Give Me Forever – Beaumont – Next Generation Read Online Heidi McLaughlin

Categories Genre: Contemporary, New Adult Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 82
Estimated words: 78387 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 392(@200wpm)___ 314(@250wpm)___ 261(@300wpm)

“Did we do okay?” Justine asks.

“You girls were amazing.” My phone beeps and I look at the screen. The Instacart order I placed for Ben has been delivered. I do not know if he’s eating the food or not, but I know he won’t go out and shop for himself. He hates the grocery store, and even shopping on the apps. Ben always deferred that task to me.

As soon as we get back to the studio, the girls grab their things and meet Johnny and Patsy in the waiting room. As much as they wanted to come with us, there aren’t a lot of plus ones added to a nationally televised performance.

When I get to my office, I find Quinn sitting at my desk. “Don’t even think about it,” I tell him as I hang my coat up.

“You have no idea what I’m thinking.”

Pfft. “I can only imagine. Scoot.”

He reluctantly gets out of my chair and sits in the one across from me. I start up my computer and wait for my emails to load. Plum has more media requests, and a new email says URGENT—TOUR.

“Fuck,” I mutter.

“What’s wrong?”

I shake my head and open the email. After scanning quickly, I tell Quinn, “Loving Light wants Plum to tour with them.”

“That’s good, right?”

“It’s amazing. It means we need to hurry and finish their album, but yeah. This is going to be huge for them.”

“Let me know if I can help.”

“I’m definitely taking you up on that. We have a few songs that need some background vocals, and they could use another guitar. Dad is coming in to work with Priscilla on her technique, and Dana wants to write a song with Justine. Plus, I have Talking Til Dawn coming in to start their record. Grandpa is right. I need help.”

Quinn chuckles. “As if you’d let anyone take over. You’re a control freak.”

“Liking things done a certain way doesn’t make me a freak.” I throw a wadded piece of paper at him. “Anyway, what are you really doing here?”

“Nothing,” he says with a small shrug. “Just thought I’d stop in and see how you’re doing.”

“No complaints,” I tell him. “Have you seen Oliver lately?”

“No, you? I feel like Mom is hiding him from us.”

I can’t help but laugh. Our mother isn’t hiding the baby. She’s probably plotting on how to use Ollie to convince us all to have our own babies. “Did you get him a surfboard yet?”

Quinn beams and sits up. “It’s so freaking cute. I had to special order his wet suit and because he’s growing, I ordered one in each size. I’m heading out there this weekend to take him out. You and Ben should come.”

The mention of Ben’s name gives me pause, but I hope I’m able to keep my emotions hidden. Quinn doesn’t know about Ben and me, and I don’t plan on telling him or anyone in my family for the time being. Ben and I need to sit down and talk. “Yeah, we’ll be there. Ben started a new job, but he should be able to break away for a bit.”

“Yeah, what’s up with the new job?”

“Better benefits,” I say. “The freelance work is good because he can set his own rate of pay and hours, but no benefits. Everyone needs health insurance.”

“Ain’t that the truth?” Quinn stands and makes his way to the door. “When do you need me in the studio for Plum?”

“Tomorrow. Is that okay?”

He nods. “When is Sinful Distraction recording?”

I flip through the calendar on my desk and rattle off the dates to him. “Will you be ready?”

“Yeah. Ajay is bringing Jamie and the kids out to mom and dad’s this weekend. Evelyn wants to play with Ollie.”

“Are Peyton and Noah coming over as well?”

“Dunno, I suppose. See ya.”

“Bye.” As soon as the door latches, the tears fall. I cry hard, holding my head in my hands. I don’t have much time to cry out my emotion as there are voices outside my door, causing me to stop. I’m at work and need to be as professional as possible. After a couple of deep, calming breaths, I wipe my tears with my fingers and get back to work. As much as I’d love for Ben to join us this weekend, I know he won’t. This just means I’ll have to come up with another excuse. I don’t know how much longer I can keep the secret from my family. My parents are already suspicious. It’s only a matter of time until someone shows up at our house—Ben’s house—and notices I’m not there.



Healthcare is a joke. I completely understand that everyone thinks their issues are the most critical ones because let’s be honest, they are. However, when someone calls their primary care doctor and says, “hey, I think I found a lump on my testicle,” you’d think the office would squeeze you in for an appointment.


