Hail Mary – Red Zone Rivals Read Online Kandi Steiner

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Romance, Sports Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 139
Estimated words: 130380 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 652(@200wpm)___ 522(@250wpm)___ 435(@300wpm)

Again, she did exactly as I said, her eyes floating up to meet mine as she pulled my cock out of her mouth. She rolled her hands up and over where she’d been sucking me, wetting her palms before she dragged them down my length again.

“Oh, fuck,” I groaned. “Just like that.”

I loved how much she preened under that praise, how she took me in her mouth again with even more eagerness. She sealed her hands together and that top hand to her mouth, and then she worked them in time together, pumping and twisting and sucking in a perfect rhythm that made me see stars.

My toes curled, spine burning with the need to release. My balls were already so tight, and one glance down at her, one millisecond watching her tits bounce as she worked me had me ready to pull out of her mouth and paint her with every last drop of my release.

Against every urge in my body, I pulled her hair, pulled her off me, and slowly helped her stand. I hissed when she fully released me, and then laughed at her pouty lip once she stood in front of me again.

“Not yet.”

I grabbed her hand in mine and dragged her back to the bed. Crawling in first, I situated myself so I was seated against the headboard, and then I pulled her on top to straddle my lap. It was all the restraint I had left to pause a moment and reach in my bedside table drawer for a Magnum. I slid it over my length, taking my time since Mary was watching the movement with her lips parted like my cock was the prettiest thing she’d ever seen.

“Come here,” I said when it was affixed, and I grabbed her hips in my hands, squeezing the softness there and lifting her until she was balanced on her knees. She braced her hands on my shoulders and lowered just an inch, my crown lining up at her entrance.

Then, I took a breath, and loosened my grip on her hips, letting her take control.

If she was going to try to take me all the way in, she needed to move at her own pace.

“It’s yours, baby,” I told her. “Take it.”

She bit her lip on a moan, rolling her hips until I fit into her seam. She sank just an inch and we both shook, moaning, her eyes fluttering shut while I kept mine open and fixed on where she was taking me.

“Leo,” she breathed when she sank down a little more, and my name on her lips had me desperate to feel her.

I leaned forward, grabbing her and pulling her into me for a kiss. I wrapped my arms fully around her, holding her tight to me as I flexed my hips just marginally, enough to slide a bit farther in. She was still fucking soaked from me, but when she hissed, I knew I was stretching her open.

My forehead hit hers, and I bit back a groan as she lowered down a bit more. When she winced, though, I cupped her face and made her look at me.

“We can stop.”

“Fuck you,” she said, and as if to prove a point, she lifted onto her knees and dropped down even lower.

I was three-fourths of the way in now, and the way she dug her nails into my shoulders as she lifted and dropped back down, again and again, slicking me with her desire as she stretched herself open for me — it was ecstasy.

“You feel so fucking good,” I told her, moving my hands to grip her ass. “I want to fill you. I want you to sit this sweet ass all the way down.”

She whimpered, wrapping her arms around my neck and kissing me hard. Up and down, her ass bounced in my hands as she rode me, slow and smooth, taking in just a centimeter more each time.

Then, on a breath, she tucked her pelvis, shifting to the perfect position to let me all the way in.

“Oh fuck,” she cried. “Fuck, God, Leo.”

Each word was a sip of air as we both stayed perfectly still, her adjusting to the feel of me while my cock throbbed inside her. I held her there for a long time, kissing along her neck, her jaw, up to suck the lobe of her ear into my teeth. I trailed my fingertips over her back, soothing her, patient and waiting.

She pressed onto her knees, the cool hair sweeping over my slick cock, and then she slid back down again. This time, she tucked her pelvis as she lowered, taking me in one fell swoop that made us both cry out.

“Mierda, Mary,” I breathed, my lungs on fire at the sight of her as she lifted and did it again. Her tits bounced when she hit my lap, and I grabbed them in two handfuls, playing with those torturous barbells through her nipples.


