Cord Read Online Jordan Silver (SEAL Team Seven #5)

Categories Genre: BDSM, Erotic Tags Authors: Series: SEAL Team Seven Series by Jordan Silver

Total pages in book: 86
Estimated words: 97696 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 488(@200wpm)___ 391(@250wpm)___ 326(@300wpm)

Except maybe Tyler, that ass hasn’t let up since the first night I brought her to my home, to my bed. I accepted their congratulations and appreciated their not asking me the questions I knew were burning a hole in their tongues. But the closer I got to her, the antsier they grew.

Yes they know I am a Dom, but add my natural propensity to be controlling even in the littlest of things, and the fact that each of us had a certain creed when it came to our women, and I’m sure they felt a little apprehensive for the girl we’d just learned was the commander’s daughter, the one that might be way too young to handle my shit.

I’ve had her in my bed ever since we came back from Law’s place. Some of her things are already hanging in the closet or sharing space in my drawers. I’m working on making that shit permanent.

I don’t care whose daughter she is, it’s my turn to protect her and there’s no better place as far as I’m concerned than here with me. Heaven help me I didn’t know what I was getting into when I made that decision.

I’ve spent nights in some of the most fucked up places in the world. Staking out asshole insurgents in the desert where any minute a mortar or some fuck can take me out. Waiting in the dark to rescue some diplomat or the other while mercenaries patrolled five feet from me. Not once have I endured the hell that I face with her hot little body snuggled up to mine, her scent teasing my nostrils. She sleeps, I stare into space counting fucking sheep and scolding my dick for being a greedy fuck.

And then there’re the nights like this, when I want to say fuck it and just give into my body’s needs, when I’ve come so close that it’s hell holding back. I took her to our bed and laid her between the sheets. Her poor body was worn out and she could hardly keep her eyes open.

I didn’t let her clean up before tucking her into bed. She always slept with my cum drying on her and in her. With one last kiss to her brow, “sleep well Little Gem, dream of me’, I left her as she snuggled into my pillow, and went out into the night to meet my brothers.




“How’s the baby?” I ran my hand over the mound of her pregnant tummy. My kid was in there. I still have a hard time getting my head around that shit. If not for this fuckery that we’ve been dealing with, I would be on cloud nine all day everyday. But because most of my time is spent trying to catch these fucks, I hardly had a spare minute to enjoy all that I had found since moving here.

“She’s doing great.” Her hand came down to cover mine and I swallowed hard. I didn’t want to bitch out, but every time she said ‘she’ my heart dropped to my fucking toes. I don’t know how Zak does it, but I know for a fact, if this kid turns out female I’m fucked.

“That’s good and what about her mother, how’s she doing?” She turned her lips up for a kiss and I saw the twinkle in her eye. I’m so proud of her. She didn’t sign up for this shit, but she’s been a real trooper. “I’m better than great. I’m so happy Connor, even if I have to put our wedding on hold.” She grinned at me facetiously and I kissed her nose.

She would have to get her dig in. At least once a day I hear about her postponed wedding. “You’ll have your dream wedding gorgeous I give you my word. Now, let me say hello my kid.” I slid down her body, lifting her nightie as I went. She had a cute little paunch that was just beginning to show. But her tits, now they were a thing of pregnant beauty.

“Take this off.” I knelt over her as I helped remove her flimsy bit of silk. “I love these.” I hefted the weight of her lace-covered tits in my work-roughened hands. I try to be gentle with her these days since her body has become so sensitive, but sometimes, like now, it’s hard not to fall on her like a starving wolf. “You look ripe baby.”

That still makes her blush after all that I’ve done to her, all that we’ve shared. I unhooked the front clasp of her fancy bra instead of ripping it off the way I would have a few weeks ago and drooled when her magnificent flesh came into view.

Even the color of her nipples had changed a little; they seemed much darker and these days it didn’t take much to have them standing at attention. Still in my kneeling position, I leaned over and licked her nipples, moving back and forth before I sucked one into my mouth, pushing it around with my tongue before letting her feel the slight sting of my teeth biting into her flesh.

“Ummm baby, I can’t wait to drink from these.” My cock leaked pre-cum at the thought and I growled and hissed as her nipples pebbled on my tongue. I had to hold myself back from just driving into her and fucking her senseless, but her body makes me so fucking hot.

Her hand went right for the goods, fishing my cock out of my jeans and stroking. She wasn’t too shy about that anymore, and by the time I get her going, she’ll forget her prim and proper upbringing. My cock grew in her hand as she went after my balls, gently squeezing them before going back to my cockhead and teasing my slit with her fingertip. She knew all the tricks now, all the ways to get her man hard enough to pound nails.

I switched tits, but this time was a little more forceful, her right tit was way more sensitive than the other, and I’ve been able to make her cum here lately by just nipple play. Her hand sped up and before I knew it, she was struggling to get my pants off. I reared back and let her have her way, helping her shove them down and off, before getting back in position.


