Hitman – Savage Crows MC Texas Charter Read Online T.O. Smith

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC, Novella Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 15
Estimated words: 13411 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 67(@200wpm)___ 54(@250wpm)___ 45(@300wpm)

He sighed heavily and sat back down in his chair. For a moment, I thought it was going to break. “I don’t know where I went wrong with you,” he muttered, shaking his head. Grabbing the keys from his desk, he unlocked his desk drawer, then pulled out a manila folder. He tossed it onto the desk. Striding forward, I snatched it up.

As soon as I opened it, my eyes landed on the sexiest fucking man I’d ever seen. His hair was dyed platinum blonde, and he was covered in tattoos. The left side of his mouth was lifted into a cocky smirk, and there was a look in his eyes that promised a good time. But beneath that promise was a darkness that called to me.

A darkness I understood.

“I received word he’s a hitman, and he’s connected to a… group—” I cocked my brow at him, not liking how he evasively used the word group— “that would like to see me dead. Make him disappear.”

Nodding once, I turned on my heel, heading for the door. “Consider it done,” I told him. “He’ll be dead by the end of the week.” I always took my time with my targets. He knew that. Not doing so resulted in mistakes.

I didn’t have time for mistakes.

I left his stuffy office before he had a chance to respond, shutting the door behind me with a soft click. As I strode toward the elevator that would take me back down to the first floor, I looked down at that picture again, drinking in the beautiful man.

And then, I let my eyes drift to his name.

Julian McKenzie.

“It’s a pity you’re so pretty,” I sighed as I jabbed my finger against the elevator button.



For someone involved in a sex trafficking ring and knowing his fellow comrades had been taken out, which included law enforcement on the local and federal level, senators, members of congress, and even billionaires, Stewart Dukes sure was comfortable keeping to a daily routine and never changing it up.

He arrived at work at promptly seven every morning, and then, his assistant would bring him coffee and three blueberry muffins. He’d do computer work for two hours after having his breakfast and coffee, then have a meeting. At lunchtime, he had a glass of expensive brandy, a soda, and fried chicken with macaroni and cheese. Then, he held another meeting. After that meeting, he did more computer work for about three hours. After that, he usually went over his schedule with his assistant for the next day. At promptly four in the afternoon, he booted his computer down and left the office, heading to the country club to rub elbows with other trash-ass mother fuckers just like him.

After rubbing elbows with other rich assholes for three hours, he went home where his cook had his dinner ready for him. He sat down to eat, then spent an hour in his office answering more emails. Once those emails were answered, he showered and went to bed so he could wake up the next day and start his boring as fuck routine all over again.

The only day his routine had been different was when a gorgeous as fuck woman with long as fuck legs and curves for days had marched her perfect ass into his office a few days ago. I didn’t know what they’d discussed, but he’d given her some folder with information in it. And she’d been important enough that he’d cut his meeting short.

I hadn’t cared enough about her to dig into who she was. No matter how hard she got my dick, her connection to him made her off-limits to me.

It was easy to see how Stewart had slipped under the radar for so long. No one would ever suspect someone like him who kept to such a strict schedule and never hid. He never had any shady meetings, and he never looked even the slightest bit panicked about anything. In fact, the only time I’d seen the man even somewhat frustrated was when that woman had marched into his office, interrupting his meeting with the influential businessman he’d been talking to.

But he was no longer slipping under the radar. He’d been found out, and his time was up.

I climbed down from the tree I’d been chilling in for the past three hours. My boots were silent as I made my way toward the dark house. I was halfway across the expansive lawn when I heard a twig snap behind me. I paused because I’d been sure I’d been alone for the past few hours, then turned toward the noise.

“What a surprise,” I murmured, running my eyes over the woman who’d interrupted Stewart’s meeting earlier that week. She was holding a knife in her hand, and her gaze was hard and unforgiving as she stared back at me. The moonlight cast a beautiful glow over her, and had I been in any other situation, I would’ve definitely tried to get her back to my place.


