Enticing You (How to Marry a Billionaire #1) Read Online Helen Hardt

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire Tags Authors: Series: How to Marry a Billionaire Series by Helen Hardt

Total pages in book: 77
Estimated words: 77452 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 387(@200wpm)___ 310(@250wpm)___ 258(@300wpm)

I’m going to be damned furious if I compromised my integrity and it turns out Misty just wants a taste of River’s dick. Still…we can’t make assumptions where Misty Holmes is concerned. I just hope Riv is ready for whatever their date night may develop into.

“…Sebastian,” Evangeline continues, still without meeting my gaze. “Your date for tonight is…Heather!”

Heather, who looks hot as forty hells in her black-and-royal-blue suit, claps her hand to her mouth. “Seriously? That’s fantastic!” She looks my way with a saucy grin.

I can live with that. Part of me was hoping to hear Emily’s name, but she and I got too hot for each other too soon. I hated being interrupted when I had her against my wall last night, but it was probably for the best. I have to give each of the women a chance.

I return Heather’s smile and wink.

We’ll have fun. Heather’s a fun person. She’s already proved that on the dance floor with her firm tits flying.

“All right,” Evangeline says. “If you weren’t chosen for a date with one of the men, don’t despair. The other four of you will have one-on-one dates with them tomorrow night, and again, the pairings will be random. The night after, our own Sebastian Tate will be performing for us on the island, and I know you’re all looking forward to that.”

Light applause from everyone but me. I’d clap for myself, but that wouldn’t look good.

“Now that Captain Joe has got us on our way, we’re going to play a game.”

The guys and I don’t know what the game is. We gave Evangeline a few ideas but told her to use her imagination as long as none of the women would choose to opt out, which means things won’t get overly physical.

“Gentlemen,” Evangeline continues, “if you’ll all come up here and join me.”

We join our matchmaker at the front of the deck.

“Take a good look, ladies,” Evangeline says. “Take in every detail of those shoulders and chests, because in a moment, I’m going to give each of you a blindfold, and you’re going to have to tell who is who simply by touch!”

A grin splits my face.

Nice, Evangeline. Good game. Soft fingers caressing my shoulders and chest sounds pretty damned awesome.

Brett smiles, and so does Alex. Riv has his normal brooding expression. What the hell does Misty want with him, anyway?

“No touching now, of course,” Evangeline warns. “Looking only.”

Misty waves her hand. “What if we’ve already touched them?”

Evangeline laughs. “I’m sure some of you have. But no touching this morning. Not until you’re blindfolded.”

Brett shoots up his hand. “Question, Evie.”


“Do we guys get to play the same game later? Figure out who the women are by touching their shoulders…and chests?” He waggles his eyebrows.

Evangeline shakes her head, smiling. “He thinks he’s such a comedian, doesn’t he, ladies?”

Misty, Heather, and June giggle. Ariel, Sienna, and Rachel blush. Ginger has no visible reaction, and Emily looks bored. She’s got resting bitch face down.

“The answer,” Evangeline says, “is no, of course, Brett. But you already knew that, didn’t you?”

“Hey”—Brett flashes his ridiculous grin—“what’s good for the goose and all.”

Evangeline rolls her eyes. “Pay no attention to Mr. Dawson. You have one more minute to stay where you are and look to your heart’s content. Trina will be circulating with blindfolds. Once you have one, put it on. When it’s your turn, Trina will guide you up front. The men, of course, will changes places each time so they’ll be in a different order for each woman. Any woman who is able to identify all four men correctly will get a lunch date later this week with the gentleman of her choice. Trina, you ready?”

Trina, one of Evangeline’s lovely blond staffers, nods, holding a basket.

Once the ladies are all blindfolded, Trina takes Ginger’s arm and leads her up to where the four of us are lined up in a row.

We’re all tall and broad. Brett is the only one of us with no hair at all on his chest, so he’ll be an easy pick. River and I have about the same amount of chest hair, though his is darker. Alex has slightly less.

Ginger’s the tallest of the lot—a natural bombshell. It’s a shame to cover those gorgeous green eyes with a black silk blindfold.

I’m the first in line, and her touch is warm and pleasant, but I don’t feel a spark. In fact, she’s moving her hands almost methodically, as if she’s identifying different muscle groups. Then I remember she’s a doctor. I feel like I’m getting a physical.

“Hmm,” she says, her lips twisted. “Great deltoids and traps. Very sexy.” She slides her hands over my chest. “Chest hair, nice.”

Giggles from the others.

“Great pecs, too, but then you all have great pecs.” She glides her fingers over my left nipple. “Average sized nipple.”


