Four Enemies – Four After Dark Read Online Stephanie Brother

Categories Genre: Erotic, Fantasy/Sci-fi Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 62
Estimated words: 58840 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 294(@200wpm)___ 235(@250wpm)___ 196(@300wpm)

“We could talk more about your sister’s polyamorous lifestyle instead,” Colin says, giving me a wink. He wants her to loosen up, too.

“Okay,” she says quickly. “I’ll play for a little while, but I don’t want to stay up late.”

“You need to let your food digest before you go to bed, anyway,” I say.

“You can go first,” Colin tells her. “Ask us anything.”

Brittany looks around the room for a moment, as if seeking inspiration. Finally, she says, “Never have I ever sent someone a dick pic.”

“That’s not a fair one,” I say. “You don’t even have a dick.”

She crosses her arms in front of her chest as she leans back in her chair. “Doesn’t mean I can’t send a picture of someone else’s dick to somebody.” She looks around at each of us, waiting for someone to drink.

Colin reaches for the bottle first, and then I take it from him and take a swig.

“Dick pics are a form of harassment,” Brittany cries. “Why would you do that?”

“It’s not harassment when someone asks you for a picture of your dick,” I say.

“Not when they beg you for a picture,” Colin adds.

Brittany frowns. “You’re both way too fucking cocky for your own good, you know that?”

I shrug. “It’s not cockiness if it’s true.”

She shakes her head like we’re too much for her. “Who’s next?” she asks, sounding exasperated.

I lift a hand. “I’ll go. Never have I ever had sex in public.”

Brittany’s brows lift. “Really? Hasn’t anyone ever begged you to have sex in public?”

A laugh erupts out of me. Brittle Brittany has a sense of humor when she’s not busy bossing us around.

“Shockingly, no. It hasn’t happened yet.”

“Give me the bottle,” she says, gesturing for it.

“Ooh, the boss lady’s gotten freaky in the fresh air,” Colin says, laughing. “Care to tell us about it?”

She looks back at him without saying anything.

“The rules I follow say you have to give details if you’re the only one who takes a drink,” I say.

Owen gets up and takes the bottle from Brittany, sits back down, and takes a swig.

“It’s always the quiet ones!” Brittany says. “Guess I’m off the hook. But it was sex on the beach, if you must know.”

Colin makes a wide-eyed face that tells me he’s imagining the scene.

“I guess that makes sense on Four Points,” Zane says.

Colin’s turn is next. “Never have I ever had a threesome.”



“I thought we weren’t going to talk about polyamory,” Brittany says.

“I said we won’t talk about your sister.”

“If you’re asking, that means you haven’t had a threesome?” she asks. “No one’s begged you for one?”

“I’ve had a foursome,” Colin says. “Technically, that doesn’t count.”

I reach for the whiskey and take a drink, remembering a particularly fun night last year. One of the women involved had red hair, and now I’m imagining Brittany in my bed. I’ll bet she’d be a lot of fun.

“Surprise, surprise,” Brittany says, deadpan.

“Pass it here,” Zane says, looking at the bottle.

Brittany’s eyes whip in his direction, but I can’t read her expression.

“Anyone else?” Owen asks. When no one else comes forward, he says, “Never have I ever eaten an entire pizza at one time.”

“Finally a question that doesn’t revolve around sex,” Brittany says.

Colin stands up, clears his throat, and puts on a serious tone. “On one occasion, after hours of vigorous sexual activity, I ate a whole pizza entirely by myself.”

“Oh my god.” Brittany falls back in her seat, shaking her head and laughing. “You didn’t share any of it with your sexual partner?”

“They had their own pizza,” Colin says, and the rest of us laugh.

I take a drink next, and Zane does, too.

When it’s Zane’s turn, it takes him a while to come up with something. Eventually, he says, “Never have I ever regretted my career choice.”

“Brittany’s going to have to take a big drink for this one,” I say.

She frowns at me. “What do you mean?”

“You can’t tell me you don’t regret your current job. You’ve been miserable every day of the tour so far.”

She looks surprised by this observation. “Miserable? I wouldn’t say that.”

“That one swig of public-sex whiskey you had must have hit you quick,” Colin says. “You’re telling us you haven’t been miserable?”

Frowning, she gives her head a small shake. “I won’t say it hasn’t been challenging so far, but the career regret I have is working as a grocery store cashier for far too long. I could’ve found something better.”

“I think she likes us,” I say, smiling big and making a joke out of it as I look at the other guys. “Brittany likes us.”

“Anyway, pass the bottle,” she tells Zane.

After she takes a drink, she’s ready for her next turn. “Never have I ever cheated on anyone.” She looks around at all of us expectantly. When none of us makes a move, she says, “C’mon, you can be honest. I won’t judge.”


