It’s Complicated – A Reservations Story Read Online Kindle Alexander

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Drama, Erotic, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 134
Estimated words: 123877 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 619(@200wpm)___ 496(@250wpm)___ 413(@300wpm)

“I did.” Julian squirmed out of his hold and headed to the kitchen. “Go. Let me start the coffee. There’s a small patch of grass he prefers. He’ll drag you over there.”

As he watched Julian walk away, his body stirred as the memories from last night rushed forward. No one on the planet compared to that man. Beckett had never experienced such a profound emotion with sex. Just having Julian’s hands on his body had made his orgasm next level. Who knew how mind-blowing it all could be? Especially watching as his orgasm triggered Julian’s. It had been magnificent to witness Julian’s release and feel his body shudder while riding out the pleasure together.

He followed Julian’s instructions, letting Woofer lead the way. His cell phone chimed again. Generally, he’d push the snooze button a couple of times before dragging his ass from bed. He fished the phone from his pocket, muting the thing. He always built time into his morning. So, he didn’t necessarily need to hurry away. He watched Woofer until he decided to give the poor pup some privacy—performance anxiety and all that.

There was always something special about being outside in the early morning, but this morning was extra special. Beckett’s head swam with everything he and Julian had done. What a difference a few weeks had made. He owed Thane for finally pulling him into their inner circle. Funny how the man he’d sworn to hate became his biggest advocate.

A satisfying warmth that was all Julian Cullen seeped over Beckett as Woofer finished his business and they headed back inside. He barely had the leash on the hook before Julian started toward him.

“I have an idea,” Julian announced, stepping into Beckett. He loved they were past the stage of keeping a respectable distance. Beckett took the travel cup of coffee and reached for Julian, running the pad of his thumb across Julian’s unshaven cheek. He needed the simple caress before he was sent away to face the day on his own.

“Yeah?” Beckett asked, barely paying attention to anything more than the way the dark navy silk robe brought a different dimension to Julian’s blue gaze. He was tumbling off the edge of his boundaries, falling hard for this man. He had tried to control all this emotion—fuck, he’d tried—but waking to Julian was something unique. His day made right before it ever got off the ground.

“When do you go home?” Julian asked, bringing Beckett’s musing to a crashing halt. Home. This was Friday. If he followed his plan, he’d need to leave tonight. He had the group he’d just taught heading for the training camp early next week to practice real-time simulation.

The thought of leaving weighed heavily on him. His shoulders slumped and his hand dropped away. In the best-case scenario, he didn’t see himself coming back to Coronado for a while. His heart didn’t like that at all and showed its frustration with a piercing ache.

“I planned to hang out at Reservations tonight then drive home afterward. It’s an easier drive at night, and I’ve got a haul to get home,” Beckett said against the intense sadness enveloping him. If he left and came back, how much ground would he lose with Julian?

“Well, I was thinking that maybe you could stay through the weekend.” Julian’s palm slid enticingly across Beckett’s chest, teasing a trail over one pec. “You’ve been burning it at both ends. I’m transitioning into a new position. The current GM had the weekend scheduled off and can’t start officially training me until Monday. I have some unexpected time off.”

Emotions were fucking hell. Hope instantly sprang forward, edging off the rising melancholy of having to leave Julian. “I’d have to see if I can keep my room at Escape.”

“Or you could stay here.” Julian nodded toward his sofa. “You slept good there. I only slept a few hours, but it was solid sleep. We enjoy each other’s company. Stay.”

“I’d have to take off early Sunday…”

Julian’s index finger popped in front of Beckett’s face, stopping him from saying anything more.

“Or you could fly home and leave your truck here. It seems a monster of a drive to only come back in a few days…” Both Julian’s brows rose as Beckett nodded yes. How could he refuse such a request?

Julian had put some thought into the idea, which caused Beckett’s heart to swell with promise. Hell, he’d fly back every few days just to spend a couple of hours with Julian to see that hopeful look on his face.

He tucked his lip between his teeth. When would they ever get another chance at a free weekend again? Especially once Julian started as the general manager of Reservations.

The idea took root. He could get Randy to pick him up from the airport Sunday night, or maybe Monday morning. They could pay the instructors to get the field training session ready to his specifications. He could scan and email the profile information he’d gathered on each participant so his team would be ready when they arrived Tuesday. There was no reason this couldn’t work.


