Fire in His Embrace Read Online Ruby Dixon (Fireblood Dragon #3)

Categories Genre: Alien, Dragons, Dystopia, Erotic, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal Tags Authors: Series: Fireblood Dragon Series by Ruby Dixon

Total pages in book: 115
Estimated words: 107619 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 538(@200wpm)___ 430(@250wpm)___ 359(@300wpm)

“Should we go to your room?” Claudia asks, getting up from the table.

“No, it’s all right. I put on extra perfume,” Amy says, and I can sense frustration from her. “I’d like to be out for a while, since it’s a non-dragon day, and I should be safe with two dragons here. Now three,” she adds as another shadow flies overhead.

“All right, but if someone approaches…” Claudia warns.

“I know,” Amy says patiently. “Go into hiding.”

I watch them, curious. Claudia glances over at me and explains, “Amy’s not mated. We’re trying to hide her from any other males in the area.”

“I figured, with the perfume.”

“Emma,” I hear a voice call delightedly from nearby, and I glance over my shoulder to see Sasha rushing forward, her dark curls bouncing. She beams at me and spreads her arms wide, then flings them around me.

I hold myself awkwardly and pat her on the back. I’m so not good with affection. “Hey there,” I tell her.

“You look so good,” she gushes, squeezing my arm.

“You do, too,” I tell her and mean it. She’s plumped up since the last time I saw her, all curves. She’s all smiles, and there’s a rosy glow in her cheeks. She’s…adorable, damn it. “Being a dragon’s mate suits you.”

“You too,” she says, her eyes widening. “When you said you were staying for Zohr, I didn’t think you guys were already together.”

I cough, because I’m not sure how to explain that I mated Zohr deliberately to get the mental connection, and affection came later. “Long story.”

“I’m relieved you got away from Azar, though.” She shudders delicately and moves to sit next to my chair at the table. “He gave me the creeps. I don’t know how one person could be so ruthlessly evil.”

“That’s the thing,” I tell her, and take the coffee cup that Claudia pushes toward me. I sip it and nearly moan aloud. She’s sugared the hell out of it, and oh my god, it’s amazing. I’m momentarily derailed from my thoughts.

Tell them about Azar, my dragon reminds me. Tell them no one is safe.

God. Right. I’m getting distracted by sugar and here we are in danger. “That’s the thing,” I repeat. “We’re not away from Azar.”

Sasha stiffens, and I see her grow alert, her body tensing. “He’s here?”

“He’s not here,” I say quickly. “But just because he’s not physically here, it doesn’t mean we’re safe. I can explain…”



A mental virus, my Emma calls it. That is how she refers to Azar’s possession of me. One touch of minds to a polluted one and it spreads. The other females do not seem happy at the thought, and Claudia immediately insists on her sister returning to her room to hide. The sister does not seem pleased but does as she is told.

The wind grows strong, Kael tells us. We cannot take the risk of her scent being carried to another. My mate is very protective of her sister.

I acknowledge this and watch the females. They are far easier with each other than the three of us drakoni together. I study them, noting that the new dragon—Dakh—is far more battle-worn than Kael. Both of them are great warriors that have seen much conflict, then. I wonder if they remember any of it, or any of their past. I do not remember any battles of mine. I do not remember Kael or Dakh, either. They could be my brothers, or long-lost friends, and I would have no idea. The thought is a disturbing one.

I have no memory of either of you, I tell them. I am sorry. My memory is bad.

Mine is gone, thanks to this place, Kael sends, and there is a hint of bitterness in his mind. If it were not for my Claudia, I would be glad to burn this land to the ground.

Dakh echoes him with silent agreement. He studies me, eyes a mild gold. You have lost a claw, brother. From an old battle or a new one?

Claws are a warrior’s honor. I study my foreleg, admiring the missing claw. Of course they ask. The human females might not notice, but a drakoni male always does. Neither.

What do you mean, neither? Dakh is curious.

I tore it off myself to pleasure my female.

Dakh rumbles with amusement. A bold move.

She is worth it. I am not ashamed.

There is a long stretch of uncomfortable silence between us. Dakh shifts on his haunches. Kael studies his own claws, long and unbroken.

I never considered such a thing, Kael says after a moment. I have pleasured my mate, but I am careful of my claws.

I am, as well, but she likes…to try new things. My mate is inventive.

It is a human trait I am fond of, Dakh rumbles. My Sasha sometimes has strange but pleasing ideas.

I grunt a response. I know this well. Emma surprises me often with the way her mind thinks. They are not like us.


