Contempt (Sin City Salvation #3) Read Online A. Zavarelli

Categories Genre: Angst, Biker, Contemporary, Dark, MC, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Sin City Salvation Series by A. Zavarelli

Total pages in book: 195
Estimated words: 185573 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 928(@200wpm)___ 742(@250wpm)___ 619(@300wpm)

“I’m not going to push you.” He manipulates my body with the warmth of his touch even as he says the words. “But can you tell me why you don’t want to know? I can’t help you if I don’t understand.”

Frustration edges its way into my voice. “I just don’t want to know. Whatever happened in my past can’t be changed, so what’s the point? I am who I am now, and I’m okay with that. I have no interest in reliving memories that should stay dead.”

“But they aren’t dead,” he argues. “Can’t you see that? Something happened to make you forget, but that doesn’t mean it all goes away. It’s still inside you, whether you remember it or not. And I think you’re avoiding it because you’re terrified to face it."

I kiss him to shut him up, and he grunts at the impact. But my manipulation evolves into something else when I thread my fingers through his hair and steal his breath with a possession I feel in my soul. I need to feel him. I need to lose myself in him so deeply that he’ll never want to let me go.

He feels the fire, too. I know it when he starts pawing at my body and groans into my mouth, broken fragments of his thoughts spilling free as he draws my dress up over my hips.

“God, you drive me fucking crazy.”

“Good,” I hum against him. “I want to drive you fucking crazy.”

He yanks my dress up over my head and tosses it, and then he slips my thong aside, his fingers gliding through my arousal. I attack his belt and the zipper on his jeans, desperate to get him inside me. His eyes are dark and hot as he watches me slide my hand into his briefs to stroke his cock. He’s burning up for me, swollen with the same ache I feel between my thighs. And he’s not playing around when he tugs down his briefs and grabs a handful of my ass.

“Ride me.” He issues the command in a tone that makes me melt.

I was already planning on it, but he lifts my hips and positions me onto his cock, stretching me apart as I sink down on his huge shaft.

“Jesus,” I pant.

He growls his approval as he tips his head back and watches me with eyes that leave a trail of fire everywhere they touch. And I can’t help but be taken by him. His intensity is like a drug to me. He’s so insanely hot, it isn’t fair because I never stood a chance. He has such a hold on me, and I wonder if he knows it. I wonder if he even realizes I want to steal all of these moments until the end of time. I want to own him the same way he owns me right now.

“Madden,” I whisper his name because I need him to hear the things I can’t say.

He palms my ass and jerks me down, the full weight of his cock thrusting up inside me. I squirm against him, and he rewards me with the lash of his tongue against my nipple. It’s delicious torture, and I can’t help the embarrassing moan that crawls up my throat. But that sound only stokes the hunger in him, making him rock me down even harder.

“Fuck,” he groans as tension ripples through his muscles. “You feel so goddamn good wrapped around me.”

I grab his face and kiss my way down his throat, tasting his skin and inhaling him without an ounce of shame. He’s burning up beneath my fingers, his gaze blazing with heat when he pulls my face back to his. We’re an inch apart, eyes locked, breaths tangled as our lips barely graze each other. He’s watching me like it’s a dream. I know because I feel it too.

“Do you know what you do to me?” he murmurs against my lips.

His words send a full-body shiver of possession through me, but when he grabs me by the neck and kisses his way down my jaw, it’s the beginning of the end. I want it to go on forever, but he’s touching me exactly the way I need to be touched. He’s rolling my hip with one huge palm, sliding the other up into my hair to wreck it the way he likes. And when the sound of his approval rumbles from his chest, it tips me over the edge.

Shock waves pulse through me, wringing every ounce of pleasure from my body. And when I clamp down around him, he buries his face deep in my neck as his orgasm unleashes inside me.

“Fuck, Bianca.”

His words lance through my tender heart like a knife. He’s still coming down, too caught up in the moment to feel it. But when he relaxes his grip and falls back, eyes finding mine, he sees it. He recognizes the damage he just inflicted.


