Total pages in book: 247
Estimated words: 234281 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 1171(@200wpm)___ 937(@250wpm)___ 781(@300wpm)
Estimated words: 234281 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 1171(@200wpm)___ 937(@250wpm)___ 781(@300wpm)
“You know what my therapist also told me?” Her lip curled. “Fine feathers don’t make fine birds.” She was hoping to rattle the other woman into making a scene, but instead she received a smile that left her nonplussed.
“I’m just glad, you know.”
“About what?” Alina asked sharply.
“That your therapist hasn’t told you to jump off the nearest bridge yet,” Mairi said with pseudo sincerity. “Because then you’d be dead in a heartbeat.”
Behind her, Mairi heard one of her bodyguards snickering. It was Chucky, for sure. It was always Chucky who was quick to laugh. The sound was abruptly cut off, but by then it was too late, their audience coughing as they did their best to muffle their own laughter.
Alina’s face flushed with anger. “You’re so crass! No wonder Damen treats you like—-”
“Like what?” Mairi demanded, losing her temper. She just had it. She just really about had it with this girl. “Like a woman he’s obsessed with? Because yes,” she said feelingly. “That’s exactly how he is with me. If a slut is what you call someone who can’t help wanting her husband, anytime anyway he wants then yeah, I’m a slut, and happily so because you know what? I love how he can’t get enough of me, and he will never get enough of me. No matter what you do, no matter if you walk in front of him with your cup negative-AAA breasts bared naked—-”
The slur had Alina screaming, but this time, Chucky had also lost it. Together with the rest of her bodyguards, everyone had burst out laughing.
But Mairi wasn’t finished. “—-and shake your hips like Taylor Swift, my husband WON’T ever want you the way he wants me!”
Alina screamed again. “Do you think I don’t know about you? You think the whole world doesn’t know about you? I’ve read the news, bitch, and I know your sluttish gold-digging ways haven’t ended. You’ve got your claws in the students of Christopoulos University.”
Mairi lifted her chin. Remembering Velvet’s words, she said coolly, “So I’m a cougar. Sue me.”
“Oh my God, you are so crass.”
“Yup,” she agreed with relish. “I’m a crass cougar. RAWR.” Mairi suddenly made a clawing motion at Alina’s face, taking the other woman by surprise. She would have fallen completely on her ass if her own bodyguards hadn’t caught her.
But it was enough for Mairi. As far as she was concerned, the other woman’s humiliation was complete and she had said everything she needed to say. This time, she had made it clear to Alina that no matter what the other girl did, Mairi would always believe in her husband.
Jane and Nala met her halfway. “You were so awesome, Mrs. L.,” Jane muttered under her breath as she strapped Nala back to her employer.
“Was I?” she asked faintly.
“Absolutely. Like...this awesome.” Jane mock-clawed at Mairi.
Behind them, the bodyguards laughed once more, and Mairi turned red. Oh my God, had she really done that? And had she really called herself a cougar? In fact, had she really cheerfully accepted being called a crass cougar?
She looked down at her daughter. “Don’t disown me, please?”
Nala blinked up at her. I’ll think about it, Mama.
Mairi groaned.
Jane laughed.
Once they had boarded the jet, a surprise was awaiting her. “A present for you, Mrs. Leventis.” The present was a freshly bathed, freshly brushed mixed-breed mongrel with a noticeable scar on its face. She had once told Damen she wanted a pet. ‘Nothing fancy, though. Just maybe one from the dog pound, someone that would really need us.’
And this was exactly it.
A card came with her present.
She shall look after you in my absence. When I made inquiries at a shelter, they immediately thought she’d be a good choice. She may be small, but she’s not to be underestimated. She was said to have defended her employer against burglars, hence the knife wound. Its employer died a week ago of a heart attack and they thought she’d be happy with us. I think so, too.
The tiny dog barked, calling her attention.
“It’s so ugly it’s almost cute,” Jane said with her usual honesty.
Mairi bit back a smile. It was true. Half-pug, half-Chihuahua, and maybe something else. She shook her head. It didn’t matter. She loved it already and she knew Damen was right. This little dog would be perfect for their family.
She sent Damen a text when the stewardess was done strapping her and Nala to their seats.
Mairi: I got your present. I love it. On our way now.
Damen: Good. I’d love to see you do that clawing thing in person.
Mairi suppressed a mortified moan, and looking over her shoulder, she glared at her bodyguards, but no one wanted to look at her.
Chapter 11
WHEN THE JET’S DOOR slowly lowered, revealing Athens’ airport inch by inch, the first thing Mairi saw was her husband, walking swiftly towards them. Even with his slightly windblown hair, Damen still cut a strikingly handsome figure, with dark aviator glasses covering half of his face and his powerfully muscular body sheathed in a handmade blue suit.