Fire in His Embrace Read Online Ruby Dixon (Fireblood Dragon #3)

Categories Genre: Alien, Dragons, Dystopia, Erotic, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal Tags Authors: Series: Fireblood Dragon Series by Ruby Dixon

Total pages in book: 115
Estimated words: 107619 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 538(@200wpm)___ 430(@250wpm)___ 359(@300wpm)

She winces, and I realize I am projecting fiercely into her thoughts. “I’m sorry,” she whispers. “But I really do think it’s best.”

If she thinks it is best, why is she so sad? Why does she act as if this is the thing she wants the least in the world? I cup her lovely face in my hands and study her. Definitely making water from her eyes. No.

“What do you mean, no?”

I mean no. You belong to me, Emma. You are my fires, my mate, my female. You are connected to my spirit. Our minds are as one. I study her face, stroke her cheek gently with the pads of my thumb. Once, she would have flinched away from the nearness of my claws, but not now. Now she grips my wrists and gives me such sad, sad looks. It feels as if my sanity is tearing already. I do not understand why you want this.

Emma gives a small, watery laugh. “I don’t want it. But it’s what’s best.” One finger moves back and forth against my hand, as if she cannot resist touching me. “It’s what will keep you safe.”

She does this…for me? What do you mean?

“I mean if we’re not linked, then they can’t use me to come after you.” Her eyes are troubled, sad. “I’m the weak link here. If you depend on me, you’re screwed.” Her fingers rub my skin, over and over again. “When you’re with a partner, you’re vulnerable—”

No, I tell her firmly, pushing my thoughts ferociously into her mind. That is not what this is. You do not make me vulnerable.

“Yes, I do,” she insists, her eyes pleading. “You have to break our connection, Zohr. You said so yourself. Azar’s coming after me because he knows he can use me against you. He knows that if he captures me, you’ll do whatever he wants, even if it means risking your life. And you saw that dragon earlier…” Her voice chokes on the words. I don’t want that to happen to you. I can’t let you try to claw your way back to the Rift. Not if it’ll kill you.

I take her hands in mine and squeeze them tightly. Losing you will kill me.

More water pours from her eyes. “No, Zohr—”

It is truth, I tell her, and let her feel it from my thoughts. There is no dishonesty, no manipulation, nothing but truth in my mind. You are the only thing that saves me from madness. Without Emma, there is no Zohr. Zohr is lost. It does not matter that Azar thinks to come after you. I will protect you. It does not matter that you make me vulnerable. My eyes make me vulnerable. My wings. My heart. My need to breathe. I would give them up before I gave up my mate. My fierce, brave Emma. I gaze down at her, hoping she will realize just how badly I need her. Without you, I break.

Her lower lip trembles. I can feel her indecision.

Even though it guts me, I must ask her. Do you hate being with me? Do you want to go? Every instinct in my body screams that I will never let her go. That she is mine and I will hold her to me with fang and claw, snarling, but I know my Emma. She is independent. She chafes in a cage.

She blinks repeatedly, and I can tell by her thoughts that she is surprised by her own confusion. I…I don’t know. I know it’s what’s best—

Is it? Is it what is best, or is it what you expect because everyone has abandoned you in the past? I press my brow to hers, as if I can give her all the love and affection that will convince her. Know this, Emma. You are mine. Even if I could let you go, I would not. You are tied to me, and I to you. There is no separating us. We are two halves of a whole.

My words please her and frighten her both. Zohr…I care for you. I’m just so scared… Her hands move to my hair, tangle in it as if she needs something to desperately hold on to. As if she needs anchoring. Strange that my strong-willed Emma might need me as an anchor as much as I need her. What if Azar tries to use me against you?

Another thought lies underneath, one that she dares not speak. What if I lose you, too, and it breaks me?

My Emma. My brave fires. You have been mine since you fearlessly mounted me. There is no turning back now.

Embarrassed, choked laughter bubbles out of her. “You just have to keep bringing that up.”

Of course I do. It is the day my world began.

She sighs and leans into me, and I sense that she is accepting my words. That the leaving she has worried over and has tried to hide from me will not be necessary, after all. I am stunned to realize she has been planning this, and I cannot stop the growl that rises in my throat. When was this? When did she shield her thoughts from me?


