Cord Read Online Jordan Silver (SEAL Team Seven #5)

Categories Genre: BDSM, Erotic Tags Authors: Series: SEAL Team Seven Series by Jordan Silver

Total pages in book: 86
Estimated words: 97696 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 488(@200wpm)___ 391(@250wpm)___ 326(@300wpm)

Or we can kill the fucks before it gets to that. That’s my option and from the looks passing between my brothers I’m thinking we all had the same idea. They had no idea that we’d finished Stockton, though they were aware that we’d dismantled his operation. We’d made it seem that it was because he’d gone after Tyler’s woman.

The general still had no idea that we were onto him, or that we had someone on base feeding us information. The fuckers that kept calling thought we had no idea who they were working for, and we let them continue believing that we thought they were trafficking drugs.

I’m not sure how long that façade was gonna hold up and now with Lyon offing people it might not be long before they started piecing shit together.

I moved to the window in time to see the women heading to my place and a look at my watch showed that two hours had gone by already. Davey had made a trip but was back at Dev’s. I’m sure he gave the boy something to do to keep him occupied; he’d had a rough night too. I’m gonna have a talk with him later to make sure he’s okay.

After the phone call Mancini made some more calls, each of them sounding like some sort of code. Since there was nothing more to be done until we heard back from Lyon and made some kind of arrangement for the others, I decided it was a good time for a break.




Holy shit! Am I still breathing? It can’t be possible for anyone to survive that. I took stock of myself to make sure everything was as it should be. My hoo-ha was pulverized, I can’t even touch her, and there are love bites all over my chest and back, but none of that took away from the feeling of euphoria. No wonder he kept saying I wasn’t ready? Who would be?

I guess the big stupid grin on my face was testament to the fact that I didn’t give a damn about any of that. It was well worth the wait, even if I never walked again in this lifetime. The pain meds were wearing off and although he told me to take more I refused; for some reason I wanted to feel what he’d done to me, it was important.

My heart lurched when I remembered that he hadn’t used all of himself in me. I’d felt the ring each time he slammed into me that first time and then he’d used his hand when I seduced him, mercy. There was a sting between my thighs when my body reacted to the memory of what we’d shared.

Looking down at my girl, I had a serious internal conversation. We’re gonna have to do more than the yoga Cord has been having me do as part of the exercise routine he designed for me, to keep me fit as he put it. I’m not sure what the point of him teaching me self-defense was since he won’t let me leave his sight, but that’s another story.

See, my mind is mush. I rolled around on the bed letting his scent in to keep me warm. No wonder those girls were always so happy even when their men were being Neanderthals. I rubbed my hand over my tummy where I could still feel him and felt a sense of pride that I was able to please my man.

I rolled out of bed too full of energy to nap. He was still leaking out of me even though I’d showered and I decided to leave his essence on my thigh instead of cleaning up. I hobbled my way to the couch and actually had to fan myself between the legs to get some relief.

I heard movement outside before the girls came in to find me lounging back on the couch. Davey was right behind them with a worried look on his face and it reminded me of what else happened last night, or early this morning rather. I’d forgotten all about that and wasn’t too interested now either. I didn’t want anything to interfere with my feeling of complete joy.

Gaby took one look at my face and ushered him back out the door. “You’re gonna have to come back later Davey boy.” She never took her eyes off me as she pushed my poor brother out the door. All I heard was his ‘wait, I just wanna see…’ and the door was closed.

“What?” I looked at her as she came to stand over me. With tongue in cheek she gave me the once over. “You did it.” Of course that set the rest of them off and although they didn’t ask for details things got as steamy as they ever had until I came back down to earth.

“Oh shit, mom.”

“What, did you hear from her?”

“No, she must be going out of her mind with worry. I totally forgot all about her, what kinda daughter am I?”

“Look she has the number right, I’m sure the guys already spoke to her…”

“Yes Dani, but she’s still going to be worried. She came back last night expecting us to be there and we weren’t.” I got gingerly to my feet and headed for the bedroom to put on something more than Cord’s shirt.

“Where are you going?”

“She’s off today I’m gonna go see her, make sure she’s okay.”

“Er, that’s not a good idea, you better check that out with Cord first.”

“Why? He’s busy. Besides, it’s just around the corner and I doubt anyone would try anything again after last night Vanessa.”

“I don’t know about this.” Vanessa was still fussing when I came out of the bedroom in sweats. Couldn’t wear anything that would go anywhere near my privates unless I was looking to maim myself.

“You guys don’t have to come, I’ll make a quick run and be right back.” Now they had me second-guessing myself. “Maybe I’ll just call her and let her know we’re okay.” I tried her three times without an answer before giving up.


