Hate to Love You Read Online Books Tijan

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, College, Drama, New Adult, Romance, Young Adult Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 117
Estimated words: 112951 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 565(@200wpm)___ 452(@250wpm)___ 377(@300wpm)

The whole thing was raw with me still.

The plan had been to stay with Shay for the rest of the semester, but when I heard Phoebe was for sure gone, I wanted to try to resume regular dorm living. If I spent too much time with him, I thought I would miss out on some of those normal college living memories. Plus, Kristina and Casey moved an entire dorm for me. They left their other two friends. I felt like I owed them.

Suddenly, a bunch of whistles and cheers sounded.

Casey yelled, “Everyone clear a path. The football gods have descended upon us!”

“Yeah!” Sarah burped. “En the werr hodt do!”

“And they’re hot, too?” Casey translated. “Girl, you’ve had enough.”


Kristina and I looked at the doorway.

Sarah fell over, her head and shoulders showing. She raised her arm slightly over her head, holding her drink away from someone.

“Come on.” Casey groaned, and she appeared, too. She stood, bending to grab Sarah’s water bottle. “You’re cut off, or someone will tattle to the dorm advisor. We’ll for sure get written up. Amy will have to do something, then.”


That was the RA’s name.

I made a face, grimacing.

Casey noticed my look, cocked her head to the side. Then she got it. “Oh. Sorry.”

“Traitor.” But I didn’t mean it. I flashed her a small grin to make sure. “I’m still only calling her RA in my head.”

I gestured to the hallway. “Who’s out there?”

“Not for you, Princess. It’s the two guys who are dating the twins at the end.”

Another cringe.

Shay called me that one night at his house in front of others. He hadn’t realized it until everyone started hooting and hollering, which sounded a lot like the commotion in our dorm right now.

Casey added, “The movers are leaving. They got everything, but if they didn’t, we’re hoping to scope it out before the RA has to lock it up.” Casey wiggled her eyebrows. “If we can get an extra key, that means an extra room for us. Studying, or,” she dropped her tone, “other stuff, if you know what I mean.”

I didn’t want to know what she meant.

Kristina must’ve thought the same because she asked, “Anyone hungry? We didn’t get dinner before.”

Casey held up her water bottle that was not filled with water. “Yeah. We went straight to booze.”

Sarah was struggling to her feet. She tried to stand up, but toppled back to the floor so she crawled into the room. Scurrying right past us, her eyes were glazed, and I didn’t think she remembered we were even there. She went right to the couch, pulled herself up, and hugged one of the pillows to her chest.

She was snoring in two seconds.

Casey belched, slapping her chest. “Sorry. That was disgusting.” She wavered in the doorway, looking back out. We could hear voices still out there, guys and girls, but I didn’t want to look myself.

Kristina asked me, “Have you talked to Shay today?”

I shook my head. I slept here the night before and then had classes all day. I knew he did, too, but I was expecting a phone call or a surprise visit any minute.

Casey looked back in. “Let’s go there. The guys are always up for grilling.”

Kristina added, “And drinking.”

The two shared a grin because it was true. Since they were no longer playing or training, the house had become a booze fest. It was more common to walk through the place and see the guys drinking than to find them not. That didn’t mean they got drunk. They built up a tolerance, but I know at least a few would get a good buzz by the end of the night. Since the Phoebe fiasco, which was last weekend, I’d only been at Shay’s place and heard someone intoxicated twice. Okay, so maybe it was more.

I still wasn’t that nervous. They were decent guys. They might’ve been rougher around the edges if Shay and Linde weren’t there, but I didn’t think anything would happen to me or my friends.

“Call ’em up, Kenz.” Casey nodded at me. “I’d rather spend the evening with the guys than here with some girls.”

And as if on cue, two of our neighbors appeared in the doorway.

Casey was still standing there so they couldn’t knock on the door, but they were laughing. Their red cheeks told me they’d participated in the drinking game. They both had coffee mugs in hand.

“What are you guys doing tonight?” one asked. I thought her name was Melissa. Again, Kristina would know.

Her friend tucked some of her hair behind her ears. “We were thinking of ordering a pizza, maybe watch some of The Last Kingdom. Uhtred is fucking hot.”

Casey’s eyes got big.

She’d been turned on to the Netflix series, and had been raving about the Dane for the last three days.

“Oh, my gosh!” Her eyes suddenly got smaller, and her shoulders slumped a bit. “We can’t. We’re going to the Football House tonight.”


