Dark Whisper – Dark Carpathians Read Online Christine Feehan

Categories Genre: Dark, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Magic, Paranormal, Vampires Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 158
Estimated words: 145341 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 727(@200wpm)___ 581(@250wpm)___ 484(@300wpm)

“Not necessarily. It will be interesting to find out, though, won’t it?” Barnabas looked pleased with himself.

“She could not have done the things that it is rumored she did if she was not Sange rau,” another judge objected. He was also older and very stern looking.

“Artyom,” Barnabas said, “it has been the experience of everyone who has crossed paths with the Sange rau that they are killers. They do not come calmly to visit in farmhouses. But we have an opportunity to see for ourselves.”

“We cannot all go into the sitting room. Vasilisa will know immediately that something isn’t right,” Lada’s mother said. She glared at her daughter. “Stop that incessant crying, Lada. You’re lucky Nikita has stood for you yet again.”

“Go wash your face, Lada,” Barnabas said, stroking his hand down her arm. “Do you need me to help you, or will you be able to face Andros’ sister without me sitting right beside you? Was she nasty to you? Did she look down her nose at you?”

Lada frowned and shook her head. “No, no, she isn’t like that at all. She isn’t like the others . . .” She trailed off as if she didn’t know what she was saying.

Her mother took her arm and led her out of the room.

Barnabas turned to the other judges. “We have a very rare opportunity here. It sounds to me as if Vasilisa is not like the rest of her family. I am looking forward to meeting her. It will be extremely interesting to question her friend. I ask that no one be rude and embarrass the Belov family. They have been gracious enough to allow us to use their home for our meetings.”

Lada’s father led the way into the sitting room, with Barnabas walking beside him. Vasilisa and Skyler stood at the far end of the room, where Lada’s mother had sectioned off a large corner she’d turned into an atrium. It was a small greenhouse, but she grew a few exotic plants that seemed to do quite well.

Vasilisa and Skyler turned around as the two men entered the room. Behind Barnabas and Lada’s father came Vovo and Artyom.

“Vasilisa, how good of you to come,” Stepan Belov greeted her. “You’ve brought a friend. Welcome, welcome.”

“Yes, this is Skyler, Dimitri’s wife. Skyler, Stepan Belov and Dimitri have known each other for years. Have we come at a bad time? You have company.”

“No time is a bad time for you to come, Vasilisa,” Stepan beamed at her. “This is my dear friend Nikita. You know everyone else. Sit, sit. Lada will be in soon with her mother.”

Barnabas went right up to Vasilisa and held out both hands to her. “Wonderful to meet you. I’ve heard nothing but good things about you.”

Vasilisa placed both hands in the mage’s. His fingers closed around hers and he drew her to him, kissing her first on one cheek and then the other. Afanasiv studied their enemy up close. As the mage leaned in to kiss Vasilisa, he blew softly onto her left cheek as his lips brushed her skin.

He planted a marker under my skin. Vasilisa sounded matter-of-fact. Calm. Outwardly, she looked serene and sweet, as if she didn’t have a clue what the mage had done.

Afanasiv was very aware that the mage had marked his lifemate. He felt close to panic, so much so that Dimitri demanded to know what happened.

Siv, I can deal with his marker. He doesn’t have a clue what I am. He has taken me at face value. He holds the belief that women are inferior and have no power. He looked Skyler over and dismissed her without even touching her. How could he not feel her power? She is part mage. Surely he would at least feel that in her.

Afanasiv wasn’t buying that a mage as powerful as Barnabas would dismiss Skyler. She was a target, a huge prize for the mages to be able to drag down to the underworld. He was uneasy that a portal was so close.

He knows who Skyler is, he assured Vasilisa. Be on the lookout for treachery. Be careful of anything you are offered to eat or drink. And they will offer it if for no other reason than to prove that Skyler is Sange rau. Although, to be honest, he will not allow anyone to do that, not if he wants a chance to take her to the underworld. He must be elated with her being so close to the portal.

“Please sit down.” Stepan waved toward the very comfortable upholstered chairs. “I see you were admiring Polina’s little project. The temperature must always be kept constant, or those flowers won’t survive.”

“The flowers are so beautiful. Some I’ve never seen before,” Vasilisa said. This thing under my skin is wiggling. I have to get it out.


