Committed (Brides of the Kindred #26) Read Online Evangeline Anderson

Categories Genre: Alien, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Brides of the Kindred Series by Evangeline Anderson

Total pages in book: 118
Estimated words: 110492 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 552(@200wpm)___ 442(@250wpm)___ 368(@300wpm)

“Mmm…” Vic gave her a sleepy smile. “That’s exactly what I want to do. I want to pleasure you until you come for me, sweetheart. Come all over my fingers while I touch you.”

“Keep talking like that and touching me and I won’t be able to help myself,” Torri panted.

“Mmm, do you like it when I talk about what I want to do to you?” he asked, arching an eyebrow at her. “Do you like to hear my desires while I bring you pleasure?”

“Yes,” Torri moaned. “Yes, please—don’t stop!”

“Should I tell you how much I love stroking your slippery inner folds?” he asked softly. “Or tell you what I’d really like to do to you?”

“What…what’s that?” Torri panted. She was expecting him to say he wanted to have sex and to be honest, she probably wouldn’t have said no. But Vic surprised her.

“I want to lap your pussy,” he growled softly. “I want to bury my head between your legs and spread your pussy lips with my tongue. I want taste your sweet pussy honey right from the source as I lick deep inside you.”

“Oh!” Torri gasped. Suddenly, her pleasure was peaking. The combination of looking into the big Kindred’s eyes while he stroked her wet pussy and hearing him talk dirty to her in that deep, rumbling voice of his was too much.

She gripped his broad shoulders as she felt herself tilting over the edge of orgasm. It was a feeling like being pulled out to sea—the inescapable rush of pleasure that rolled over her like a warm ocean wave and dragged her in deeper with every heartbeat.

“Vic!” she moaned, as she ground helplessly against his fingers. “Oh, Vic, yes! Coming so hard!”

“That’s good,” he growled, his eyes hot and heavy-lidded. “Come for me, sweetheart. Come on my fingers while I stroke your soft little pussy…”

Torri cried out helplessly and obliged him with a second orgasm as her pleasure spiked again. This time she felt two long fingers slide down and enter her, thrusting smoothly to the end of her channel and making her gasp and moan again.

“Gods, sweetheart—I can feel you squeezing all around me,” Vic growled hoarsely. “Wish it was my shaft inside you, instead of my fingers.”

Leaning forward, he took her mouth in a hot, breathless kiss as he pumped deep into her pussy, penetrating her to the core as the waves of pleasure rolled over her…

Torri came again somehow—though she had never been multi-orgasmic before. She wasn’t sure if it was due to Vic’s clever fingers or his dirty talk or his deep, delicious kisses or a combination of all three. But the pleasure seemed to go on and on.

At last, though, she collapsed, panting in his arms, her forehead resting on his broad shoulder.

“Oh…Oh, Vic,” she moaned softly. “That was so, so good. I can’t believe you’ve never touched a woman before!”

“I haven’t, though,” he promised earnestly. “But I do have Kindred DNA—we are good at three things: alien languages, transportation systems, and knowing how to pleasure a female. These are our Goddess-given gifts which we try to put to good use.”

“You certainly put your gifts to good use tonight.” Torri was still panting with the aftermath of her orgasms. “I don’t know if I can take anymore right now, though,” she admitted.

“Your pussy is swollen and sensitive with pleasure,” Vic agreed, gently withdrawing his fingers. “You need some time to recover.”

Then, to her surprise, he put his fingers in his mouth and sucked off her juices with obvious pleasure.

“Gods, you taste as good as I imagined you would,” he growled hoarsely. “I wish I could trust myself to lap your soft little pussy.”

“Why…why can’t you?” Torri asked breathlessly. She liked a man who wasn’t afraid to go down—though she hadn’t been with many of them. Chuck certainly hadn’t enjoyed it, though he would do it grudgingly at the beginning of their marriage. It had been years now, since she’d had a man taste her and the idea of Vic between her legs gave her a hot little thrill.

But the big Kindred sighed sadly.

“I am afraid if I allowed myself to taste your pussy, I would want to bond you to me—or try to bond you. And I can’t do that.”

“You can’t? Why not? I mean, not that I’d want you to,” Torri said quickly. “I mean, we still don’t know each other that well.”

“We know each other well enough that I wish I could bond you to me,” Vic said quietly. “But even if I was physically able to bond you—which I am not sure I am—I still couldn’t do it. After this mission is over, I will return to my hyperbaric stasis chamber in the Mother Ship. There, I will close my eyes and sleep until the next time the Kindred warriors need me and awaken me. So you see,” he added sadly, “It’s better if I don’t allow myself to taste you—it would only make me want you too much.”


