I Could Never Read Online Penelope Ward

Categories Genre: Angst, Contemporary, Forbidden Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 90
Estimated words: 88317 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 442(@200wpm)___ 353(@250wpm)___ 294(@300wpm)

“Well, I’m sort of making it up to you in advance.”

“What do you mean?”

He shut off the faucet and turned to face me. “After you left this morning, I found out I have to meet with a client back in Chicago this week. So, think of this as prepayment for you having to hold down the fort alone for a few days.”

Dread filled me. I hated when he was away. But it would only be a few days. I could do this. “Oh, okay. That’s fine.” I smiled and tried not to let my disappointment show.

“Did you end up getting a swimsuit?”

“I did.” I grinned.

Josh’s brow lifted. “Well?”

“After trying on many, I decided on the red one...because it makes me look flat.”

“Nice.” He winked.

I got goose bumps whenever Josh winked at me, once again a sign that I needed to get laid—by someone other than Josh. It didn’t help that he was getting more handsome by the day, his hair growing out as he rocked the unshaven, woodsy-caveman look. I dug it, and that continued to be a problem.

Josh’s mystery dinner was chicken enchiladas, and they were quite tasty. It was nice to sit down to a homemade meal prepared by someone else, especially when Scottie was already showered, fed, and content on the couch.

After eating, Josh and I joined Scottie in the living room. I looked over Scottie’s shoulder as he scrolled through the photos in his iPad library, many of which were distorted images of his own face, courtesy of a face-changing app. But then came a photo of a giant dick.

It wasn’t Scottie’s—I’d seen his. And the small bit of tanned, ripped torso that had also made it into the shot was a dead giveaway as to whose dick it was. “Whomever” it belonged to was quite hung.

Oh my. I fumbled over my words as I looked at Josh. “Um…”

He narrowed his eyes. “What?”

“Are you…aware that there’s a picture of you stark naked on Scottie’s iPad?”

“Come again?”

Taken from a crooked angle, the photo of Josh’s dick could have been accidentally snapped. Scottie always had one of his devices with him—even in the bathroom—so he must’ve hit the camera button during one of their manshowers.

“Scottie, give that to me for a second.” I took the device. “I’ll give it back. Don’t worry.”

Surprisingly, Scottie let it go without a fight, and I handed it to Josh.

He stared at it with a blank look on his face. I couldn’t read his expression as he clicked on it.

“Are you embarrassed?” I asked, unsure what to say.

After a moment, he handed the device back to Scottie. The photo was gone. Not that I was hoping for a second look…

“I don’t know. Do I have something to be embarrassed about?” he asked, his ears turning red.

I gulped. “Not at all.” Certainly not.

“I kind of like to control when I send dick pics out into the world. How the hell did I not know he’d taken a photo of my junk?”

“He’s very stealthy.”

Josh blew out a breath. “At least we found it before someone else noticed—like the social-services people.”

“Oh God.” I covered my mouth. “I hadn’t even thought about that. Could you imagine?”

Josh stood up and nudged Scottie. “I think you did enough damage for one day, dude. Let’s get you to bed. It’s past your bedtime anyway.”

It was late, but I wasn’t anywhere near ready to go to sleep. Especially since Josh would be leaving me alone with Scottie for a few days.

He returned to the living room and rubbed his hard stomach. “You have room for dessert?”

“There’s always room for pistachio.”

Josh retreated to the kitchen and returned with two bowls, handing one to me. We’d started a tradition each night of watching one of Wayne’s DVDs, most of the time while eating ice cream. There were so many DVDs that it would take us several more weeks to get through them all. It reminded me of an Advent calendar; we never knew what surprise we’d be getting. One night it would be a DVD of the boys when they were younger. Another night it was just Wayne taking random videos of deer in the woods. A young Josh had also made appearances in some of them.

I’d just settled into the couch with my bowl of ice cream, ready for our next surprise when I got a rude awakening. Instead of beautiful, blond Longo boys, animals, or idyllic family scenes, a set of big, flopping tits bounced up and down on the screen. We’d popped in a porno.

Josh looked over at me. “Well, I guess we know how Wayne liked to unwind some nights.”

My spoon clinked as I put my ice cream down. “Was that not labeled?”

He shook his head. “Most of them aren’t.” He pressed stop on the DVD and ejected the disc from the player. He then took a closer look at it. “Oh, wait. He’s got a P written in Sharpie on this one. Who the fuck knew it stood for porn?”


