Contempt (Sin City Salvation #3) Read Online A. Zavarelli

Categories Genre: Angst, Biker, Contemporary, Dark, MC, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Sin City Salvation Series by A. Zavarelli

Total pages in book: 195
Estimated words: 185573 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 928(@200wpm)___ 742(@250wpm)___ 619(@300wpm)

“She should have called me,” he says, an edge of irritation in his tone. “I told her to.”

“It was no big deal.” I shrug.

He stares at me for a beat too long, or maybe that’s just my paranoia.

“While we’re on the subject, is there anything else you want to own up to?” he asks.

An eerie feeling crawls up the base of my neck. He couldn’t know, could he? Or does it even fucking matter at this point? I should just tell him right now. He deserves to know. But when I open my mouth to admit the truth, I can’t bring myself to do it. Even after everything.

“What’s with that look on your face?” Adam grills me. “You’re making me think I can’t trust my own brother.”

“What are you talking about?”

I don’t know why I sound so goddamn defensive, especially when he’s right.

“The ranch.” He leans back against the sofa, assessing me. “I know you met Bianca there. Why didn’t you tell me?”


I expel a harsh breath, wondering how much he knows. How much Bianca told him.

“I don’t know.” I walk to the couch and sit down beside him like everything is cool, even though it’s not. “She said her family didn’t want you to know she was there because of what you might think. It didn’t seem like it was my place to say anything.”

God, I feel like a fucking prick. Adam is my brother. My blood. And not only have I fucked his girlfriend multiple times, but now I’m lying to his face about it. It feels like he can tell, and I don’t know what’s worse. That he knows something’s up, or that I can’t own up to it because some twisted part of me still feels a loyalty to Bianca she doesn’t deserve.

“Fucking Bianca,” he clips out. “It’s not like I’m oblivious to her mental problems. She knows it pisses me the hell off when she lies like that.”

“Well, at least she finally told you.”

I don’t know why the fuck I’m defending her.

“Yeah,” Adam mutters.

It feels disingenuous, and when I meet his gaze, I don’t know why I’m getting the sense that she didn’t actually tell him. But it’s the only thing that makes sense because I know her parents sure as hell wouldn’t admit it. Either way, the one thing I do know is I can’t handle this shit anymore. I can’t sit here and look Adam in the face every day and keep lying to him like this.

“Did she screw around with anyone there?” He looks at me with a stone-faced expression.

It feels like a full minute of silence passes when I swallow. I don’t know what the fuck to say to that, other than the truth. But then Adam bursts out laughing and punches my arm.

“Kidding, bro. She knows I’d come uncorked.”

I try to nod, but I’m not sure I even move my head.

Adam rises from the sofa and checks his phone. “I’ve gotta go, but I have some free time this weekend. You want to do some target practice?”

I grimace at the suggestion. It’s something we’ve always done together, and it’s been far too long. But I know now with certainty those days are over.

“I can’t,” I tell him. “I have somewhere I have to be.”

Chapter 39


“Are we all set?” I wedge the phone between my ear and shoulder while I head for the door.

“Yes,” Lucian answers. “She’ll meet you at the diner at seven.”

“Thanks.” I swing open the door to find Birdie and her sister Gypsy waiting outside.

“What are you doing here?” I ask.

“Visiting my sister.” Gypsy laughs. “Duh.”

“Is that my wife?” Lucian asks through the phone.

“Here.” I hand Gypsy the phone, and she arches a brow as she says hello to Lucian.

I gesture the women inside and close the door behind them. Birdie makes herself at home in the kitchen, grabbing a water from the fridge as Gypsy assures her husband that all is well. He’s protective as hell of his wife, and after what they’ve been through, I can’t say I blame him.

“Here.” She hands me the phone when she’s done. “Now you can explain to my husband why you’ve been avoiding him.”

I grab the phone reluctantly and bring it back to my ear. “Can we hash this out later? I need to head out if I’m going to make it on time.”

“Fine,” Lucian agrees. “But don’t put it off. We need to talk.”

I give him my assurances and hang up, glaring at Birdie. “Why did you bring her?”

“Hey!” Gypsy props a hand on her hip. “What’s with the attitude? I thought I was one of the least annoying people you know.”

“Sure,” I grumble. “If you say so.”

“She’s hanging out with me for the day, so she had to come.” Birdie shrugs.

“You know this is going to cause problems for me,” I mutter.


