Full Domain Read Online Kindle Alexander (Nice Guys #3)

Categories Genre: Erotic, Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Nice Guys Series by Kindle Alexander

Total pages in book: 128
Estimated words: 147789 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 739(@200wpm)___ 591(@250wpm)___ 493(@300wpm)

“I’m not sleeping with you. I don’t even know you.” Aaron turned away and stared out the front windshield of the rental.

“I can’t think of a better way for you to get to know me, can you?” Kreed asked then waited for something other than the incredulous look now being shot back at him. Kreed shrugged before finally speaking again. “Your loss. It’s a onetime offer.”

When Aaron said nothing more, Kreed dropped the gearshift into drive and pulled out from the parking spot. He didn’t have enough time to wine and dine the kid, but Aaron’s continued silence disappointed him. Clearly, the direct approach might not have been the best way to accomplish his most immediate goal.

Whatever. Can’t fault a guy for trying. Kreed turned his attention to the traffic, reading the exit signs, following them out of the parking garage before taking the south airport exit.

“So like honey…meaning sex, and money…meaning the office? You don’t have sex with the people you work with?” Aaron finally broke the tense silence about ten minutes later.

Kreed kept driving, eyes focused on the road as his grin grew. Aaron was thinking about his offer—maybe even reconsidering his decision, making it not quite the solid no he’d originally thought. “That’s surprising. I assumed you and Mitch hooked up.”

Kreed gave a deep chuckle at that one. Most people went there. Everybody assumed he and Mitch hooked up on a regular basis. It was just another part of the stereotype that gay field partners got. Instead of telling Aaron he shouldn’t assume shit, he decided to be honest.

“We did a time or two, a long time ago, before we worked together as partners. It didn’t work out. Now we just give each other shit. He’s like my family,” Kreed offered and gave Aaron a side glance. “It’s still not too late to accept.”

“What and be another notch on your bedpost? Nah, I think I’ll pass. There’s no reason to complicate things, especially when I don’t even want to be here. I’m gonna do what they want then get the hell out,” Aaron said, turning his head toward the passenger side window.

“Hmmm. Why’s that?” Kreed asked. “I mean the getting the hell out part.” Kreed left the notch on the bedpost remark alone, accepting it for what it was—an attempted slam to help create distance between them.

“All I was trying to do was give you guys the information I found. It wasn’t that big a deal. I could do this from home. I don’t need to be here and up in the middle of all this bullshit,” Aaron said, somewhat disgruntled.

“Hmm.” Kreed couldn’t help but notice all the aggression in Aaron’s words and wonder why. “You’ve been instrumental in this case. I’d pretty much say that if it wasn’t for you, we’d still be chasing our tails.”

“Whatever. Anything I did was from my house. I don’t need to be under their thumb. I have a life and things to take care of. I should be there now…where it’s sunny.”

Kreed barked out a laugh. “I thought all you computer geeks stayed locked up in the house, away from the sun and people”

“I have a balcony,” Aaron tossed out.

Kreed laughed again. Aaron had to get out of the house more than just onto his balcony to get that nice of a tan. Coming to a stop at a red light, Kreed gave a sideways glance toward the kid. A little prickle of intuition spiked, making Aaron more than just sexy. There was more to this guy than he’d originally picked up on and he didn’t usually miss things. He could typically get a feel for someone within the first few minutes of meeting them.

Looking back, from the beginning, he couldn’t get a read on Aaron. It bugged the shit out of him. The guy was an enigma, and Kreed realized that figuring Aaron out would be a challenge, but he always welcomed a good challenge. He’d investigate quietly, but completely. If nothing else, it would help fill the holes of boredom that Mitch had always been good at filling.

“Okay, beach bunny, again your loss on the offer. Guess you’ll never know why they call me Sin.” Kreed lowered his voice and turned toward Stuart. “I can tell you this much, though. It has nothing to do with my last name.” Kreed gave Aaron a wink and focused his attention back to the road. The huff he heard coming from Aaron had a huge grin expanding across his face. Oh yeah, this was getting better by the second.

“How about some lunch? We can sit and talk. I have a feeling you’ll be assigned as my temporary partner in this deal. We need to get on the same page. There’re a few things we need to go over. Just for the record, I’m not any fonder of working with the suits than you are. I’m good with gettin’ in there, gettin’ the job done, and gettin’ the hell out as soon as humanly possible.”

“Sure, whatever.” Aaron dismissed him and continued staring out the passenger side window. Kreed could feel the frustration rolling off Aaron in waves. Whether it was the FBI assignment or the sexual tension sitting between them, he couldn’t tell yet. Secretly he hoped for the latter, especially since he’d been so solidly turned down.

Kreed pulled into the first restaurant he saw. Aaron Stuart was on his radar and Kreed wasn’t about to let this kid out of his sight.

Chapter 3

Aaron stepped out of the SUV and immediately adjusted himself. His ever growing hard-on pressing against the tight new Levi’s hurt and annoyed the shit out of him. Unfortunately, the slight adjustment hadn’t been enough, but he couldn’t very well stick his hands down his pants and rectify the situation in front of the very man who caused all this discomfort.

Kreed Sinacola hadn’t minced words.

Damn, if it wasn’t such a turn-on to be hit on. He couldn’t remember the last time anyone had made their intentions so undeniably clear. The heat in Kreed’s eyes had cemented the suggestion they go back to the hotel and fuck like bunnies. And his traitorous dick jumped right on board that train wreck of an idea.


