Courage Runs Deep – Tungsten Protective Services Read Online Aliyah Burke

Categories Genre: Alpha Male Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 47
Estimated words: 45135 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 226(@200wpm)___ 181(@250wpm)___ 150(@300wpm)

“What about?”

No shyness or shame. It was like she didn’t have a clue. And he wished that were the case.

And that’s exactly what he’d told Tavin. She wasn’t someone he would think to know about this issue.

“I spoke to Tavin today.”

She gestured to his face, one eyebrow up. “I’m guessing this is a bit before the redecorating of your face came about?”

He nodded. “He was talking about a bust they had earlier. A drug bust.”

She never looked away, merely held his gaze, waiting. He drank a bit more beer and she didn’t move. He got the tea bit, she did like it too steep for a few minutes before she would drink it.

“Is he okay?” she questioned after a moment a silence.

“He’s fine from that. But there was an issue.”


“I’m not sure, Neha. You tell me.”

If he thought she’d shut down before at the mention of siblings that was a fucking open book to how closed off she was now. There was zero welcoming about her expression.

“Are you asking me if I had anything to do with this drug bust your brother was in on? Did he say I was there? Pretty sure my ass was on the Puerto Rico all day.” Her tone had grown frost and not the oh, look it’s so pretty on the window kind, but the oh shit I’m about to lose a limb kind.

“Tav said they were throwing your name around. They’re going to come question you, Neha. What’s going on?” He rubbed the back of his neck. “I can help you if you just tell me.”

She lifted her mug and took a slow sip of tea. He stared at the way her throat moved as she swallowed. Everything an elegant motion with this woman.

I love watching her.

“I’m sorry to disappoint you, Davin. I have no clue as to why whomever was pulled up in this raid would be using my name. Perhaps there is another one who has my name.”

“Tav checked. He said no.” At least he was supposing so because otherwise what reason could he have for bringing this up to him.

A slow long blink before she pursed her lips slightly. Then she shook her head, those soft curls moving about her face.

“I don’t know what to say.” She pushed to her feet. “I’m sorry to rush you out but I have an early day tomorrow.”

She was lying and it killed him. He couldn’t explain how he knew or why he thought so, it just was the facts that he had.

“Don’t do this, Neha. Don’t push me away. Let me help.”

“You need to leave.”

He shook his head. “No.”

There was no room for discussion in her expression and he reached for her, determined to make her see he wasn’t judging her but wanted to help her. Whatever the problem was.

“I wasn’t asking, Commander Bly.”

“I just want to help.”

“I’m sure.” There was no warmth in her tone still. She plucked the beer away from him and pushed him to the door. “Good bye.”

She sounded so final. He whipped around to say something else only to stare at the door, with the brass number and letter for her place. Hanging there, mocking him.

Chapter 6

Neha didn’t sleep well as all she could think about was the accusation from Davin. Even now, just the thought of it turned her stomach into a pile of knots. When she stepped from her bedroom after her morning run and subsequent shower, she pulled up to see Renny sitting on the counter, her face buried in some magna comic she’d picked up.

“Mornin’ sexy,” she said without taking her eyes off the pages. “Breakfast is in the oven and will be ready right after I finish this.”

She looked to the cupboard where her mugs resided.

“Tea is already made and seeping. On the table. Sit, drink, and ponder in silence so I can finish this. Then we’ll chat about what’s wrong.”

“Love you, Renny.”

“I know,” she replied still without looking away from the book in hand. “But I would appreciate it if you could love me in silence.” She waved a hand. “And from over there.”

Neha didn’t take offense, there was no reason to. Instead, she took the opportunity to enjoy her tea. By the time she’d finished the drink, there was a steaming plate of breakfast hashbrown casserole before her.

“Looks delicious,” she said with a smile as she accepted the silverware being handed to her.

Renny gave a small smile, her brown eyes not twinkling but serious, which in itself was uncommon.

“What’s going on?”

Neha added a bit of salt, it was habit for her to do so. “With?”

“I’m not Sugar nor am I Cindy. I feel things. We all know this so stop frontin’ and tell me what the fuck is going on.”

Renny never raised her voice. She didn’t have to. The woman was scary. Neha loved her to death but she was intelligent enough to know how to stay alive. Not going against this woman was a really good start.


