Full Domain Read Online Kindle Alexander (Nice Guys #3)

Categories Genre: Erotic, Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Nice Guys Series by Kindle Alexander

Total pages in book: 128
Estimated words: 147789 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 739(@200wpm)___ 591(@250wpm)___ 493(@300wpm)

“I’ve got a couple of hours before you become my colleague. I can look all I want right now. Just so you know, from where I’m standing, the view’s magnificent. Bet it’s even better without all your new, shiny threads in the way.”

Aaron spun around in the middle of the parking lot, the icy wind stinging his cheeks as he faced off with Kreed. He had to get a hold of this situation. Aaron dropped his fingers to where he thought Kreed’s gaze was and held them much like an inverted peace sign then lifted his wrist, directing Kreed’s stare up to meet his. He used those two fingers to gesture between their eyes, keeping an intense look of irritation on his face as he spoke the words.

“My eyes are up here. Now, listen to me. Whatever fantasy you have bouncing around in that oversized head of yours… Not. Gonna. Happen. I’m here until I can convince them to send me home. That’s it. End of story!” The amused look Kreed gave made him wonder if the man had heard anything he’d said. Aaron threw his hands in the air and growled in frustration, such a better emotion to hang on to.

Aaron tossed out the next words just to get a dig in. “So, you better get over it, old man.”

Kreed barked out a laugh and started moving forward again, passing Aaron. “Say what you want, but I know what I saw in your eyes when you walked up to me at the airport. You can fight it all you want, kid. But I know you want a piece of this.”

Aaron sighed, letting his head drop back between his shoulders, and just stared up at the dark, cloud-covered sky in total disbelief. Dammit to hell, he was in so much trouble here. Yeah, Kreed was absolutely right about wanting him, but it didn’t matter, because he wasn’t going there. The horn that blasted behind him startled the fuck out of him and had him jerking around to find he’d come to a stop right in the middle of the parking lot, blocking traffic.

Kreed seriously got under his skin.

The annoyingly loud bark of laughter coming from the front door of the restaurant brought him back to reality. Aaron lifted his hand, sending a quick wave of apology to the people in the car. After pulling himself back together, he took a deep breath then jogged toward the door where Kreed was now doubled over in amusement—all that jovial attitude directed straight at him. Aaron definitely wasn’t laughing. The deputy marshal had him so wound up. He was almost certain that with just one click of Kreed’s fingers his resolve would snap and his whole world would spin completely out of control. Aaron felt the scowl settle into place as he walked past his handsome tormentor, feigning disinterest as he went inside to get a table.


Kreed’s brow furrowed as he listened to Aaron rattle off his extensive food order to the waitress—two large appetizers, an entrée with extra sides, and a dessert. Was this kid serious? The server finally looked over at him for his order. Before he got a chance to speak, Aaron called her attention back to him. He had her repeat the order back to him, stopping her every other word to change or add something. She wrote quickly on her pad before she turned her somewhat dazed expression toward him.

“Cheeseburger. Medium.” He stared at Aaron as he spoke the words. He only broke eye contact to hand the waitress his menu. To be nothing more than a good-natured smartass, he grinned at Aaron before he spoke. “Can you repeat that for me?”

She started to turn away and stopped abruptly, turning back, a little startled. “Umm, yeah. You wanted a cheeseburger cooked medium.”

Kreed nodded slowly, pretending to contemplate her words. “Yes… A cheeseburger…” He stared at Stuart when he said those words and laughed out loud at his own joke. Aaron didn’t seem to find the humor in his action. He waved a hand toward the waitress and gave her a wink. “I’m messing with him. Ignore me.”

She looked almost relieved before quickly turning away and leaving them alone again.

“You seriously gonna eat all that?”

“Every bite. I have a very fast metabolism and I haven’t eaten today,” Aaron replied, linking his fingers together on the table.

“Not the first time you’ve been asked that question?”

“Nope, it’s not.” Aaron stared back at him, holding eye contact. This time Kreed was less affected by all that hot, sexy, edgy hipster thing Aaron had going on, which was a good thing. Kreed had started them off all wrong. He shouldn’t have gone there so quickly, but there was something about that adorable nerdy thing that did it for him. Kreed knew he could come across a little strong when he wanted something—clearly not the right approach to take with Aaron. If he could make Aaron comfortable, then he’d open up more, and that would greatly help in connecting some of the missing dots in the questions circulating through Kreed’s overactive brain. Based on all the attitude in the stare he was getting right now, Aaron had resurrected the walls Kreed had managed to dislodge with his earlier innuendos.

“You gonna share any of those appetizers?” he asked, trying for friendly.

“Umm…I guess, but you should’ve ordered something more for yourself.”

Kreed couldn’t help but bark out a laugh at the pained look he received. Mental note made: Aaron didn’t share or play with his food. Got it.

“I’m good. I can’t eat all that crap anymore. I’m too old. It’s gettin’ harder to work it off.” Kreed reached down and patted his belly. Aaron’s gaze followed his hand before skittishly darting back up to meet his eyes.

“You aren’t ready for social security. You can’t be that old,” Aaron finally replied.

“You know my age,” Kreed said. There was no way Aaron hadn’t come prepared, with intel on everything and everyone involved. The kid was too smart for that.

A slow smile parted Aaron’s lips. “It makes people uncomfortable when I rattle off personal details. For the record, I wasn’t just searching you, so don’t get a big head. I can tell you Connors’s and Brown’s ages too.”


