Game On Read online Riley Hart, Devon McCormack (Fever Falls #5)

Categories Genre: Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: , Series: Fever Falls Series by Devon McCormack
Series: Fever Falls Series by Riley Hart

Total pages in book: 96
Estimated words: 92704 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 464(@200wpm)___ 371(@250wpm)___ 309(@300wpm)

“It’s not stupid. It’s human. It’s easy for others to decide how long people should grieve or suffer or struggle, but no one can decide that for anyone else.”

My heart thudded, broke open for him to come inside. “Thanks. So yeah, I was letting him get to me, and I was also in the process of getting everything figured out for the store. I thought about how I was living and how I wanted to live, and I decided then and there that I wanted to be fearless.”

Carter reached over and grabbed my hand.

“I haven’t been doing that, though. I haven’t been living fearlessly, and I figured out why. There was nothing I wanted enough. There was nothing that was worth the risk or the pain until…until I met you.” A tear rolled down his cheek, and I wiped it away with my thumb. “You’re worth it, Carter. I want to live fearlessly for you. I’ve been miserable since you left Fever Falls because I’m in love with you. And if you want me…if you’ll have me, I’d come here, move to LA to be with you.”

He was full-on crying now. I couldn’t wipe the tears away quick enough. My hands shook as I tried, and I was nervous he would say no, but there was no regret there. As I told him, he was worth the risk.

“What about your store? You couldn’t just up and move.”

“Yes, I could. It wouldn’t be easy, and I’d have to go back often, but not nearly as often as you’d have to come back to LA if the situation were reversed. Cam will help. I’ll hire a manager. I’ll figure it out. You’re worth it,” I said again.

He sat there staring at me, and my heart dropped.

“I don’t want to push you. If you don’t feel the same, I’ll understand, but—”

“Are you kidding me? I’m crazy fucking in love with you, Sawyer Burke.”

“Yeah?” I asked, feeling like something was lighting me up from the inside. Like I was so damn bright, it would hurt to look at me.

“Yes. You really don’t know? You’re my Naughty Sawyer. Of course I love you. I told Miles as much the other day. You’re it for me, Saw.”

I grabbed him and pulled him closer. Carter came easily, straddling my lap. Our mouths met in a clash of teeth and hungry tongues. He tasted so fucking good, so right, like he was exactly where he was always supposed to be. It was scary, and I’d never planned on leaving the Falls, but I would do anything for him.

He whimpered when I pulled away. It was the sexiest fucking sound I’d ever heard. Carter’s forehead dropped against mine, and we sat there for a moment, sharing the same air and savoring each other. “You really love me?” he asked.

“Hey, that was my question.” I pulled back and looked at him. “Yes, I do. So fucking much, it hurts to be away from you.”

“It was killing me too. You’ve become more than just my lover. You’re my best friend. The first person I want to tell when something good happens and the one I trust with my heart when it’s aching.”

“I’ll take good care of it, baby. I promise.”

“I know.” Carter smiled. “There’s only one problem.”

My heart took a nosedive to my gut.

“I don’t think it would be very wise of you to move to LA. I’m tired of having a long-distance relationship with you, and I’ve already decided I’m going to talk to Elliott about going back to Fever Falls.”

“What?” My body jolted forward from where I was leaning against the couch. I went too far, and our heads collided.

“Ouch. Shit. Maybe not if you do that,” Carter teased.

I couldn’t find it in me to laugh, though. I was too shocked. “What about your job? This was a huge opportunity for you.”

“And it wasn’t one I ever planned on having. It was never my dream to be the next Dax. I loved what I did…I was a PA-extraordinaire, but then when Elliott approached me, I got excited. Maybe I made myself believe it was something I should have wanted, but being here—around people who only spend time with me to chat about the industry or work toward taking their careers to the next level—made me realize this isn’t who I am anymore. I’m the guy who loves dancing at Fever with Owen and Keeg, attending Nance’s barbecues to gossip with Jace and Dax about the latest Saturgay news, conspiring about surprise birthday parties with Ash and Beau, planning ski weekends with Rush and Linc…” He took a breath before adding, “Who loves getting into kitchen-sink wars with his boyfriend before continuing a Netflix series in the bedroom, which more times than not turns into getting tossed around and fucked by my Naughty Sawyer.”


