Enticing You (How to Marry a Billionaire #1) Read Online Helen Hardt

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire Tags Authors: Series: How to Marry a Billionaire Series by Helen Hardt

Total pages in book: 77
Estimated words: 77452 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 387(@200wpm)___ 310(@250wpm)___ 258(@300wpm)

“Out of balance?”

“Yeah.” He clears his throat. “I had something of my own in the works. Ma and I, we’re struggling, man. I do what I can, but it’s not enough. She lost her job, and⁠—”

“Wait, wait. Where is she, then?”

He shakes his head. “I can’t tell you that.”

My heart drops to my stomach. What the hell is going on? I draw in a breath. “All right. What can you tell me?”

He lets out a sigh. “It’s Marnie, Riv. She’s pregnant.”

Damn. Marnie is Jake’s girlfriend, and I didn’t even know they were fucking. I open my mouth, but he gestures me not to speak.

“I know what you’re going to say. Please don’t. I’ve said it to myself a million times. I fucked up. She fucked up.”

“You didn’t use…?”

“Just the one time, Riv. We got hot and horny and we forgot the condom.”

“One time’s all it takes,” I say softly.

“Don’t I know it. I’m just… I don’t know if I should be happy, sad, angry, scared. I’m feeling all that shit, and it’s like my emotions are on overload and I’m about to fucking explode.” He paces around his small bedroom, Ernie following him. “I mean, a baby is a happy thing, right? And I love Marnie. She doesn’t want to terminate, and I don’t want her to. But we’re so young, and Ma and I are strapped, and then this…” He draws in a breath, lets it out slowly. “I’ve already said too much.”

Damn. How much else is there? A lost job and an unplanned pregnancy are a lot to deal with, but there are resources available. Whatever he isn’t telling me is bad. Really bad. “I get it. I get why you said yes to Brett so quickly.”

“I don’t like it.” He shakes his head. “I don’t like it at all, but I don’t see how I have any choice.”

Present Day

Misty’s body is rosy all over, and her eyes are closed. The orgasm definitely agreed with her.

“Mmm,” she moans. “You are something, River. The first time Evangeline showed me your photo, I wanted you. You certainly don’t disappoint.”

“Neither do you, sweetheart. You’re the hottest woman here.”

Not a lie, exactly. I’d be hard-pressed to say which woman is the hottest physically. They’re all amazing in their own way.

“I’m glad you think so.” She sighs and stretches her arms above her head, her eyes closing again.

“I do. Now I gave you a treat. You ready to give me one?”

She opens her eyes and smiles. “With pleasure, but you’re going to have to take those trunks off.”

“That sounds wonderful,” I drawl, “but I was thinking about something else. What were you drinking with lunch?”

“Rum runners.”

“You want another?”

“Is there time? Another couple needs to use this room.”

Fuck. She’s right. My time is limited. I have a date with her tonight, though, so I’ll have another chance to get information out of her.

“You’re right,” I say. “We can talk more tonight.”

“And I’ll give you that treat I promised.”

“Looking forward to it.” I give her my best grin, which is difficult.

But she seems to respond.

She sits up, grabs my arms, and pulls me down on the bed beside her. “You should be,” she whispers in my ear. “I give head better than porn stars and gay men. Or so I’ve been told, anyway.” She grabs my dick, which is only semi hard at this point, and rubs it through the fabric of my trunks.

I respond. How can I not? Men are physical creatures, and when someone rubs your cock, you respond.

I jerk when someone knocks on the door.

“Time’s up,” Evangeline says. “Misty, do we have a winner?”

Misty rises, trots to the door, and opens it stark naked. “We do indeed,” she says to Evangeline. “I’m one satisfied customer.”

“Nicely done, River.” But Evangeline doesn’t meet my gaze. “We’ll get the linens changed so our next couple can have their fun.”

Misty looks over her shoulder at me, grins, and then leaves the bedroom.

I follow her, adjusting my groin.

“Did you get what you needed?” Evangeline asks.

I take one more look around the room, at the crumpled bed linens, at the dent where Misty was lying. “What makes you think I needed anything?” I ask her.

“You’ve requested her twice now,” Evangeline says.

“Maybe I’ve chosen her.”

She raises her eyebrows.

I let her think what she wants as I leave the bedroom and walk back up the narrow stairway to the deck.

Sebastian pulls me aside. “Did you get anything?”

“I got her to trust me, I think. I’ll get the rest out of her tonight. I don’t have a choice.”

“Good, because I got a text.”

I widen my eyes. “You brought your cell? How is there even service out here?”

“I’ve got a satellite phone, and yeah, I brought it because I’m expecting some news from my agent. Anyway, the text has me worried, Riv.”


“It’s from Shelley.”


