Football Royalty – Franklin U Read Online Eden Finley

Categories Genre: College, M-M Romance, Sports Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 85
Estimated words: 82543 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 413(@200wpm)___ 330(@250wpm)___ 275(@300wpm)

“I’d be okay with it,” Talon says. “Sex workers need to make a living.”

Miller backhands his husband’s chest. I think it’s playful, but it must’ve been hard because Talon rubs the spot and mutters, “Ouch.”

I know they’re joking, and I do smile, but … “It’s too much. It’s just …”

“What’s too much?”

Brady says, “Maybe we should let these two talk in private before we start moving stuff.”

I think he knows what I mean, and I’m thankful he wants to help. Unfortunately, their dads aren’t having it.

“What’s wrong?” Miller asks. “Maybe we can help.”

“Whatever it is, it needs to be fast because Peyton has a game to focus on,” Talon says.

Fuck. Peyton’s playoff.

I scratch the back of my neck where it’s suddenly itchy, but I can’t tell if it’s from the stress of everything or because my hair has grown back out now and I’m remembering that it’s annoying at this length. In high school, it was worth it to stick it to my dad. Now, not so much.

“I …” My gaze ping-pongs around the room. “I think I should go back to Chicago.”

“No,” Peyton and his dads say at the same time while his brother literally facepalms.

“It’s the most fair thing to do,” I say.

“For who?” Peyton growls. “Because it sure as fuck isn’t fair on me.”

“Especially with the most important game of his career happening tomorrow,” Talon adds.

Shit, now tears really are falling. “This has nothing to do with you or us. It has to do with what we’ll become if I use you for money just because I don’t have it anymore.”

“Are you using me for money?” he asks, like it’s that simple.

“No, but—”

“Then there’s no issue here.”

Miller steps forward and puts his hand on Peyton’s shoulder. “It’s not really that easy when it comes to money.”

I nod. “What if we move in together, we fight or we don’t get along as well as we do right now, but because I’m so dependent on you, I can’t move, and then we grow to hate each other, and it ruins everything I moved here to get. I know it’s the wrong time to bring this up—”

“While all your stuff is packed and you’re about to move in with me?” Peyton’s voice has an edge to it. Not mad, but frustration maybe. “Yeah, I’d say this is shitty timing.”

“Maybe that’s just it. Maybe it is the timing. Maybe …” I bite my lip and glance at his dads. “You even said yourself that your dads were apart for six years, and they’re stronger than ever.”

“Six years?” Peyton exclaims.

“Seriously, Dads,” Brady cuts in. “We should let them have this out.”

Talon holds up his hand to stop Brady from talking.

This is going downhill fast.

“It won’t be six years for us. Only two. Then I’ll be able to be with you without any financial obligation to you. I need to learn to do things on my own, and if there was a possibility to be able to do that while staying in California, I would, but it’s impossible.”

Peyton lowers his head. “I don’t really understand the difference between being financially dependent on your parents or me other than with me, you get to be yourself. And I can’t understand why you’d choose that over me.” When he looks at me again, his eyes are glassy, but his jaw is set. “Dad’s right. I have more important shit to worry about right now. Have fun in Chicago hiding who you are. Doing everything your dad tells you to. Great life choice, Levi. Fantastic. I can see how that’s so much more appealing than living with your boyfriend.”

“It’s not that,” I try to say, but he’s already walking out.

Talon follows him, and I expect Brady and Miller to do the same, but they don’t.

“I get it,” Miller says and steps closer.

“Y-you do?”

“Money is a hard thing to navigate, especially in a new relationship. When Peyton’s dad and I got together, he got paid so much more than I did. I moved into his house, he paid for everything even though I had my own money, and it felt like a power imbalance. But those thoughts? The feeling of being inadequate? It was all in my head, and he didn’t know he was doing it. But you know the difference between us and you and Peyton? You actually said something. By the time I said something, I was already where you’re scared of being. I was growing bitter when all we needed was to have a conversation.”

“Thank you.”

“I agree,” Brady says. “Though I’m going to have to teach you how to handle my brother because that wasn’t it.”

The knot in my chest tightens, and even though these guys are on my side, I also know I’ve fucked up.

“How do I fix this so he can understand why I need to go back to Chicago?”


