Hitman – Savage Crows MC Texas Charter Read Online T.O. Smith

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC, Novella Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 15
Estimated words: 13411 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 67(@200wpm)___ 54(@250wpm)___ 45(@300wpm)

But I knew a hitwoman when I saw one. Everything about her screamed pro. Which was just my fucking luck.

“I don’t know what business you have with him, but you won’t be finishing it,” she told me, her voice frigid.

I smirked. “That so, doll?” I asked. I slid my hands into the pockets of my leather jacket and looked her up and down, taking my time as I drank in every bit of her, committing her beautiful body to memory.

“You think someone as rich as him doesn’t know when he has a hitman coming after him?” she snapped, moving closer to me. I kept my posture relaxed, letting her think she had the upper hand. I wasn’t afraid of her. To her, she’d think my cockiness would be my downfall. But in reality, I was tracking her like a predator, cataloguing every single move she made. I already knew when she thought I least expected it, she’d strike.

But I’d be ready. I wouldn’t kill her. She wasn’t on my targeted list, which made getting rid of her off limits. Taking out a target without the backing of the club would only mean my own end. That didn’t mean I wouldn’t do what I needed to make sure she stayed silent while she still breathed though.

“Usually, people aren’t worried about being eliminated if they weren’t doing something worthy of being murdered in the first place,” I drawled.

Annoyance flashed in her eyes. She was so close now, I could smell the sweet scent of her expensive perfume. The moonlight was reflecting in her pretty, gray eyes, and the blonde streaks in her black hair almost seemed to glow.

Pity she was so fucking beautiful. Knowing she was off-limits would’ve been easier to bear if she hadn’t been so damn gorgeous.

“Don’t make assumptions,” she sneered at me.

I laughed, letting my eyes close. And just as I predicted, that was when she striked. Because surely, I wouldn’t expect it when I couldn’t see her? Anyone else, that probably would have been true. But I’d been highly trained by the government. When one sense was gone, I knew how to focus using my other senses. So, when she lifted that knife, ready to swing at my throat, I snapped my hand up, wrapping my fingers around her slender wrist just when the knife was a mere inch from my jugular.

Slowly opening my eyes, I let a cocky smile tilt my lips. “Rookie mistake, doll.”

Using her arm, I spun her around so her back was facing me. In her surprise, she dropped the knife. Wrapping my free arm around her neck in a chokehold, I yanked her back against me. Lowering my lips to her ear, I pressed a kiss to the pierced cartilage, humming low in my throat. “Sleep tight.”

She fought me for a good thirty seconds, calling me every name under the sun, and then, she slumped. Sighing, I turned her to face me, then tossed her over my shoulder, carrying her toward the house.

I’d find something in the house to tie her up with, then I’d take care of the low-life piece of shit upstairs. After that, I’d take her back to the clubhouse, deal with the fallout from Grim and Alex, and figure out what the fuck to do with her.



Grim was waiting for me when I rolled through the clubhouse gates in my pickup truck. The woman who’d interrupted my kill was tied up and silently raging in my passenger seat. Fire burned in the depths of her gray eyes every time she looked at me, and I knew if her hands and feet were free, she’d be trying to murder me, even at the expense of her own life.

I’d called Grim after taking care of Stewart Dukes, letting him know the kill was done and that I had a problem. He hadn’t been pleased, but instead of inquiring while we were on the phone, he told me to get to the clubhouse so we could try to resolve it.

As he glared through my windshield at the bombshell sitting next to me, I had no doubt he had expected any other problem but this one.

He was going to rip me a new asshole for this fuck-up. That was for sure. Never, not in my years in the military or the years since I’d been a member of the SCMC had this kind of thing happened. I kept running over what I’d missed, but as far as I knew, I hadn’t missed anything. I’d scouted the area thoroughly.

But if she was as highly trained as I thought she was, then I wouldn’t have noticed her. Not until she wanted me to. Had she not stepped on that stick, making it break, I wouldn’t have noticed I had company until it was too late.


