Cord Read Online Jordan Silver (SEAL Team Seven #5)

Categories Genre: BDSM, Erotic Tags Authors: Series: SEAL Team Seven Series by Jordan Silver

Total pages in book: 86
Estimated words: 97696 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 488(@200wpm)___ 391(@250wpm)___ 326(@300wpm)

What if she hadn’t been wearing her tracer? What if the fuckers that were after her had sent in another detail? All of that ran through my head but nothing pissed me off more than the fact that she’d put herself in danger. Not even the fact that she’d disobeyed a direct order, or the fact that she’d put her sisters in danger as well. She had no concept of what the fuck she’d done. I warned her.

I cooled my heels while Logan read them the riot act, giving myself time to calm down enough that I didn’t strangle her misbehaving ass when I do get my hands on her. Logan sent her off to his place. I guess that was to give me more time to cool down. I didn’t say shit, just intercepted her as she walked between the women.

When Lo and Con called out to me this time it only took a look for them to stay the fuck out of it. They’re just gonna have to trust me. There were murmurings behind me but I paid them no mind. She looked back once and that shit pissed me off too. Did she think they could save her ass from me?

I had a tight hold on her arm as we walked across the yard to my place. I know her better than Lo ever would. She might seem to accept his words, but deep inside she was a hardheaded little pain in the ass who likes to push the boundaries.

The fact that she’d so blatantly disobeyed me in this was evidence that she hadn’t learned one fuck from today, and given half a chance, or better yet, if I pissed her off, she’d do that shit again.

It’s up to me to put the fear in her that would keep her from being so irrational, to keep her from making these stupid ass decisions that could get her killed. This is why I shouldn’t have taken her so soon. To disobey me while still in the learning stage was one thing, to disobey her Dom after he’d bent her, that was a fucking death sentence.

Once we were safe behind closed doors she tried making a run for it. “If you run, you’ll only make me hurt you more than I intended. If you stand and take your punishment like a good girl, I might take it easy on you, but you know the penalty for fucking disobeying me.”

She held her hand up as if to ward me off and that shit almost sent me over the edge. “Come here to me and don’t make me have to tell you twice.” She looked everywhere but at me, seeking her escape.

“Susie, what the fuck did I just say?” I knew the minute I saw her back go up that whatever good Lo’s words had done had worn off. That’s just the way she is, fight ‘til the end. Just like her old man.

“Fuck that Cord, I’m not your child. I’ve been taking care of myself for a very long time and I don’t need you or anyone else telling me…” She backed away from the look in my eyes, opened her mouth and screamed for Logan.

“Are you fucking crazy?” I heard them rush the door. “Lo you break down my door we’re gonna have problems.” I knew that shit wasn’t gonna work. And she knew ten seconds too late that she’d fucked up.

I kept my eyes on hers even as they broke down the door. I could tell from Lo’s expression that he knew she’d just made it worse for herself. “Cord, she’s young, she doesn’t know about these things…”

I didn’t even look at him or none of the others as they came in and stood in formation around her. I knew they were protecting her because she’s mine, but that didn’t make me any less pissed.

“Cord, let her go with the girls so we can talk.” Con came over and stood on my other side as I looked at her with no expression whatsoever on my face. Zak led her to the door as she looked back at me scared out of her fucking mind.

“Cord?” Now she was afraid to leave. I turned away from her, too fucking mad to speak. Now I’m not only mad at her for once again mouthing off at me, that I will not let go lightly, but she’d called out to another man to protect her from me. Little Susie would be lucky if she could walk again after I get through with her.

I listened as they each pleaded her case. I heard how young she was, how inexperienced she was in the relationship game and a whole lot of other bullshit that none of them would’ve given a fuck about if it had been their woman. Even Davey pleaded with me not to tan her ass, but it was all in vain.

While they were talking I was mapping out her punishment in my head. It was fucked that this came so soon on the heels of my taking her for the first time. But if I let this shit go I would do more harm than good.

Each of my brothers had a go at me. They did their best to bring me back from the brink but I didn’t even pretend to be listening to shit. I’d already gone to ice.

“Bring her back in here.” I left them to decide if their little intervention had worked or not. She came in looking like she was ready to take flight again, which would only amp up my rage. I waited until the others left before confronting her. “Let’s do this shit again.”

“Did I tell you not to leave the compound?” I found that the anger instead of abating had only grown worst in the few minutes she’d been gone from my sight.


“Yes what?”

“Yes sir.”

“Come here.” She walked over to me looking a lot uncertain about herself now. There was no more fire. “Kneel.” I pointed to the spot between my legs on the floor. She knelt with her head down and her hands behind her back.


