Hail Mary – Red Zone Rivals Read Online Kandi Steiner

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Romance, Sports Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 139
Estimated words: 130380 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 652(@200wpm)___ 522(@250wpm)___ 435(@300wpm)

I bucked my hips, arching into his touch with a moan of ecstasy.

“Mmm, so that’s the spot, huh?” Leo mused, and he gently rolled the metal between his fingers as I whimpered again. “Let’s add a little heat, shall we?”

He lowered himself, eyes cast up at me until the moment he covered the swell with his tongue, running it hot and flat up and over and around where I wanted him most before finally delivering. When he did, he swirled the tip of his tongue around the metal, and I heard it lightly click against his teeth before he sucked and gave me the warm, wet pressure to push me closer to the edge.

I loved my clit to be played with as much as the next girl, but for me, it had always been about my tits. And the way Leo worshipped them, the way he palmed and massaged one while his mouth devoured the other, it was like having a vibrator held on the perfect spot. Add the fact that it was Leo Fucking Hernandez who was bringing me those little shocks of pleasure, and I was a goner.

“More,” I pleaded, and my hips writhed beneath him as I threw my head back and focused on where his mouth sucked my nipple. “So close.”

He stopped immediately.

I couldn’t help the involuntary shudder that ripped through me, or the way I cried out, reaching for him. But Leo caught my wrists again. He kissed each palm before sliding my hands into his hair.

“Not yet.”

I could have cried if it weren’t for the fact that he started kissing me again — first, my lips, then a blazing trail all the way down to my hips. He sucked and nipped at the skin from hip bone to hip bone before pressing a feather-light kiss to my clit, the cool metal of his chains just barely brushing against the hot, sensitive skin as he settled between my legs.

I shivered again. “You are the fucking worst.”

“Hate me again?” he teased, and the motherfucker licked my clit so subtly, just a quick lashing of his tongue that it did nothing but cool my already-sensitive bud.

“So much.”

“That so?” he asked, and this time he ran his tongue along my entrance, up and over my clit, licking everywhere but where I wanted him to.

“Leo,” I begged, squirming.

“Fuck, I love it when you say my name like that.” He rewarded me with a brief suck of my clit that made my legs quake around him. “When I let you come, that’s all I want to hear.”

“You don’t own me,” I said, trying to scoff even as I writhed beneath him.

“Oh, but I do, cariño,” he said, and his eyes stayed locked on mine as he swept his tongue up the length of me. “And you own me, too.”

Those were the words dancing in my head at a dizzying speed as he lowered his mouth, contrasting the brief connection he’d given me before with an all-encompassing sweep of ownership. He covered me with his wet heat, lapping and licking and sucking all while his hands wrapped around my thighs and held me in place so I couldn’t move away, so there was no break, no relief from the sensuous torture.

As expert as his tongue was where he worked me, that wasn’t what drove me to the edge. It was looking down at his head buried between my legs, watching the fervor with which he delivered each pleasurable lash of his tongue. He ate my pussy like it was a goddamn privilege, and it was that vision that made me peak.

“Ohhhh, fuck, Leo,” I cried, and each word was long and melodic like I was singing him a fucking song, writing an anthem in his honor. It was all the affirmation he needed to reach one hand up and find my breast, and he held the weight of it while his fingers rolled around my piercing.

I combusted.

I didn’t come in the cute, show-worthy way porn stars do. No, I flew apart at the hinges, legs violently shaking and body twisting in the sheets like that orgasm was an exorcism. It burned me from the inside out, and I cried out Leo’s name over and over and over until every last wave had passed through me and I was bone-heavy and limp.

I didn’t realize how hard I was breathing or how fast my heart was racing until I came crashing back to earth, and I ran a hand over my slick forehead and into my hair, shaking my head.

“Holy shit.”

Leo chuckled against my core, kissing me there one last time before he crawled his way up. When he took my mouth with his, I tasted myself on him, and I lit up like a fucking Christmas tree at the fact.

“That was something,” he murmured against my lips.


