Have Mercy Read online Christina Lee

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 89
Estimated words: 83379 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 417(@200wpm)___ 334(@250wpm)___ 278(@300wpm)

Just as I was beginning to sand the large sideboard that would work as a counter in their store, Sienna swept through the door with a boxful of different stains we were going to test on the wood grain surface.

“That looks amazing.” Her gaze swept around the space, taking it all in at a glance. I’d finished installing the shelves—some floating from the beams I’d placed above us to mimic a ceiling—as well as the cabinets and counters that would serve as display areas. “I can’t believe we’re almost ready.”

“Right? I swear it was just yesterday when you picked me up at the airport,” I said, even though it was a lie. It felt like I’d been here forever, and it would always feel part of me, like a catharsis of sorts, and not just because of the horse and the cowboy I’d come to adore.

I dug in the box and pulled out one of the colors she’d brought. The only things left were to make the space come alive with paint, decorations, and her goat-milk products, which would likely take us to the day of my flight home. Caitlin wouldn’t relax until she knew I was in my seat and on my way to see her get married.

“You’ll come to the county fair this weekend?”

“Of course!” I replied, more than curious what in the world people did at those things besides eat giant doughy things and drink fresh lemonade. According to Ainsley, there were pie-eating contests, tractor pulls, and livestock exhibits—oh, and the pig races she kept talking about. Not that Phoebe and Hamlet were entering, though I was sure they’d give the others a run for their money. Speaking of those two, I hadn’t seen them since before my session, when they were running around in the pasture with the baby goats. Such goofballs.

“It’ll help to see what products are popular, for staging purposes.”

Staging wasn’t always my thing. I enjoyed the building part of flipping houses better, and Dad always did too. But I’d learned enough about it from Mom—keep the basics neutral and bring in colors through accessories—plus Sienna was talented with decorating in her own right.

Sienna frowned. “It sucks that you won’t be here for the grand opening.”

“Yeah, I know.” I sighed. “Promise to send me photos, and I’ll return the favor with the ceremony?”

“It’s a deal.” Suddenly she stepped closer and wrapped me in a hug. “We’ll miss you. I think Kerry most of all. You’re a good friend.”

“He’s a good friend too,” I said around a thick throat. “But hey, don’t kick me out yet.”

She drew back, grinning. “Sorry, been a bit of a sap lately.”

I arched a brow. “Yeah?”

She shyly bit her lip, then strode toward the door, saying she forgot a box in the truck.

Uh-huh, sure she did.

Right before she stepped out, she turned to look at me. “I know it’s none of my business, but I saw you with Mercy earlier and…you looked good.”



We’d spent the better part of our Sunday at the county fair, and all of us were pretty beat. Between the Firefly booth, the pig races, and livestock shows, the heat was eating us alive, and talking to customers, neighbors, and family all day long got old fast—at least it did for me.

I’d have preferred to hide in a corner and watch Julian in action. He was way better at helping wherever he was needed and getting things done—and charming the pants off the town’s females in the process. If he’d donned his fatigues, they’d undoubtedly be goners. The camouflage hat was enough of a giveaway, plus the manners mixed with brawn had men alike swooning. I’d been lucky enough to feel those muscles and the hint of scruff up close and personal.

Okay, brain, knock it off before I really get myself going.

Ainsley and I did our part by dragging Julian here and there to get the full experience, and it was in the steer-competition tent that Hunter approached us as we were making nice with my parents, Sienna’s mom, and Travis’s family in the stands. Hunter normally entered the ranch in all the competitions, but Mom had just finished telling me that this year he’d apparently left it all to Travis, who was now standing ringside near the judges. Between that information and the target practice from the other day, I wondered if Hunter was going through something, but he’d shut me down right quick if I ever asked him.

Hunter sat on the other side of Julian instead of one bench below with our parents, so I figured it was on purpose and he was working up to something. All my muscles tensed at the prospect.

“So, hey, sorry about what happened the other day,” Hunter said in a softer register, probably hoping I wasn’t paying attention, so I pretended to point out something to Ainsley. “I wasn’t thinking, just blowing off steam—”


