Dirty Flowers – The Lion and the Mouse Read Online Kenya Wright

Categories Genre: Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 147
Estimated words: 148949 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 745(@200wpm)___ 596(@250wpm)___ 496(@300wpm)

Baba walked on my side and sadly gazed at the kanga. “I miss Olga.”

I tensed. “I miss her too.”

“She will forever remain in my mind.”

My heart hurt too much to respond.

Instead, I guided us forward and took in the beauty of the garden.

The stone pathways wound through the plants and bushes, leading me deeper into the oasis.

Elaborate lion and mouse statues were scattered around the space, their intricate details adding to the enchantment of the garden.

Water trickled along the edges of the statues.

The garden was a feast for the senses, and I savored every moment. The vibrant colors, sweet scents, and gentle sounds of the space were a reminder of the beauty and fragility of life.

Baba let out a long breath. “In fact, I had a dream about Olga last night.”

“What was it about?”

“I sat in this very garden sipping tea and she simply walked in, looking beautiful in a flowing white gown.”

My mood brightened. “As if she was an angel?”

“Yes.” Baba put her view on Emilio as he slept. “She told me to watch over her boys.”

I grinned. “Emilio and Paolo.”

“And you too, Kazimir.”

I widened my eyes.

“She mentioned your name first.”

Sadness seeped into my heart.

“She also told me to thank you for sending all that money to Ama and her village in Ghana.”

I stopped walking and turned to her. “How did you know that? I did not even tell David.”

“So, you did send money?” Baba smirked.

“No one was supposed to know about that.”

“Olga knows.”

“Then. . .good.” I returned to walking. “Do not tell anyone else.”

“You would like to keep your murderous reputation alive?”

“I do not want people thinking that the Lion has weakened because of love.”

She laughed. “Absolutely no one thinks that.”

“The gardener did.”

“The gardener was a stupid, silly man that fell in love with Emily’s darkness.”

Frowning, I kept on walking and stared at the top of Emilio’s head.

A twinge of anxiety hit me.

I was a father now. My primary instinct was to protect my family, but now I wondered what that truly meant.

Was it simply a matter of ensuring their physical safety, or did it go deeper than that?

Harlem barked.

I looked up to see Paolo and Harlem chasing each other around the fountain. I had no idea who would catch who. His laughter and Harlem’s barking filled the air.

Emilio stirred in my arms, yet he remained asleep.

Baba looked at my son. “Are you ready for New Orleans?”

“I am.”

“It will be a lot.”

I eyed her. “Will it?”

“Do you like onions, Kazimir?”

“When added to meals.”

“A person with Emily’s disorder can be compared to an onion with layers upon layers that need to be peeled back in order to reach the core.”

“Do you not think we have already peeled back enough layers?”

“Perhaps, one or two have been pulled back, but there are more.”

I pursed my lips together, worried for my mouse.

Baba continued, “In order for Emily’s healing to occur, each layer must be carefully examined and dealt with, one at a time.”

“And then what happens?”

“Emily will begin to understand the root of her pain.”

“And that will help her heal?”

“It’s a painful process, but yes. . .she will heal.” Baba sighed. “Just as an onion’s layers can make us cry, the pulling back of trauma’s layers can be overwhelming and difficult to process.”

“But what are you not saying, Baba?”

“I am saying everything.”

“You are not.” I scowled. “Does each of my mouse’s personalities represent a different layer of the onion? Are there more besides Lunita?”

“Does it really matter, Kazimir?” Baba shrugged. “If Emily had ten personalities, you would be by her side. If there were a hundred personalities, you would still love her. Regardless, we would still be heading to New Orleans to heal her. Why stress yourself in Moscow?”

“Should I wait to be stressed in New Orleans?”

“You should just remain in the moment now.”

I lifted my hand and tenderly ran my fingers along Emilio’s silky curls. “You said we would still be heading to New Orleans.”

“I did.”

I shook my head. “You are not invited on this trip.”

Baba opened her mouth in shock. “What ever could you mean?”

“I will not separate you from David. If he remains in Moscow, then you will too.”

“I raised David to be a grown man. My babies are going to New Orleans.” Baba gestured to Emilio and then Paolo. “I will be going too.”

“If something happens to you while we are out there, I cannot be the person to bring that news to David.”

“My bags are packed. You will not keep me from going to New Orleans.”

“Baba, I have cells in the bottom of my house and full control of all transportation in this country. You will remain here. Do not push this matter any further.”

“And I have the full support and love of a divine spirit.”

I rolled my eyes.

Baba crossed her arms over her chest. “You are a lion, but you are not God. Be mindful of that.”


