Dark Whisper – Dark Carpathians Read Online Christine Feehan

Categories Genre: Dark, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Magic, Paranormal, Vampires Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 158
Estimated words: 145341 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 727(@200wpm)___ 581(@250wpm)___ 484(@300wpm)

When she woke, the sun had already set, and she knew Afanasiv was up, consulting with his brethren. Her mind instantly wanted to tune itself to his. There was an emptiness inside her that continuously reached for him. She felt off-balance without him. That was annoying to her. She wasn’t a woman who needed a man, yet she felt she had to touch him to reassure herself he was alive and well. Silly, when she knew exactly where he was.

Vasilisa had showered and dressed with care. During the time she performed her regular routine, she had to fight to keep from reaching out to Afanasiv. Now, with the cards in her hands, she expected the need to lessen, but it only increased. Sitting across the small table from him, she could smell his fresh scent. What was it that appealed to her? Besides everything?

“Take the cards, Siv. Shuffle them and choose three cards.”

There was no hesitation on his part. He took the deck, wrapping his large hands around the cards. Instantly, the cards reacted to his power. Wind rushed through her sitting room as if they were outside and exposed on the highest peak. The shriek was loud and ominous as the gusts hurled through the room at breakneck speed, subsided and then struck again and again.

Siv didn’t move, not even when twin columns of water burst from the cards in his hands and twisted through the room in a maniacal dance. Only his eyes reacted, changing color from blue to green to a brilliant turquoise. His breathing never changed. His muscles never tensed. He didn’t fight the power of the cards. He simply didn’t react at all, just kept his hands cupped around them, holding them away from Vasilisa so all reaction was pointing toward him, not her.

Eventually, the wind died down, then faded away completely. The water elements retreated back into the cards. Siv began to shuffle as if nothing amiss had taken place at all. His hands were sure on the cards. She couldn’t help noticing how easily he manipulated them. Now that the goddess accepted him, the cards cooperated with him.

“Choose any three cards and lay the deck aside.”

His eyes on her, Afanasiv did as she requested. It was difficult to look away from him. His gaze was too green, too blue, swirling with turbulence, completely at odds with his calm demeanor.

“Lay the cards faceup for me.”

He did so, still looking at her rather than the cards. She looked down and her breath caught in her throat. He had been given the exact same cards that she had. She was being resistant to what she knew was her destiny. She had been so on board with everything, and then she felt so out of sync with him.

Vasilisa looked down at the cards and sighed. “It seems we share the same fate.”

“Did you believe otherwise, my lady?”

There was no mockery in his tone. Nothing to suggest that he was amused by the situation. He just watched her intently. “There is the death card again. You had it. Now I have it. What does it mean?”

She studied the card and the frightening image of the wolf staring back at her. “I know many people are afraid of this card simply because it is named death, but in reality, it is a card of change or transition. It signals that it is time to put the past behind you so you can seize your future with both hands.”

“As the others were telling me to do last rising,” he said. “Is that what you mean? That I should let go of my doubts that I have had about my honor and be more open to using my birthright?”

She nodded slowly. “I believe it does mean something of that nature, Siv. Sometimes you have to let go of the past so you can accept your future. Close a door so a new door opens, that sort of thing. Or it can mean a literal transition. A transformation of sorts. A death of one version of yourself in order for the new version to have life.”

“If you got the same card, how does this pertain to both of us together?”

“Ordinarily, I do readings for individuals, so it wouldn’t, but I’ll admit I was asking the cards to read for both of us earlier. I believe our fate is tied together. Often this card signals the end of a relationship, not the beginning of one.”

She watched him closely for a reaction. He was without an expression. None. Completely unreadable. Her heart ached. She had been traumatized by the events that had occurred, but so had he. Reliving those memories that had been buried so deep couldn’t have been easy for him. She hadn’t offered him solace of any kind. She’d been more compassionate and understanding of Andros than of Siv. Why? What was wrong with her that she wanted to pick a fight with him and try to challenge the terms of their relationship?


