Game On Read online Riley Hart, Devon McCormack (Fever Falls #5)

Categories Genre: Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: , Series: Fever Falls Series by Devon McCormack
Series: Fever Falls Series by Riley Hart

Total pages in book: 96
Estimated words: 92704 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 464(@200wpm)___ 371(@250wpm)___ 309(@300wpm)

“I’m accompanying Jenny Larson.”

“Ooh, on the arm of a supermodel. Still playing that game of showing up with supermodels and leaving with personal assistants?”

He glanced around as though making sure no one heard me, but of course, I wouldn’t have said it if I’d thought someone was in earshot.

“Just football, with a side of PAs,” he teased back.

I laughed. The guy had a way of charming the pants off a man. A lot of men, unbeknownst to the media.

He moved a little closer, so we were inches apart. “You have any plans for after this party?”

“No plans,” I admitted, which made his smile broaden.

He gave me the once-over, biting his bottom lip. “So should I give you my hotel key now?” he whispered.

“Whoa, whoa, Smooth Operator.”

“What? You had fun last time, right?”

“Yes, and in another life, I would be slinging myself on top of you and forcing your cock inside me, but right now I’m actually—” My brain short-circuited as I tried to consider what exactly Sawyer and I were doing. We weren’t really seeing each other, but I was saving my ass for him, so certainly we were doing more than nothing. But we were nowhere near anything more than that.

I didn’t want that. Didn’t do that. Refused to even think the word.

I liked him, and I knew he liked me, but fun was all we were having.

Hot, scorching fun…with a nice friendship, which I liked to think would extend beyond wherever what we were doing took us.

In other relationships, they hadn’t cared if I’d done something like this while I was away. But Sawyer did, and I knew why. And something about the way he wanted me all to himself was a little sweet…and a lot erotic. I wanted Sawyer to keep me all to his greedy self.

“I’m sort of seeing someone.”

“Sort of seeing someone? A boyfriend?”

Ugh. That word!

“No, not quite.”

“What is it, then?”

“We haven’t defined that yet.”

“You can’t mess around with someone outside of it, but you haven’t defined it?”

“Well, like most of life, it’s complicated.”

“Doesn’t have to be.” His subtle wink was as welcoming as ever.

“Miles, you bad boy. Stop being such a horndog. I know you want to try out some of the new equipment that was prancing around that stage earlier.”

“New equipment is great and all, but when you know something that works…”

“I said no.” I laughed, feeling complimented by his persistence.

He threw his arm around me, patting my shoulder. “I’m just giving you a hard time. Obviously, not the fun sort of hard time, but a hard time still.”

He winked again, in that way that had effortlessly reeled me right in a year earlier. But soon our conversation shifted back to the usual—work, family, life.

When the night came to an end, I headed back to my hotel room and dialed Sawyer for a video chat.

“Oh, you wanted to talk on video tonight?” he answered. “You’re usually surprised when I call, let alone this.”

“I figured I had to one-up you somehow.”

He smiled. It was an expression I was growing more and more accustomed to. “Well, I’m glad you called. You skipped town pretty fast.”

“Too fast,” I said.

“We’ll have to make up for it when you get back. Maybe dinner or a movie or both.”

“This does beg a certain question…kind of the same question we ran into the other night at Fever. Just wondering how we need to handle it around the other guys.”

“They know we’re not at each other’s throats like we were before Whistle Ridge. I don’t think it’ll be weird if they see us hanging out together. And the rest really isn’t any of their business. I don’t see a reason to hide it, but it’s not like we’re boyfriends or anything.”

“So if I’d picked you out of the crowd and danced on you during my drag show, you would have been fine with that?”

“I don’t usually like drawing attention to myself like that, but really, I would have liked it, I think.”

“Really?” I practically sang, as intrigued as ever.

He smiled. “Yeah, and it’s not like anyone would have thought anything more of it than they did when you were dancing on Straighty Elliott.”

I mimed opening a notebook and scribbling. “Noted for future shows.”

He snickered. “Yeah, add that to your imaginary agenda, because you definitely owe me a naughty lap dance.”

“One naughty dance for a very naughty Sawyer. I’ll get right on it.” We smiled together.

Silence stretched between us, but not an uncomfortable one. There was something so pleasant about it, which as someone who typically couldn’t bear for things to be quiet for too long, I definitely noticed. I simply enjoyed looking at his hazel eyes, appreciating that pretty face I was unfortunately already missing too much by being away for a few short days.

“Okay, well, I’ve got to be up early tomorrow,” he finally said, “so I’d better get to bed, but get your ass back here soon, because I have some unfinished business with it.”


