Forbidden Target – A Stalker Romance Read Online Cassandra Hallman

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, Forbidden, Virgin Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 58
Estimated words: 52338 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 262(@200wpm)___ 209(@250wpm)___ 174(@300wpm)

"Right," Natalie agrees. "It's actually why I'm up here, as I wanted to talk to you about what I've found. It's pretty much the same thing that he's told you. The makeup company is a front. It's listed under a shell company that's registered as Rosario, Inc, which is related to the Rosario Mafia Family. There are multiple open investigations looking into the alleged trafficking, both domestic and international."

"Jesus." I run a frustrated hand through my hair. "So where do we start? This is no longer a singular person; we're now chasing two organizations. If we don't get the actual head of the Chernakov Bratva, the target won't be safe."

"Where is the target now?"

"I took her back home," I idly say. I don't even realize the mistake I've made until Natalie's eyebrows nearly disappear into her hairline.

"You took her home? From where?" she asks.

"I had her stay at my place to be protected after the attack," I state, hoping I sound professional enough for it not to be suspicious.

"And she couldn't stay in a hotel? Where is her father?"

"He thought it was best if she went with me just in case the men came back for him," I say, lying through my teeth. Natalie looks at me for a long while.

"Nothing is going on between you and the target, right?" she asks. "You know it's dangerous to personally get involved with targets in situations like this."

"I know the protocol," I say, my voice tight.

"Good." She nods. "Well, I'll get a team on busting the auction up and I'll keep looking into seeing who the head of the Russian bratva is so that we can organize the appropriate plan to eliminate the threat to the target. Stay close to your phone. I'll be in touch soon."

"Will do," I mumble and turn to walk away.

"And Trent," she calls out. I pause and look over my shoulder. "Keep your distance from the target. Now that she knows of her threat, there's no need for your up close and personal surveillance."

I turn without a word and continue down the hall, annoyance tightening my muscles. I have to get my head back in the game, and maybe I did need to keep my distance. I step onto the elevator, shifting back into work mode as I prepare myself for the job ahead.

Even if it means ghosting Morgan in the process.



Icheck my phone for the tenth time in the past minute, irritation spreading throughout me as I see the same empty notification list on my phone. I haven't heard from Trent all day, which puts me on edge. After learning the truth, I can't help but wonder what he's doing when he's not with me. Is he killing someone else? Has he found the person responsible for all of this? Is he safe wherever he is?

I'd opted to stay home from classes today, as it didn't seem like the safest idea to be out in public at the moment. Besides, it's not like I would've been able to concentrate anyway. The only thing that consumes my mind is that someone's out to get me, someone I don't even know, making it hard for me to go back to my life as if everything is normal. Not hearing from Trent doesn't help either. There's always this sense of safety when he's around; if I'm honest, I miss him. After learning the truth, I'd been angry with him last night, but I can see why he did everything he had. But it's unlike him to go so long without responding to me—not even a text—which only fills my head with all kinds of worst-case scenarios that do nothing but increase the already growing anxiety within me.

I spend the entire evening looking out my window to see if I can see him. He'd told me last night that he'd been watching me for a while, so I wonder if I would be able to see him sitting outside of my house. But as the sun dips out of the sky, there still hasn't been a single sign of him or his car near my house. I grab my phone with a sigh and open his text thread.

Morgan: Hey, where are you?

I nibble on my bottom lip as I stare at the screen, relief spreading through my chest when his chat bubble pops up on the screen as he types his response.

Trent: Outside your house.

I look back out of the the window into the darkness, frowning when I don't see his car in front of my house. I quickly respond to his message.

Morgan: I don't see you outside. Can you come inside?

I divert my attention back to the window to see if I can see him, wondering if he's really out there. He finally appears after a couple of minutes, coming from behind the ledge that lines our property before he crosses the lawn to head to the front door. I meet him in the doorway, a smile on my face as he approaches.


