Committed (Brides of the Kindred #26) Read Online Evangeline Anderson

Categories Genre: Alien, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Brides of the Kindred Series by Evangeline Anderson

Total pages in book: 118
Estimated words: 110492 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 552(@200wpm)___ 442(@250wpm)___ 368(@300wpm)

“That’s partially it,” Vic admitted. “Being part artificial, I am not sure if I could bond you to me, but if I did, you would be left alone with a half-severed soul bond when I go back into stasis. That wouldn’t be fair to you, because you would never be able to bond with another male, after I was gone.”

Torri opened her mouth to say she didn’t want to be with any other male…and shut it again. She hadn’t known the big Kindred that long It was probably wrong to tell him she wanted the two of them to get tied together for life—which as far as she understood it, was the premise of forming a “bond.”

“And if I tried and failed to bond you to me, that might also be painful,” Vic continued. “So it seems to me that we shouldn’t have penetrative sex tonight.”

“But then…how are we going to fill that huge meter?” Torri gestured to the empty meter on the wall.

“A little at a time,” Vic said thoughtfully. “We know that we are both multi-orgasmic…”

“Excuse me? We are?” Torri raised her eyebrows at him in surprise.

“Well, you orgasmed more than once for me last night,” he pointed out, clearly unfazed by her question. “And all Kindred males are multi-orgasmic—which is to say, we don’t need a recuperation period between orgasms before we can come again.”

“Really?” Torri thought of how she had noticed that he hadn’t gotten soft right away after she was finished sucking him that morning. But she certainly hadn’t equated that to him being multi-orgasmic.

“Yes, really,” Vic said mildly. “So I suggest that we pleasure each other to orgasm as many times as we can without attempting to bond. What do you say, sweetheart?”

“I say…let’s try it.” Torri lifted her chin. “After all, we have all night. Er…how long is a night on this planet, anyway?”

Vic frowned thoughtfully.

“I would say about…ten Earth hours?”

“Good, we’ve got ten hours to fill up that meter.” She nodded at the yorn meter on the wall. “So let’s get going.”

“I think I know a way to fill a good part of it right away,” Vic murmured, looking her in the eyes.

“Um…how?” For some reason, Torri found that her cheeks were getting warm. It was that hot look he was giving her—what did he have in mind?

She was soon to find out.

“Remember how you tasted me this morning?” Vic asked, his eyes going half-lidded at the memory.

“Of course.” Torri took a step towards him and put her hands flat on his broad chest. “Would you like me to do that again?” she asked, looking up at him and giving him a naughty little smile.

“Maybe later.” Vic stroked her cheek. “But to start with, I want to taste you.”

Torri’s heart started to pound. It wasn’t that she didn’t like to be tasted—it was mostly that it had been so long since she’d been with a man who was any good at it or wanted to do it. She was convinced that Chuck had always done a terrible job at going down so that she would stop asking for it—a strategy which had worked quite well for him.

But here was Vic, wanting to do it.

And if he’s as good with his tongue as he is with his hands, it’s going to be a wild ride, whispered a little voice in her head. Torri had to admit it was probably right, but she still felt a little nervous about it.

“You’re sure you want to?” she asked uncertainly.

“Sweetheart…” Vic stroked her cheek. “I’ve wanted to taste you from the first moment I smelled your sweet scent. But does it make you uncomfortable? The idea of spreading your legs for me and letting me lap your soft little pussy with my tongue?”

“N-no,” Torri stuttered. The way he murmured those hot words as he looked into her eyes made her heart pound even harder. “Well, maybe a little,” she amended. “I mean, how do you know you’ll like it? You’ve never done it—never, er, tasted a girl before—have you?”

“No, I haven’t, but I have Kindred DNA,” Vic explained. “And Kindred males have a biological need to taste their females. It strengthens the attraction between them and ensures that a female will not stray if a Kindred warrior hasn’t bonded her to him yet.”

“You…need to taste me?” Torri lifted her eyebrows uncertainly. “Really?”

“Really.” His deep voice as a soft, hungry growl. “So come on, sweetheart—let’s go to bed.”

“Well…okay. But shouldn’t we, uh, change into our night clothes first? Since we’re going to be spending the whole night?”

“A good idea,” Vic agreed. “Luckily, I still have your bag.” He held up the duffle bag she had packed back in her old house, what felt like a million years ago.

“Thanks. Um…do you think there’s a restroom I could use to, er, freshen up and change before we start…start trying to fill the meter?”


