pocket. They’d be Ubering to the condo. He wasn’t wasting any more time before holding Julian to that promise.

Beckett’s strong arms slid around Julian, drawing them together as he stepped up behind him, Beckett’s wide chest flush against his back. Julian’s heart thumped wildly against his rib cage. The alcohol amplified every tantalizing sensation.

“The ride’s four minutes away,” Beckett said against his ear. “I’ve been thinking about what you said today.”

Julian thought about those words and couldn’t help the laughter that welled. “I bet.” He looked over his shoulder, catching Beckett’s eye as he winked. “I feel like a virgin on prom night…”

“We don’t have to…” Beckett obviously didn’t find the humor. The thing about alcohol and Beckett was that it caused his chivalrous side to really shine. His demeanor took on an old-fashioned quality.

Julian pressed his ass against Beckett’s hard-on, trying for a different reaction. His cowboy remained silent. He needed to change the course of this conversation.

“Of all the beach-friendly fashion choices out there, Ricco chose a three-piece suit to manage the margarita tour.” He lifted his hands to the warm night air as if to prove his point. “While we’re in Coronado, in the middle of a heat wave. I’ve got to talk with the boy.”

“Ricco seemed so eager to do a good job. He was working himself into the ground. Maybe his mentor taught him that.” Beckett’s hold tightened around Julian’s arms, driving the point home. Funny how those words were once true, even as soon as last week, but not so much now. Julian hadn’t felt compelled to jump in and help like he always had before…and he stopped thinking about that too. No need to dig any deeper into the ease with which he’d walked away from Reservations this afternoon as they worked hard to stay caught up with the crowd of locals and tourists participating in the margarita tour.

“Don’t blame me,” Julian teased and lifted his hands to run a finger around his armpits. “The sweat stains showed. I’ll have to take him shopping next week. He really needs to learn how to pick a uniform more fitting for the environment.”

Beckett chuckled and bent down to kiss his cheek. Beckett continued kissing up between his ear and hairline before he whispered, “You got me drunk today. Don’t you know by now, I’m a sure bet?”

“Yeah, I know.”

Chapter 25

When had an Uber ride been so full of romance? Something about the day they shared, the allure of a midnight walk on the beach, strolling hand in hand had cemented Julian’s fate. Maybe it was the big dog that had forced Julian to the middle seat, pressing him firmly against Beckett’s warm body that had Julian’s heart connecting so solidly with his plan to seduce his cowboy tonight.

Beckett’s heavy palm landed on his thigh, giving a gentle squeeze. He looked over at Beckett who smiled at him. “I had a good day.”

“Me too.” Beckett angled his body and lifted a hand to Julian’s chin—such a sweet, simple gesture that curled his toes—to better angle him for a soft, lingering press of the lips.

The more Julian thought about what he and Beckett were about to do, the more excitement fueled his rising confidence. After so long without sex, it was strange to have zero apprehensions, only a desire to push him to act.

Sexual energy buzzed between them and made it hard to concentrate on any small talk with the driver. It wouldn’t surprise him at all if the poor Uber driver feared that he and Beckett might get it on right there in the backseat with all the electricity zinging between them.

Yeah, he needed to behave himself. Beckett was way too classy to give the driver a free show, and Woofer didn’t need to witness such debauchery either. But damn, it was fucking hard to do when the heat of Beckett’s palm blazed a trail from his knee to his thigh, the sizzle of the touch running straight to his balls.


