Daddy Issues 2 Read Online Dani Wyatt

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Forbidden Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 209
Estimated words: 196085 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 980(@200wpm)___ 784(@250wpm)___ 654(@300wpm)

“We are not a match. At all.” I said, my insides twisting as I reached for the cool, crystal glass.

I swirled the light-yellow liquid around, wondering how to wrap this up and keep Adam safe.

“This guy has you so fucked up. Why can’t you see it? Does he hit you? Are you afraid of him? I’m calling the cops. He broke into my house and assaulted me! Do you know how fucking psycho that is? He’s waving about a thousand red flags. You need to get away.”

“Don’t call the cops,” I barked as heat prickled my skin. I needed to stand my ground but my head was swimming. Confrontation has never been my strong suit. So, yeah, become an attorney Angel, great idea. I shook away that train of thought and did my best to state my case. “You’ll fuck up a lot of stuff if you do. Just don’t. It was a bad night for everyone. I should have never told you all that stuff about Adam. It was totally my fault, I should never have come over. Just, please, let it go.”

My chin quivered and I bit down on my lip, bringing the glass to my lips, took a sip without thinking then set the glass down with a slight tremor as Ron’s eyes narrowed.

“I am calling the police. The only way I won’t is if you agree to give us a chance. I know it’s right. I know we should be together. You need to get away from that animal and wake up to the person you were before he got his hooks into you. If he’s ever hit you, you can file a complaint against him. I saw how he grabbed your arm. That’s abuse, and I can file the complaint for you if you won’t. I was there, I witnessed him abusing you. There’s zero tolerance, he will go to jail for sure.” The pitch of his voice increased with each word as he leaned across the table, his dark eyes pinned on me.

That’s abuse.

My ears were ringing like he’d hit me with a frying pan.

If he did this, it could ruin Adam. He had to sign and file the paperwork tomorrow at nine am or the IPO wouldn’t happen. He would be ruined. His company would be slaughtered.

“Please, just give us a chance.” Ron reached across the table and squeezed my hand. That heady, intoxicated feeling of being caught in a web from which you can’t see the way out clutched around my chest.

“Ron, come on.” I pulled back, taking another sip of wine, desperate for a moment to think. Desperate for a solution.

What could I say to save Adam’s company and get me out of this mess? I looked at my phone. It was 6:27 and I had to wrap this up. My heart was in my throat, hoping I could at least buy some time.

“What’s it going to be?” Ron leaned back, drumming his fingers on the tabletop, his eyes challenging me.

“What exactly do you want me to do? Leave Adam? Come live with you? This is crazy. Think about it. Adam and I live together. I love him. It’s not like I can just call him up and say ‘Hey, we’re not dating anymore. Sorry, bye.’ Jesus, you could ruin his company just because you think you love me? I’m begging you, one more time, just let this go.”

My vision blurred as he kept his seat, squared his shoulders. Finally, he shifted and slid so close, his body pressed against mine, reaching under the table to grab my knee.

“Baby, come on…” He hissed as I turned my head, screwing up my face like I’d just sucked on a lemon.

I gritted my teeth, knowing a kiss was coming but unsure how to prevent catastrophe for Adam if I didn’t play this out just right.

Think, Angel. Think.

The trouble was, my brain was fuzzy. I couldn’t focus. I couldn’t find the answer fast enough.

“Ron,” I started, talking without a clear plan of what was coming next. “Ron, listen—”

Time. Just buy some time…

“I suggest you move your fucking whole self a whole fucking country away from my girl.”

I yelped as Adam’s fist came down on the table, making the glasses jump. His rumbling voice pulled me from the moment and I wanted to disappear into the floor. He stood square and seemingly bigger than ever, blocking out the view of the restaurant beyond his imposing frame.

Ron jerked back, sliding away, and fear contorted his face. “Or… Or what?” he stuttered. “I’m already calling the cops on you for yesterday. And, for abusing Angel.”

His eyes darted back and forth as he fidgeted in his seat.

I trembled as Adam eyed me and the half-empty glass in front of me. I couldn’t decide if what I saw in him was rage or a deep, primal need to protect me.


