Grind (Wrong Side of the Tracks #4) Read Online K.A. Merikan

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Bad Boy, Contemporary, Crime, Dark, M-M Romance Tags Authors: Series: Wrong Side of the Tracks Series by K.A. Merikan

Total pages in book: 137
Estimated words: 127213 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 636(@200wpm)___ 509(@250wpm)___ 424(@300wpm)

“They’re all like Brian deep down. They get jealous, suspicious, and eventually dump you, or even hurt you on the way out. The only safety is in creating your own wealth and depending on yourself. Those guys? They’re walking ATMs, honey. It’s a bonus if they’re handsome and fun to be around.”

Ezra didn’t believe for a second that Frank would have actually done anything to hurt his feelings on purpose, he was too gentle for that, but she was right about one thing—he could not help Ezra achieve his goals. And that was that. He could feel like safety between the sheets, when he wrapped those massive arms around Ezra, but he couldn’t provide it in the real world.

Still, the way she kept suggesting Frank wasn’t a man of high value irked Ezra each time they talked about him. But maybe it didn’t matter, since that friendship was over. He exhaled, realizing he was almost at Paul’s home.

“I gotta run.”

“Bye, babe! Don’t be a stranger, tell me all about Cali when you get there!” She looked like she was about to bite into her strawberry, but disconnected before that could happen.

Ezra pulled into the road that would take him to his destination, still annoyed by this food edging. Paul would usually come over during the week but see him at his own place on the weekend, so Ezra knew where to head, and after cleansing his mind with a silent recitation of the latest earworm, Ezra followed the driveway leading to the farmhouse hidden between the trees.

After coming here for the first time, Ezra had perused property listings to find out that it had been last on the market a few years prior and sold for almost three million. Despite that price tag, it had a rustic feel to it due to the simple, familiar form of the main building and barn doors on each of the four garages. The facade covered in black wooden siding hid minimalist yet luxurious interiors that proved Paul indulged himself also outside the bedroom, but a part of Ezra wished that he wouldn’t be invited inside. He was not in the right mind space for sex. Not that it ever stopped him—after all, he was a professional—but a man could dream.

A black BMW was parked outside, polished to perfection yet unfamiliar, which suggested Paul had guests. He should have still answered Ezra’s messages, but since it would have been impolite to bother him in this situation, Ezra decided to let himself into the yard and leave the keys in the cabinet on the back porch.

Ignoring the main entrance, Ezra passed the firepit and outdoor bed where Paul had fucked him more than once. He walked behind the main house, stepping onto the graveled area leading onto the porch. He was surprised to see the back door open but didn’t think twice about it and climbed the two steps. He pulled out his phone, ready to message Paul as soon as the keys were tucked behind the glass doors of the cabinet when a pungent smell stabbed his nose.


“Hello?” Ezra asked without thinking and turned toward the door as the hair on his nape bristled. Maybe he should check on Paul after all. What if he hadn’t bailed earlier? Even a strong, healthy man could suffer some kind of accident or heart attack, and who could possibly help him all the way out here?

Sweat beaded on Ezra’s upper lip as his stomach sank in sudden worry, because that made perfect sense. If Paul had gone out, the back door would have surely remained locked, and that car? Maybe it wasn’t a guest’s but a new purchase he couldn’t fit into the garage.

Ezra stepped into the dining room decorated with dark beams and a long table made out of a tree that had been cut lengthwise. Inside, the sharp odor was even more pungent, but he headed through an open doorway and entered the huge living room, surprised by a tapping sound. Stopping in his tracks, Ezra focused on the noise, only to hear a muted melody coming from somewhere inside the house. He recognized Paul’s voice, and that was when it hit him that the tapping was just falling water, and the inconsiderate fucker who’d stood him up earlier was taking a shower in the first floor guestroom’s ensuite.

Ezra rolled his eyes, angry that he’d gotten all worried for Paul, who'd clearly ignored him on purpose, just to fuck with him in retaliation for being abandoned by his favorite fuck toy. But since he was fine, Ezra headed for the kitchen, intent on leaving the car keys on the counter to let the bastard know what he’d missed out on with his petty behavior.

He approached the kitchen island, slammed both his phone and the Jaguar keys onto the marble counter, and approached the refrigerator to grab a piece of paper from the magnetic notepad when his foot slipped.


