Cord Read Online Jordan Silver (SEAL Team Seven #5)

Categories Genre: BDSM, Erotic Tags Authors: Series: SEAL Team Seven Series by Jordan Silver

Total pages in book: 86
Estimated words: 97696 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 488(@200wpm)___ 391(@250wpm)___ 326(@300wpm)

Keeping close to the wall, I made my way down the hallway to her door, which had been left open. From my vantage point around the doorjamb I could see into the room and what I saw had me biting into my lip to hold back the scream of rage.

She was on the bed; someone was leaning over her with his hands around her neck as her feet struggled. She was putting up a fight, but she was no match for the hulking figure that had her in his grips. One sweep of the room confirmed that there was no one else there.

I kept the rage barely in check as I moved swiftly forward and grabbed him around the throat from behind, pulling him back and away from her. I didn’t stop until I slammed him into the wall. “Who sent you motherfucker?” I eased up on his windpipe enough to let him answer.

“Fuck you.”

“Wrong answer.” Without giving it a second thought, I twisted hard once, and heard the satisfying crunch of a neck breaking. He was done before he hit the floor where I dropped him.

I turned and grabbed her up from the bed before the scream could leave her lungs and pulled her head into my chest. She knew my scent and I felt her relax just a little at the knowledge that I was there. “You’re safe.” I kissed her hair before placing her behind me and slipped quietly from her room with her hand held firmly in mine.

I hadn’t had a chance to search the place, so I had no way of knowing if there was more than one asshole here. I was going to take her to her brother’s room and leave her there while I looked, but I saw movement coming towards us in the dark.

I knew it wasn’t one of my brothers because they had more sense than to be that fucking careless. I lifted my gun and fired off two shots to the head. I wasn’t worried about missing, and was sure of my aim when I saw and heard the body drop.

Her hand shook slightly in mine and she made the slightest of sounds in her throat, but those were the only indications that she was distressed in anyway. Good girl! I sometimes forget how tough my baby is. Later I’ll shower her with praise and tell her how proud I am of her bravery, but right now I needed to stay in kill mode.

I kept my ears pricked and my senses open to my surroundings as we crept down the hallway. I didn’t sense any more movement or feel the presence of anyone else in the house other than her little brother, but I wasn’t in the mood to take any chances, so I shielded her body with mine as we crept along the wall stealthily.

The whistle came not long after, announcing the arrival of my brothers and I answered before going to Davey’s room. Lo was the first one through the window, followed by the others. “Who’s home with the women?” As much as I appreciated them coming, I couldn’t forget we were on high fucking alert back at the compound.

“Ours are fine-we made sure of that. How’s yours doing?”

“She’ll be fine but she’s not staying here after tonight.” I kissed her forehead and put her away from me. “Go with my brothers baby, I’ll be right back.”

“Where are you going?” She clung to me, making my heart jump in my chest. I hated the fear in her eyes, hated that this shit had touched her. Too fucking close. “I have to make a run, you’re okay baby look at me.” I clasped her face between my hands and looked into her eyes, something else I was teaching her to do is read me. After her slight nod, I turned to my brother. “Ty I need a hand.”

“What do you need brother?” I motioned him towards the hallway, and the others followed after admonishing the kids to stay put. “There’s another one in her room.” I told them after they saw the body on the floor.

Both men had been dressed in all black with facemasks on. We could pretty much guess who was behind this shit and I for one was tired of the fuckery, no fucking more. My only concern now was, had they been sent to capture or kill to get back at me? “What are we doing bro?”

“We’re taking them to the beach, let the fuckers who sent them find them. I’m sure they have some kind of tracking device on them, and since these fucks want to remain hidden they’re not gonna want anything that can lead back to them out in the open.”

I went through their pockets first to see if they were dumb enough to carry ID on an OP and was disgusted to see that they had. What kind of amateur bullshit was this? So far our opponents had proven themselves to be smart, but this was a huge mistake. Maybe they were getting nervous because we were getting too close, who knows. “Not military.” Punk ass. I passed the IDs off to Lo.

I went back to her pulling her into my arms. “Go with the guys, I’ll be home soon. Go straight to my place, the door’s open.” After kissing her on the forehead I left her with the only men I’d ever trust her with and went to dispose of the bodies. I wasn’t even thinking of them or the fact that I’d taken their lives. The fuck were they doing in her house?

This changes everything. When shit started going south I’d let Lo make the plays. I was happy to stick to the status quo, to let things run the way they always have. But there was no way after tonight that I was letting anyone else call the shots, not where my woman is concerned. As soon as I stash her at my place I’m going on the hunt, this shit ends now.


