In Love with a Cruel Billionaire Read Online Marian Tee

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 247
Estimated words: 234281 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 1171(@200wpm)___ 937(@250wpm)___ 781(@300wpm)

Everyone turned to Mairi. ‘What is it?’ Damen demanded, a concerned frown marring his handsome face.

Mairi shook her head. ‘I need to ask her one last question.’

In the act of getting up from her seat, Jane promptly sat down again at Mairi’s words. ‘No problem, Mrs. L.’

‘What else could you ask her?’ Damen asked.

‘I want to ask if she has a crush on you.’

‘We already asked that, ma’am,’ the polygraph expert reminded her.

‘I know, but we haven’t asked Ms. Jane with Damen half-naked.’

All eyes flew to her.

‘What the hell?’ Damen burst out.

‘Whoa.’ This, from Jane.

‘As you wish, ma’am.’ A deadpan tone from the polygraph expert. He glanced at Damen inquiringly. ‘Sir?’

‘Mairi,’ Damen growled.

‘Please,’ his wife begged. ‘I just need to make sure. It’s different when you don’t have a shirt on.’

‘MAIRI.’ Softer and more ominous now.

She gave him her best puppy look eyes, something her former student, Katya Vlahos, had taught her.

Damen cursed under his breath.

Jane laughed. ‘Go on, Mr. L. Feel free to seduce me.’

‘Shut up, kid,’ Damen muttered, but he was already reaching for the collar of his shirt. In one swift movement, he had pulled his shirt over his head, revealing the wide, muscled expanse of his deeply tanned chest.

Mairi sighed.

The sigh had his cock hardening.


He tried to control his reaction, but it was impossible.

Jane burst out laughing.

‘The subject’s heart has not skipped a beat, but she may be in danger of losing her breath due to too much respiratory and abdominal exertion.’ He paused. ‘In other words, your current state has her almost dying of laughter. Sir.’

‘Fuck off,’ Damen gritted out.

But this time, even Mairi was laughing.

Mairi and Jane looked at each other again. And just like that, they were laughing once more, and this time even little Nala joined in, clapping her hands in delight.

Behind them, her bodyguards remained stoic. They were already used to their mistress’ bouts of insanity. Past immigration and on their way to the hangar, Mairi caught sight of a familiar face, and her laughter died.

Déjà vu again, she thought. Over a year ago, she’d had a confrontation with the woman heading her way, also in this very airport.

Jane stopped laughing as well. “Mrs. L?” she asked worriedly. Following her employer’s gaze, she saw a sophisticated-looking blonde heading their way.

Oh. Jane recognized the other girl right away. It was Alina Kokinos, the former fiancé of Damen Leventis.

A moment later, and the blonde stopped walking as well, having seen who was in front of her. Pain flashed in her eyes as her gaze found the infant.

The last time Mairi had seen the other girl, Alina had been with Damen. Then, she had let her doubts get the better of her. Then, she hadn’t yet believed in Damen’s love for her.

Never again, she swore to herself, squaring her shoulders.

Tightening her hold on Nala, she resumed walking. She was determined not to give the other girl the time of the day. She didn’t want to have anything to do with Alina, period. And she wouldn’t have, if not for Alina speaking the moment Mairi walked past her.

“My therapist told me I should be okay with how things are.” The moment Alina spoke, the entire area fell silent. It was clear everyone wanted to listen in.

Mairi forced herself to keep walking.

Hatred filled Alina’s heart at the way Mairi looked so damn dignified. It wasn’t fair the other woman had everything she wanted, everything that was supposed to be hers because Damen had been hers first, too.

“She told me there was nothing for me to be jealous about because the whole time, Damen had always treated me with respect while you were and will always be a slut to him.” She lifted her chin. “And even if you have a baby, it doesn’t change a thing. You’re still a gold-digging slut, and sooner or later he’ll realize his mistake and come back to me.”

Mairi slowed down.

“Mrs. L?” Jane didn’t like the look on her employer’s face. It wasn’t sad, wasn’t angry, but it was still...terrifying.

“Could you take Nala from me for a moment?” Mairi asked calmly.

Jane reluctantly took the baby and the carrier from her employer. “Are you sure about this, Mrs. L.?”

“It’s a long time coming,” was the cryptic reply.

Oh man, Jane thought. This was going to be really bad.

Alina kept her back straight and chin up as she watched Mairi head her way. She hated the frisson of apprehension that ran down her spine, but even so she couldn’t stop it.

“Hello, Alina,” Mairi said politely as she stood in front of her former rival. Although, looking at the other girl, the qualification was something Alina would still likely have trouble accepting.

Alina slowly looked at Mairi from head to toe, her lips compressing as she took note of the expensive but understated jewelry gracing the other woman’s ears and throat and the equally tasteful frock Mairi had on.


